Unearthed Arcana Why UA Psionics are never going to work in 5e.


Guest 6801328

You don't have to, but I'm curious about what official 5e content you think I've called junk.

I don't recall everything you've ever written, nor do I feel like searching, but you've been highly critical of this UA. I suppose you could squirm out of it by saying, "Ah, but this isn't official yet." If so, I don't really want to get into it with you. So I'll ask, and hope you answer honestly, if you genuinely like everything official in 5e, or is there stuff you think is bad or imbalanced? If you say yes then I'll retract that claim.

If the inclusion of something you never have to use is going to ruin your fun, something is seriously wrong.

How many times have we gone around on this? I may not have to use it personally, but, yes, it does lessen my game to play at a table in which other people are playing characters that don't feel like D&D to me.

Are you going to argue that it "ruins your fun" to not have an official Psion? If so, then the last 5 years must have been pretty miserable for you. If you've been playing a game that makes you miserable for the last five years, then yes something is seriously wrong.

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Guest 6801328

If holding a false equivalence position that tries to morally equate the two helps you sleep better at night, then so be it.

I challenge you to demonstrate that it's false equivalence.

I meant both, because of how content impacts the sort of stories, characters, and such that people can run with D&D.

Sure. But does that actually make it inclusive/exclusive? Note that "appealing" is not the same as "inclusive". Blades in the Dark is not very amenable to running large-scale tactical miniature battles. Does that mean the publishers are excluding me?

Sorry but leaning on "inclusivity" as an argument just strikes me as an attempt to turn a question of preferences into one about morality.

Actually? Yeah. Kinda.



Morkus from Orkus
I don't recall everything you've ever written, nor do I feel like searching, but you've been highly critical of this UA. I suppose you could squirm out of it by saying, "Ah, but this isn't official yet." If so, I don't really want to get into it with you. So I'll ask, and hope you answer honestly, if you genuinely like everything official in 5e, or is there stuff you think is bad or imbalanced? If you say yes then I'll retract that claim.

ROFL. I've said I really like this UA, but nice try. Saying that this UA doesn't replace a Psion is not being "highly critical of this UA."

How many times have we gone around on this? I may not have to use it personally, but, yes, it does lessen my game to play at a table in which other people are playing characters that don't feel like D&D to me.

You don't have to do that, though. If something was going to lessen my fun, my friends would not play it, even if it was AL legal and we did agree that AL legal characters were okay. Talk to your friends.


Guest 6801328

ROFL. I've said I really like this UA, but nice try. Saying that this UA doesn't replace a Psion is not being "highly critical of this UA."

Ok. I have zero interest in picking through a history of posts, so I'll accept your claim at face value.

You don't have to do that, though. If something was going to lessen my fun, my friends would not play it, even if it was AL legal and we did agree that AL legal characters were okay. Talk to your friends.

If I asked my friends to find good 3rd party content they would be happy to do that for me. Talk to your friends, Max.

(See how obnoxious that is?)


Morkus from Orkus
Ok. I have zero interest in picking through a history of posts, so I'll accept your claim at face value.

That's wise. It would have been a complete waste of time for you. I really like the psionic subclasses offered and wish they would do one for every class out there. I just want a Psion as well.

If I asked my friends to find good 3rd party content they would be happy to do that for me. Talk to your friends, Max.

False Equivalences are false. Not using something that would not be fun for me isn't the same as slogging through hundreds of crappy 3rd party products looking for something that may or may not even be there.

There wasn't a Sorcerer or Bard shaped hole, either. A 5e Bard is basically a wizard with different mechanics and fluff. Same with a Sorcerer. A 5e Barbarian is just a Fighter with different mechanics, so there was no hole for that class, either.
I agree. It's why I don't believe that "stepping on the toes of other classes" was a genuine problem for the mystic. That bridge was crossed long ago.


Guest 6801328

False Equivalences are false. Not using something that would not be fun for me isn't the same as slogging through hundreds of crappy 3rd party products looking for something that may or may not even be there.

I find this so irksome that I have to say more.

First you totally ignore what I’ve said about it being much more than not using it myself, then you grossly exaggerate the difficulties you would face yourself (“hundreds”, max? Really?). And then you accuse ME of false equivalence.



Guest 6801328

I agree. It's why I don't believe that "stepping on the toes of other classes" was a genuine problem for the mystic. That bridge was crossed long ago.

Doesn’t mean they want more traffic on that bridge.

Just look at all the criticism Bard and Sorcerer get for exactly those reasons.

You are, of course, entitled to your suspicions.


Morkus from Orkus
I agree. It's why I don't believe that "stepping on the toes of other classes" was a genuine problem for the mystic. That bridge was crossed long ago.
Nah. Spells =/= toes. The role of the Sorcerer is metamagic and the other class abilities. The role of the Bard is party face, not spells. The role of Barbarian is wilderness raging beast. No toes were stepped on by the inclusion of those classes.

I was being a bit facetious with my statement. I think there was a hole for those three classes and also the Psion.

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