D&D (2024) Will Pact Magic survive?


You don't have to change your Warlock. Do you feel you have to? Is your DM going to force you? Just talk to your DM and let them know you'd like to play it as it has been. It breaks nothing!
This is likely how it will be during the transition, but based on 3.5 nd 4eEssentials.5, a few months in, you're just not going to get bring in any of the old stuff at a new table. As much as we keep saying we're going to use the old stuff, we keep... not doing that.

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the thing is Martial classes is what I hoped would get better... but this slight move in the right direction has also gutted the caster I liked best. So now my fighter I never get to play got a minor bump and one of the other two classes I like got changed to where I don't even know if I want to play it.

I feel like if my group moves to this 2024 edition I will end up just not playing as it stands right now and I am no joke real literally about to cry. 18 years of my life I have spent with this game.
And if your DM says "We're changing to the 2024 rules, and 2014 options are forever forbidden, and your crying about it isn't going to change my mind," that's not a very kind DM.

Of course your DM should let you play the same character that you love because it sill works in the system.

I am so sorry if your DM is going to be this strict, especially if they are going to make you cry.

That is your choice,
I mean it's a table choice not a personal one.
but I will offer a potentially unwelcome insight. It's not the same because it is not a different game.
what we label it doesn't matter what you call it, and I am now fed up to my head with rage over this argument, you say it's not a different game but it's a different warlock. in a game useing the 2024 warlcok i will not be able to play the class I like best...
This is more like 4E's Essentials options not negating the 4E PH options. Both are valid at the same table.
except it isn't
Again, if you want to limit yourselves, that's 100% your choice.
it is a table choice not a me choice
But no one, not Wizards, not anyone, is forcing you.
okay so you think the 2014 warlock will be in adventure league?

This is likely how it will be during the transition, but based on 3.5 nd 4eEssentials.5, a few months in, you're just not going to get bring in any of the old stuff at a new table. As much as we keep saying we're going to use the old stuff, we keep... not doing that.
I have seen people let 2e and 1e mix, but not often, I never saw 3e/3,5 mix 4e and essentials I DID see mix, but not any of those with 5e

And if your DM says "We're changing to the 2024 rules, and 2014 options are forever forbidden, and your crying about it isn't going to change my mind," that's not a very kind DM.
great... way to kick a girl while she is down. just call my friends as the issue not the class changing.
Of course your DM should let you play the same character that you love because it sill works in the system.
except it doesn't it works completly diffrent, if it worked the same why are they changing it in the PHB?
I am so sorry if your DM is going to be this strict, especially if they are going to make you cry.

I mean it's a table choice not a personal one.

what we label it doesn't matter what you call it, and I am now fed up to my head with rage over this argument, you say it's not a different game but it's a different warlock. in a game useing the 2024 warlcok i will not be able to play the class I like best...

except it isn't

it is a table choice not a me choice

okay so you think the 2014 warlock will be in adventure league?
I strongly suggest that your talk to your DM and table about the "all or nothing" stance being hurtful. How can they not have empathy about that? You are proving that this is not an insignificant choice.

And I will 100% provide feedback that Adventurers League allow the 2014 class options. They claim it will be backwards compatible, so they can prove it.

great... way to kick a girl while she is down. just call my friends as the issue not the class changing.

except it doesn't it works completly diffrent, if it worked the same why are they changing it in the PHB?
I am not trying to kick you while you are down. This morning has had a lot going on. It's brand new information that not everyone has been able to process yet. I was going off your claim that they would not be empathic to your concerns. But I bet if you had a conversation with your table, and explained your concerns, that they would be more than happy to let you play your Warlock as is.

And if your friends don't allow a perfectly acceptable, already-played character at their table, then they are indeed doing you a disservice. How can they not have empathy for your frustrations? I think they will if you talk to them about it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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