Why were fans disappointed with Battlestar Galactica's finally?


but also the little things like having ballistic weapons instead of ray guns. It was a great show!
Yeah, I liked that too. Along with the nukes. For some reason, a lot of sci-fi seems to completely ignore nukes as if the discover of laser pistols suddenly means we no longer want to destroy things on a large scale.

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First Post
Yeah, I liked that too. Along with the nukes. For some reason, a lot of sci-fi seems to completely ignore nukes as if the discover of laser pistols suddenly means we no longer want to destroy things on a large scale.

Also, the aspect that they had to dial back their tech to deal with the cylons drew me into the show,


First Post
The 3 hours mini-series intro really is what got me into it. Very impressive work.
I completely agree. The miniseries is one of those episodes I come back to and watch quite often. As far as I'm concerned, the overall best episodes of BSG still are the Exodus episodes, though.

Yeah, I liked that too. Along with the nukes. For some reason, a lot of sci-fi seems to completely ignore nukes as if the discover of laser pistols suddenly means we no longer want to destroy things on a large scale.
That's one oddity. The other is that they all like to make up fancy stuff like antimatter bombs and all that, and completely disregard how powerful this really would be and what kind of devastation it could wreak.

Worst example might be some of the Star Wars tech stuff. I am not really sure that the whole concept of "Hypermatter generators" and what not are supposed to be canon or just some fanwank, but it seems ultimately bullsh*t beyond belief. They make up giant numbers, and then have humans survive a blaster hit to the shoulder or giant walking tanks destroyable with two tree trunk.

It is a (tv)trope that science fiction authors have no sense of scale, but some cases are worse than others.


First Post
That's one oddity. The other is that they all like to make up fancy stuff like antimatter bombs and all that, and completely disregard how powerful this really would be and what kind of devastation it could wreak.

Worst example might be some of the Star Wars tech stuff. I am not really sure that the whole concept of "Hypermatter generators" and what not are supposed to be canon or just some fanwank, but it seems ultimately bullsh*t beyond belief. They make up giant numbers, and then have humans survive a blaster hit to the shoulder or giant walking tanks destroyable with two tree trunk.

It is a (tv)trope that science fiction authors have no sense of scale, but some cases are worse than others.

Yea, I can hardly enjoy watching Star Trek for any length of time for that reason. They shoot bombs filled with .5kg of antimatter at a planet and all it does is level a house, if that? 500g of antimatter (a typical photon torpedo) has about half the destructive power of the most powerful nuke ever detonated, it should completely eradicate a major city, not blast away a few planks of wood.

Then again Star Wars is so far out there that it's somewhat okay again. Helps that they don't even try to explain the stuff that's going on and that I usually only watch one movie at a time, compared to TV series where I tend to binge watch whole seasons.

A sense of "realism" is really what I like about BSG and to a lesser extend about Stargate SG1, stuff either feels in place or they at least try really hard to make it plausible.

Elf Witch

First Post
I am still a huge fan of the original. I saw it as an adult and while it is now cheesy compared to how TV shows are done today at the time it was amazing. I am not a huge fan of the new show. I think the mini series and first season were well done but after that it started to feel as if the producers and the writers lost control of the story of the story they were telling. I used to joke that the cyclons may have a plan but the writers have no clue what it is. I still have not watched the last season.

I think there are some really good ensemble casts on TV today Orange is the New Black has some amazing actresses on it as does Davinci's Demons, Criminal Minds, Black sails.


That's one oddity. The other is that they all like to make up fancy stuff like antimatter bombs and all that, and completely disregard how powerful this really would be and what kind of devastation it could wreak.

Not that BSG didn't also have that problem.
How many nuke hits did the Galactica survive in the pilot?


Barring a direct hit in which case nukes would be very effective, why would nukes be particularly more effective than conventional explosives? Presumably space faring ships would have to be extremely heavily radiation shielded and in a vacuum explosive force is largely irrelavent.

Doesn't really matter how big the bang is in a vacuum.

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