D&D 5E With Fizban's and now Bigby's, what other groups do you think we'll see with their own books?

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My bet would be for a Liliana's Libris Mortis, yes, even if Liliana is a planewalker from M:tG, but today the limits between D&D and M:tG are more and more diffused. Fistandantilus from Dragonlance was a relatively famous necromancer, but now "he is not in this neighbour". Gilidarius, Raistlin's former apprentice is practically unknown. Or maybe a Ez d'Avenir's guide of undead.

The next one should be a new edition of "Lords of Madness" about abominations.

My bet would be for a Liliana's Libris Mortis, yes, even if Liliana is a planewalker from M:tG, but today the limits between D&D and M:tG are more and more diffused. Fistandantilus from Dragonlance was a relatively famous necromancer, but now "he is not in this neighbour". Gilidarius, Raistlin's former apprentice is practically unknown. Or maybe a Ez d'Avenir's guide of undead.
Given that they're bringing back Planescape, perhaps something along the lines of "Skall's Book of the Dead"?

edit: I can't say I'm particularly up on M:tG lore, but isn't she mainly an antagonist? The monster books have been named after (arguably *) friendly NPCs, and the players option ones after antagonists.

* Lookin' at you, Mordenkainen - lookin' at you.
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I filtered the necromancy spells and the only one that had a proper name associated with it was Abi-Dalzim’s horrid wilting, so that could be a possibility, but I think Vecna is a more likely choice.


Excellent point on elementals. There's plenty of room for bestiary additions (genie and elemental variants, para-elementals as you said, maybe even the quasi-elementals and energons), and lots of possible player options/info (genasi info, elemental subclasses as you said, and potential warlock patrons). Lots of possibilities for magic items and spells as well. And it could even double as a sourcebook for the Inner Planes, assuming that Planescape more or less ignores them as it has in the past.
You could bring back Primodials in a big way with an elementao book too.

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