Wizards In Winter - High-Level Thread (DM: Son of Meepo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


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"I can go and see if they are willing to talk. If it comes to blows I can retreat quickly. And Dox can be my unseen support."

"I'll add my voice to yours. Though I may not look it, I've been a fair diplomat in my time. Although sometimes despite the best diplomacy, it must come to blows."

"Although... they may not like us interrupting their revels. They certainly won't want to just give us the items if they're an important part of the ceremony. Do we have anything we can trade?"

[sblock=OOC]I have Diplomacy 11 - what's yours?

I have 10 Mystic Salves and 20 Sanctified Incense I can trade them. And I can create Holy Water. I might be persuaded to give up my ritual book if they want some sort of mystic item. Or my Ornament of Alertness as a last resort. (No way am I letting go of my Holy Symbol.) What kind of items are these that they have strung up, exactly?[/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
]I have Diplomacy 11 - what's yours?

I have 10 Mystic Salves and 20 Sanctified Incense I can trade them. And I can create Holy Water. I might be persuaded to give up my ritual book if they want some sort of mystic item. Or my Ornament of Alertness as a last resort. (No way am I letting go of my Holy Symbol.) What kind of items are these that they have strung up, exactly?

Mine is only +9, but I have Bluff at 15. I don't have items I don't use or consumables, so no trade for me.


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*Kauldron takes another long drag of his cigar, and lets a large sigh out as he exhales a bellow of smoke.*

I suppose I could aid in this diplomatic envoy. I do have a way with words, and the ladies after all.

*He grins slyly under his masked helm.*

[sblock=Diplomacy]Kauldron's Diplomacy is +14, and intimidation +14 if that helps out any.[/sblock]

Son of Meepo

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With a few of the group deciding the take a diplomatic route to dealing with the issue, they approach the village. Though the group keeps to the cover of the trees, they are soon spotted by a patrol. The natives draw their weapons in response to your approach, taking up a defensive formation.


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*Kauldron marches at the lead of the envoy. He stops an appropriate distance away as to not startle anyone with any hidden moves. He removes his masked helm and tucks it under this right arm. Slicking back his mohawk to fix it a little. He looks directly at one of the guardsmen.*

I am Kauldron, Paladin of the Pyre of Madness. I have traveled from a far off plane, and wish to parlay with your chieftain.

*He speaks clearly and confidently. His gaze never wavering from the one he speaks towards.*


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Another, more lightly armored figure steps next to him and removes insect-like helm:
"Be at peace. We're here to talk, not fight."

OOC: auto-success on aid-another.
Also, Martelai racial Group Diplomacy: all allies get +1 to Diplomacy so [MENTION=85506]Darksteed[/MENTION]/Kauldron rolled 21


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Tarkus takes up a place on the other side of Kauldron, flanking him. He holds his hands out at his side, well away from his mace, looking stern but not speaking.

I'll be on vacation with no internet access until Tuesday. Go ahead and NPC me if necessary.

Son of Meepo

First Post
The guards don't immediately attack but one of them, likely the leader shakes his head before replying in broken common.

"No interrupt. Spirit man make blessing for chief. Bad luck interfere."

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