Why were fans disappointed with Battlestar Galactica's finally?


Naked and living in a barrel
Well one was raped and broken, she didn't talk or move. She felt different.

Gaius' Six didn't change her hair the entire series. Maybe you're confused because you saw it a long time ago. Maybe she ain't that good an actress.

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Well one was raped and broken, she didn't talk or move. She felt different.

Gaius' Six didn't change her hair the entire series. Maybe you're confused because you saw it a long time ago. Maybe she ain't that good an actress.
Again, I may be remembering incorrectly, but there is an episode where Gaius is having his brain checked, and I think she might change it there. Maybe it's just the clothing, it's been too long.

But Gina was a bit more than the scenes in the holding cells.


Naked and living in a barrel
She is one of the better actors of the show, I'll giver her that, but BSG exist alongside others shows/films/theatre.


Well despite not the best ending, compared to all the negative responses in this thread and the comparison to the original show (which I also watched religiously when it was first aired) - I loved BSG, and thought it was the best show on television at the time, and think it was far, far better than the original. I especially loved the big CGI space battles, but also the little things like having ballistic weapons instead of ray guns. It was a great show!


I think part of it was the "Filler" leading up to it. It felt like they had three seasons worth of material but milked a fourth out of it, which included all the (seemingly endless) Roslin "visions" and that tripe.

I enjoyed the ending well enough but man, some of Seasons 3 & 4 really felt thrown in haphazardly to fill out the "mystical" storyline as well as screen time.


First Post
I honestly think the Finally was pretty ok, it's the end of the 3rd and the 4th season in general I don't like. It just feels drawn out artificially

Voidrunner's Codex

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