First Post
"I can go and see if they are willing to talk. If it comes to blows I can retreat quickly. And Dox can be my unseen support."
"I'll add my voice to yours. Though I may not look it, I've been a fair diplomat in my time. Although sometimes despite the best diplomacy, it must come to blows."
"Although... they may not like us interrupting their revels. They certainly won't want to just give us the items if they're an important part of the ceremony. Do we have anything we can trade?"
[sblock=OOC]I have Diplomacy 11 - what's yours?
I have 10 Mystic Salves and 20 Sanctified Incense I can trade them. And I can create Holy Water. I might be persuaded to give up my ritual book if they want some sort of mystic item. Or my Ornament of Alertness as a last resort. (No way am I letting go of my Holy Symbol.) What kind of items are these that they have strung up, exactly?[/sblock]