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Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Hello readers, I hope you're enjoying the story. Reader's comments are welcomed.

I've also asked my players to start adding some comments, so please feel free to ask any questions you might have about the campaign, the characters or anything else that comes to mind.

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Silver Moon

Chapter Fifteen, “Venting”, Friday, March 10th, 1882, 2:45 P.M.

Over at the Lucky Lady, Nanuet sees that besides for that terrible day in the bank when Jake was mortally wounded, Ruby is more upset than she has ever been. He quickly escorts her upstairs, not saying anything else until they are alone. "It's OK Ruby, you don't need to be embarrassed. I know you are worried. We've been in some jams before and so far we've gotten out of every one. We'll figure it out."

"I am embarrassed. But thanks Nanuet." Ruby let Nanuet into their room and closes the door. "Make yourself at home." She pulls off her shoes and sits on the bed. "On top of all this, my leg really hurts," she says shaking her head. "And Jake wants me to sing tonight! How can he expect me to do that..."

She gets up, grabs a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon, pours Nanuet a drink and sits back down on the bed. "There are some things I have to tell you now. Jake and Chester are innocent, we both know that. But others don't see it or don't want to see it. I'm going to tell you a story and then you decide just how far you think you can go..." Ruby then tells Nanuet the whole Kale story and everything she knows about Danby Jones. Then she gets into Adair, and him almost shooting Jake that night. "I don't know if Adair or the Earps have ANYTHING to do with this, but it's all possible, right? And Nanuet, I can't lose Jake, I just can't. Not now. he's changed my life."

Nanuet replies, "And I thought I had been busy since I had been here. OK, nobody is going to lose anybody. We know the truth and that is what is important here. I am not sure if we need to use your information against the Earps or Adair but it is something we can hold in our back pockets. I still think we need to see Jones somehow. That brainless moron is the cause behind this whole mess. I couldn't find him anywhere, I checked the bank, livery and his boarding house."

"He's probably in the other jail, that is what Jake thinks anyway. I have a spell I can use... to read thoughts. I can try to find out what he or someone else is thinking. And I'm also good at manipulating people. But if he is already in jail they would see me influencing him, so that isn't the best idea." Ruby lies back on the bed, her eyes starting to close slightly. "It's almost time for dinner, I have to bring it over to Jake and Chester when it's ready. Maybe buy some books for them...what else could we bring?"

Nanuet is thinking and is about to say something to Ruby when he notices she has fallen asleep on the bed. He walks over and covers her up with a blanket. Nanuet heads over to Judge Lacey's store and buys a few books, not being able to read common he just grabs what he sees on the shelf. He heads back to the Lucky Lady and offers to help get the place ready for the evening.

Back at the Marshall's Office the town's new lawyer, Elihu Upton, arrives and asks to speak to a Mr. Martin. Chester stands up and steps toward the bars. "I'm Chester Martin. Are you my lawyer?" Upton says, "Yes, I am. Elihu Upton, Esquire, at your service." Chester shakes hands with the man. "I don't know what they told you, but I'm in here because they think I plotted to rob a bank with a couple of other fellows. Only one of us was doing the planning. He kept coming up to us to trying to get us to join him. I even warned the Condon's about him, but they ignored me." He asks who the Condons are. Chester replies, "The Condon's?" "They're brothers who own Condon's Bank here in town. I'm, was, their guard."

Upton confers with Wyatt Earp about the need to speak to his client out-of-earshot of the other accused prisoner, since they are being defended separately. Wyatt agrees to let Upton take Chester across the street to the Great Western Boarding House to talk. Wyatt says "My brother Warren will go with you. You and your client can talk in the sitting room. Warren will stay in the next room out-of-earshot but keep the door open. I want him watching the both of you the whole time." Earp unlocks Chester's cell and he heads next door with the lawyer. Once inside the sitting room. He begins by explaining that his fee for all services up to and including the trial will be a total of $ 6.00 payable in advance.

Once it gets close to dinnertime and Maria has the food ready he heads back upstairs and knocks lightly on Ruby's door. "Huh?" Ruby hears a knock and sits up in bed. Her thoughts come back to her and she sighs, then grimaces from the pain in her leg. She gets out of bed and opens the door. Nanuet tells her dinner is ready and that he will accompany her if she likes. She agrees but asks him to meet her downstairs. She brushes her hair and makes herself presentable. I never did get that bath, maybe after I bring dinner, she thinks. She packs up a quick change of clothes to bring to the bathhouse and makes her way downstairs.

Nanuet and Ruby each take a bag and a plate that Maria had prepared and head back to the jail. Wyatt lets them in. Ruby immediately notices that only Wyatt and Jake are present and Chester's cell is empty. Wyatt insists on checking all of the parcels and uses his knife to poke holes in the various food items.

Nanuet accompanies Ruby up to the cell, helping her carry the food. He gives her the two books that he picked up, Our Martyred President: Life and Public Services of James A. Garfield by the Honorable George B. Loring and Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. He says "I think I am going to head out to the ranch and ask Sonoma to come to the Lucky Lady tonight. I think it might be a good idea if she does some of the singing tonight." Jake says, "Ok, Nanuet, thank you for your help, I appreciate it. Yes, we'll probably need Sonoma for a few days." Nanuet leaves, heading back to the El Parador for his horse.

Ruby puts a smile on her face and heads over to Jake. "Dinner!" She looks back over her shoulder to Wyatt. "Can't I go in while he eats dinner?" Earp replies, "No Ma'am. You can pull up a chair and sit outside of the bars. The only person allowed in a cell with a prisoner is their attorney."

She turns to Jake, "I tried." Looking back to Wyatt, "Can you give him this please..." Ruby points to the dinner and the books. Ruby pulls up a chair. "I don't even know what the books are. I fell asleep and Nanuet went and picked them out. I can bring you something different tomorrow if you like." Jake notices Ruby is having the hardest time looking at him and she keeps looking away.

"Thanks." Jake doesn't try and force eye contact. "How is the most desirable woman in the Americas tonight? Well I hope. I don't have much to talk about, not much happens here." Jake shrugs. "Chester's out with his new lawyer. That's about it. I'll probably have enough time to learn some new card tricks." He finishes matter of fact.

Ruby finally does look at Jake. "How do you think I am? You're in here." She holds his gaze for a moment before looking away. "I'm sorry," she says quietly as she runs her hands through her hair. "I'm just scared. Maybe you're rubbing off on me too much, but I'm worried this isn't just about the bank." She glances to Wyatt then back to Jake. "I went to Berg, told him some things we know." Ruby starts biting her lip, "In case something happens to us."

Jake was watching Wyatt Earp. He could see him easily while looking at Ruby. It seemed to Jake that Wyatt had spent a very long time on the page of the book he was reading. Jake nods his head in Wyatt's direction ever so slightly and then rubs his ear with his hand. "Yes, there is nothing else to do but trust my lawyer at this point." 'And you' Jake mouths to her and winks.

Ruby nods back and stays silent while Jake eats. Finally he finishes and Ruby stands, "I hate to leave you but I still need to have a bath before tonight." She still has trouble looking at him. "Please tell Chester that plate and package is for him. I'll bring you some lunch tomorrow, there should be something in there for breakfast. Take care of yourself tonight, ok?" Ruby pauses and Jake can tell Ruby is holding something back. Finally she just smiles and says "Goodnight."

Nanuet heads out to the ranch, glad to be out of town for a few minutes and in a more open area. He greets Sonoma and Ginnie and explains that Ruby will need Sonoma's help entertaining tonight and asks if she would be willing to spend the evening at the Lucky Lady and do some singing. She replies, “Actually I'm very ready to take a break from building and none of the animals are due yet and I have missed speaking to people other than Flint.

Ginnie looks at the two elfs "Um... going back to town sounds great but I'm really not good at riding a horse. I might be able to make some more money clearing tables again" Sonoma sets Ginnie on a very calm animal and begins to teach the girl how to ride while heading back into town. Nanuet returns to town with Sonoma and Ginnie. He heads over to the Lucky Lady and offers his help with running the place for the evening.

Kate asked Dorita for a vase for her flowers, then went upstairs to her room and arranged them. She chose another and stripped its leaves to tuck it into the twisted knot of hair on her neck. She then went into Mr. Gonzalez's rooms for her lessons. Gonzales makes Kate clean up all of the broken glass from the night before. He then spends the next hour teaching her a new spell, Magic Missile, but only after she promises to not throw it at his walls. He explains to her that the spell acts similar to the wand he had loaned her. He says "The spell has two major advantages. It is very fast to cast and it has unerring aim, so unless the recipient has protections against magic it will cause them harm."

He then adds "I had an opportunity to cast that spell earlier today. I was out in the desert with your friends and we happened upon a rattlesnake. I was just about cast the spell but your friend Mr. Cook beat me to it, pulling out that gun of his. In hindsight, it might have been better if he had waited for me, as he not only the snake but the leg on my Golden Eagle. Thankfully Nanuet had come along and was able to heal most of the damage."

Kate replies, "But she's alright, isn't she? Of course, you wouldn't be here teaching me if she weren't. Poor Ruby, her legs seem to attract bullets. Jake must be so upset, I don't think shooting Ruby will go down well with him. What were you all doing out in the desert anyway?" He replies, “I had asked them to accompany me to help me look around for something that I might need in the future. Pedro and Estaban were busy and you know how Dorita doesn't like for me to go off alone. But after Ruby got hurt we decided to come back to town instead. That's fine, it can wait for another day."

Kate says, "You worried her a great deal when you didn't come back from Los Angeles right away. You worried me as well, to be honest." Katherine looked down for a moment before speaking again. "And I'm sorry if I worried you last night, but I think I know why I was so angry. One, with Earp being gone from Tombstone, I'd felt as if there was at least some consequence to what he'd done, even if it was small. I had been trying to content myself with that. When I heard he was back..... it took that away.

But he's not the only one I'm angry with. I've been trying to not feel angry at Tom. I've felt so guilty about it, this anger at him. He died, whatever foolishness he committed, he already paid for it. I felt like I didn't have any right to be angry, and it all came out at once.

Once I admitted that to myself, it got better. It's certainly not gone, I still want ten minutes with Morgan Earp," she said as her eyes went flat and hard for a moment, "but I don't think I'll have anymore destructive rages. Which I'm also sorry about." He replies, "No need to be sorry. You picked a good place for it. The only consequence to loosing your temper here is that I make you clean up the your own mess afterwards."

"I don't quite understand that. I used Prestidigitation to make the glass, it should have disappeared after an hour, shouldn't it? Did it have something to do with my emotional state?" He replies, "No, it has to do with the nature of this place. Any magical item created by a wizard here remains until the wizard wishes it gone. Yes, I know, I could have told you that earlier and saved you the work of using the broom and dustpan, but that was part of the lesson too."

Sonoma gets into town and heads for her grandfather's room to let him know she's there and will be for the next few days. Ginnie skips into the kitchen and gets her hand slapped for sticking it into Dorita's batter for the sweets for tonight’s supper. A moment later Kate heard the door open and Sonoma came in. "Sonoma. Thank you for my house," she said walking over to hug her. "I didn't want to say much in front of Conrad, the idea of my moving seems to disturb him."

Sonoma replies, “You needed the house so I am building the house but I have to admit it will be nice when you move in. I'm getting a little tired of singing dwarven drinking songs every night and Flint is not the most expansive conversationalist I have ever spent time with. I do know fifty-seven ways to set dynamite now though.”

Silver Moon

Chapter Sixteen, “A Quiet Night”, Friday, March 10th, 1882, 4:00 P.M.

Kate replies with a laugh, "The next time I need to blow something up, I'll be sure to ask your expertise. It will be nice to have a home again. Actually, it will be nice to have a parlor again. I think Ginnie and I will be happy there, and I know I'll like my neighbor. I am a little worried about keeping up my lessons though. It's going to become fairly obvious that I come here for something other than lunch fairly quickly."

Sonoma replies, “You are already teaching Ginnie and you have the education you need to run a school. Why not start one? That way you could come to town every day for your own lessons and no one would think twice about it” Kate answers, "Why I... I wouldn't even know where to start. Isn't that the purview of the town? But then, there are private schools everywhere. I'd need a building, supplies....," Kate's eyes took on that light of deep thought. "Ruby is always saying I should be teaching. But Sonoma, I spent little enough time helping on the ranch as it is. If I took up teaching when would I help out?"

Sonoma says, “You would make money to buy supplies that we need until we get through the first year. Also you would come home after school and be there on weekends to train your horses which will make us more money but not right now. It is winter we can not plant yet. You are my friend but not a knowledgeable builder, I need money for boards and provisions. If you teach we can buy lumber. You would do better in a class than trying to make adobe or swinging a hammer. It will also give the town someone human to trust when it comes time for us to create deals for the ranch. If the children of town know you the parents will buy lamb and wool and beef from you. It is a practical business decision. And you will have a reason to be in town for your own lessons and everyone knows that the food here at the El Parador is the best in town.

Kate says, "It does make sense, although I'm not sure how much money a teacher makes. If I were able to teach in the town's school I would have a salary. If I have to start it myself there will be costs. I'll have to the Merchant's Association, they run most everything here. But if money is an issue now, I just got my share of some things Jake sold for us. I can take care of the lumber, depending on how much it is. My life would become very busy. I still help out at the Lucky Lady, which I need to be getting to it must be getting late. Sonoma, if you're going we can walk over together. I'll keeping thinking about the school."

Chester and his lawyer continue to talk in the room at the boarding house. He tells Upton "I don't have that with me, but in my room at the El Parador, there should be enough. Just ask at the bar, the owners, Pedro or Dorita, can help you. So what do you want to know? I came to town a couple moths ago. I got a job as a guard at Condon's bank. The handyman, Danby Jones, tried to get me involved with his scheme to rob the bank. I refuse and tell the Condons. A month later Jones comes up to me again saying he wants to go today. I figure I can wait until closing to tell the Condons. Then the Marshall arrests me and here I am."

Attorney Upton asks Chester questions regarding a few more details. He then says, "Well, that'll do for now." He turns Chester back over to the Deputy Marshall who walks him back to the jail cell. Upton then goes to visit Pedro and Dorita. Dorita visits the jail afterwards, to confirm from Chester that he has given permission for them to get money from his room to pay Upton. She tells both Chester and Jake "I bring you over breakfast tomorrow."

After securing a room at the El Parador, Luc headed over to the bathhouse and took a much-needed warm bath. His muscles relaxed so much eh almost fell asleep in the tub and drowned. After getting out of the bath he picked out mostly clean clothes and washed the rest in the bath water. He wrung everything out and once he got back to his room he draped it over the bedposts in his room. Luc dressed in the best clothes he had and left his shotgun hanging in the closet. After hearing about the trouble at the bank Luc kept his gunbelt on with his black and silver colts.

He decided to go back to the Lady Luck for dinner after his last meal there had been some of the best saloon food he had ever had. Luc walked in and left his guns with the big wall of a man. He found a nice cozy table in the front corner a distance away from the stage. He found those looking for entertainment wouldn't bother to sit with him because that would mean they would have to sit far from the stage. He sat to the right of the window and looked out wanting to watch the sunset.

Ruby takes her time walking to the bathhouse. She soaks in the bath for a long time, completely lost in thought. She then makes her way back to the Lucky Lady and waits for the night to begin. When Ruby arrives at the Lucky Lady Tony's game is already in progress. That is typical, with his games usually starting by 7:30, Job Kane at around 8:00 and Jake's at around 8:30. While Jake had inherited players from Job's table on Wednesday and Thursday nights that was not the case with the weekends. So far Jake had picked up a few semi-regulars but none that he could count on each and every week. Therefore few would be overly upset by his not being here this night.

Niles Hoover had a full crowd at the bar, redeeming ads from the previous day's newspaper. Jeff Mills was on hand. As of late he had gotten into the habit of leaving early on Friday's unless there looked to be trouble, letting Chester handle the last hour or two. Ruby wasn't sure if anyone had spoken to him yet about Chester not being available tonight.

Ruby approaches Jeff. "How are you doing today, Jeff? Listen, Jake's not going to be around tonight, or the next few days for that matter. Neither is Chester. I need you to stick around and be on your toes." Ruby adds quietly, "Please."

Ruby glanced around the busy saloon. Nanuet was there helping out, and she was happy to see Sonoma keeping busy. Every time someone approached Ruby she would put a fake smile on her face and chat with them, but every time only half listening. She noticed that Kate wasn't there yet, but it was still a bit early. She didn't want to blow this night and this crowd but her heart just wasn't in it.

Kate headed downstairs with Sonoma, but remembered on their way out that Ginnie might want to come along. She told Sonoma to go on ahead and went into the kitchen looking for her ward.
"I'm off to the Lucky Lady, did you want to come and help out again? I'm sure Ruby and Jake would appreciate it."

Ginnie quickly agreed and after sticking her finger in another of Dorita's pots ran out of the kitchen with Kate. They walked over to the Lucky Lady, where it was again very busy. Ginnie ran inside and started clearing tables while Kate looked for Ruby. She saw her leaning against the bar and hurried over. "Ruby honey, Mr. Gonzales said you were hurt. Are you alright?"

Ruby had been waiting to sing, for what she didn't even know. She heard Kate's concerned voice and turned to her, glad to see her face. "Oh my leg, it hurts but Nanuet healed the damage. It should be fine in a few days. And the day that started out bad only got worse." Ruby explains to Kate how Jake and Chester are in jail and the story of what happened with Scarface Jones. She tells it with barely any emotion, her energy waning from this long, busy day.

Katherine reached out and put her arms around Ruby. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you. I should have been. Oh honey." She was quiet for a moment as she held her friend. "But they are innocent, and Mr. Berg is an excellent attorney." She brushed back some of Ruby's hair from her face. "And Judge Isby always gives the option of a fine. He may come out poorer, but he'll be okay."

"Judge Isby hates us, Kate." Ruby looked away from her friend. "Yes, I guess now we have to rely on Mitchell Berg." Ruby rubbed her eyes. She really wanted to start drinking, and keep drinking until she couldn't remember any of this. She knew that was a bad idea, Jake was going to be counting on her to be sharp and who knew what she was going to have to do before this was over. She hugged Kate again then slid off her seat. "Ok, let's go do some entertaining."

Ruby saw the Cowboy from the night before and waved at him as she walked by. He took her up on her offer to hear her sing and from the looks of it so did many others. So while Ruby's heart wasn't in it, she was a good actress, and she did her best to fool everyone into thinking she was fine.

Ruby sang only short sets tonight, but Sonoma was on hand for the longer pieces and Clairesse Townsend came in for her 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM sets as well. Both Job Kane and Tony Lucky had reasonably good nights at the table, with an ample number of new players taking over as others dropped out. The coupon proves to have been a good draw this night as well, plus there are several faces of people who had visited the night before for the first time.

A number of patrons enter carrying the other paper, The Promise City Herald. Ruby snags a copy at the first opportunity to confirm that there is no mention of the afternoon's arrests. There is no mention at all of it. The front-page story is about the unknown bodies found recently in the Dragoon Mountains, with speculation that they were either Cowboy Gang members or victims of that gang. The second and third pages of the four-page paper have a long story of the Merchant Association’s fund drive to establish fire protection for the town, with a detailed history of all fires to date in Promise City. Half of page three is an ad for Frye's Harness Shop and Bootmaker. The back page is a full page Ad for the Palace Saloon announcing a new entertainment, "Bare knuckled boxing every Saturday Night". It also features a two-for-one drink coupon good for Saturday night only.

Katherine tried to keep her playing especially energetic, hoping to buoy Ruby's singing. Those who didn't know Ruby wouldn't guess anything was wrong, but Kate could see the tightness around her eyes and hear the tone in her voice that said her heart was hurting.

While Kate had been pretending everything was fine, Ruby had needed her. Conrad's foul brew had cleared up her headache so easily, she wished there was something like that for Ruby. Something that could fix real problems. She spent the night playing and serving, until nearly 11:30. Once everything was cleaned up Kate approached Ruby. "Would you like me to stay with you tonight?"

Ruby gave Kate a small smile. Thank you, but I'll be ok. I want to stay here." Ruby thanked everyone for his or her help. It had been successful tonight, hopefully the new people would want to come back. She helped clean up with her thoughts somewhere else then said goodnight. Niles and Jeff could take care of anything that came up.

Ruby made her way upstairs, put on Jake's shirt and with a sigh went to bed. Even though she was exhausted sleep would not come. She tossed and turned for hours until she finally got up. She lit a candle and went to the desk. There she sat writing and writing and writing until there were no more thoughts in her head. She smiled at the letter and left it on the desk. When she went back to bed she fell right asleep.

Nanuet spent the night doing what he could to help out. It was a busy night again with the coupon doing what it was intended. The girls seemed to mostly have the place under control and security was not much of an issue. After helping to clean up Nanuet spent the night at the Lucky Lady in one of the spare rooms. Not needing much sleep he spent some time with Sonoma asking her how she was and how the ranch was going. Finally he went to the spare room and did his nightly meditations.

Silver Moon

Chapter Seventeen, “Fairy Tales”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882, 5:00 A.M.

Katherine woke screaming. She hadn't had a dream like that since Morgan Earp had left Tombstone. Kate sat up in bed and pulled her knees up to her chest. There would be no more sleeping tonight unless she.... Kate pulled the blanket tight around her. She would not go downstairs for a drink. If she didn't sleep she didn't sleep.

It started well enough. Kate arrives in Tombstone and Tom was waiting for her on the platform. The sun was shining, setting off the red in his blond hair and lighting up his eyes. He called her his bonny Katie and kissed her. And then Morgan Earp appeared behind him with that knife. His brothers pulled her away as she screamed for help, covered in his blood. It was worse than any she'd had before. She was still awake when the sun crossed the horizon.

Nanuet woke early as always and took a walk around the town watching the sunrise. He thought about stopping at the jail to see Jake and Chester but decided that by himself he might not be welcome and probably wouldn't accomplish much. Once the town started waking up he headed back to the Lucky Lady and made himself something to eat and coffee. He left the pot on in case anyone else would be around.

The next morning Ruby woke late, as usual. She lay in bed just staring at the other empty side. The worry was not gone but she still hadn't come up with any ideas of how to help Jake and Chester. They were just going to have to depend on Mitchell Berg. She hadn't eaten in a while and she was hungry. She dragged herself out of bed and went down to the kitchen. Someone else had made the coffee today and Ruby was thankful for it.

Nanuet had sat down and was enjoying his second cup when Ruby made her way down stairs. "Good morning Miss Ruby, you are up early this morning. Hope you got some rest." Ruby sighed and cradled the coffee mug in her hands. "Not much, but that is to be expected, right? Thank you so much for your help last night. My head was in the clouds." She carefully took a sip. "I’m going to head over to the jail, I want to give something to Jake. Would you care you take a walk?"

He replies, "Sure, I would actually. I was out and about already this morning watching the world wake up but I didn't stop over there. Figured I would wait for you I guess. Better get a shawl or something, it's a bit chilly outside this morning."

Ruby runs upstairs. She rummages through a draw until she comes up with what she is looking for, a book. She heads over to the desk and carefully puts the letter she wrote the night before in an envelope, labeling it Mr. Cook, and tapes it inside one of the pages. She grabs her jacket and heads downstairs. Nanuet and Ruby head over to the jail. When they arrive Nanuet holds the door for Ruby and follows her inside.

Nanuet heads over to Chester’s cell and chats with Chester for a few minutes while Ruby approaches the Marshall. Nanuet says, "Hey Mr. Chester, or just Chester I mean. How are you? Well I guess that is a stupid question. Is there anything you need? We got some books for Mr. Jake but didn't get you anything yet, sorry about that." He replies, "I'm doing OK, Nanuet. How are you? Books would be fine, thanks. Oh and a copy of the latest Harper's Monthly, if you can find it."

Ruby shows Earp the book. "Something else for Jake to read..." He quickly holds it up and fans the pages then nods. Ruby takes the book and walks towards the jail cells. "Morning Jake, Chester. I won't bother asking how you slept." Jake can immediately tell Ruby is nervous about something, although she isn't acting much different than yesterday. She tells them about last night, how the crowd was large, and she gives them a copy of the Promise City Herald to read. "Who brought you breakfast?"

Nanuet then walks over to Chester, and Ruby gets closer to Jake. She hands him the book through the bars. "I brought you some other, um, reading, one of my favorite books." Jake looks at the book as Ruby slides it to him. It's her book of Fairy Tales by Hand Christian Anderson. Ruby gives Jake a smile. "I really hope you like it."

Jake smiles. "Thanks. I know what this one means to you." He hands her a book from his bed. "I'll pass on the Garfield book, I don't think I could get through that tedious history. Maybe Chester will want it. And this one..." Jake takes the other one off the bed and holds it up without opening it. He speaks in a formal tone.

"Last night I saw the sunset melt through my prison bars,
Last night across my damp earth floor fell the pale gleam of stars:
In the coldness and the darkness all through the long night-time,
My grated casement whited with autumn's early rime....

All night I sat unsleeping, for I knew that on the morrow
The ruler and the cruel priest would mock me in my sorrow.
Dragged to their place of market, and bargained for and sold,
Like a lamb before the shambles, like a heifer from the fold!"

"Heh. Back in school I thought Whittier couldn't get any more depressing. I was wrong." He makes a slight grimace before laughing a bit. "I'll read yours though. Fairy tales are about hope, right?"

"Ugh, that's horrible," Ruby grabs the book through the bars. "No more reading that. We can give the other one to Chester. I can bring you something different if you want." She hands the book to Nanuet to pass on. "I'll be back later, with your lunch." She reaches in squeezes Jake arm quickly before starting to follow Nanuet out. She looks back at Jake over her shoulder, "Fairy tales ARE about hope, and happily ever afters, Jake. But mostly they're about love." With that Ruby walks out.

Nanuet says to both Jake and Chester, "We are doing what we can guys, I hope you know that. Hang in there." Chester winces at the last sentence. "I wish you hadn't said that. I know you're doing your best. I just hope it's enough to get us out of this mess. Thank you." Nanuet says, "Oh true, didn't mean it that way, you know that."

"Thanks Nanuet. You know I appreciate it." Jake calls out to the Indian as he leaves. Jake gazes out after Ruby leaves for a short while before he lays back down on what passes for a bed in his jail cell. He just stares at the ceiling for a while, lost in his thoughts before he picks up the book. He glances over to make sure that his jailer isn't watching him before he thumbs through it.

When he's sure he is not being watched, Jake opens the book and flips through to check it's contents. He notices a piece of paper that doesn't belong. He backs up a number of pages before it and pretends to be reading one of the stories. He paces himself, taking the appropriate amount of time on each page. When he gets to the letter, he has to read it sideways to keep the book upright and the letter concealed.

Dear Jake,

Here I sit awake in the middle of the night, unable to sleep. I knew this would happen. I thought of drinking until I passed out but realized that I might be more useful if I was clearheaded. So now I’m awake and miserable, thinking about you and missing you and worrying about you.

I’m sure you noticed I couldn’t look at you yesterday. You don’t belong in jail, we both know it, and it was torture to see you there. Not being able to hug you or kiss you or get close to you, well, you know that’s even worse torture for me. I didn’t want you looking in my eyes and using that uncanny ability you having of reading people, reading me, and seeing how upset I am, knowing everything I am thinking and feeling.

The more I think about what happened today the more nervous I get. How can it be that telling the truth and doing the right thing leads to this? I do blame myself for your current position. I know that were I not a thought in your mind you would have done something different, maybe spoken up sooner, maybe left town, maybe done worse, but you would have done something. You will not change my thoughts on this, I know it to be true. Maybe we have been spending too much time together?

So I decided today that I must make myself spend more time away from you, once you get out. You’ll have things to keep you busy, the silver mine and our saloon and I’m sure you’ll find other ways to keep yourself occupied. I will distract you less and it will help you be more on top of important things you and I both should be on top of. It’s for both of our good, when you think about it. I’ll spend my time missing you, but absence makes the heart grow fonder they say, right? So how could my plan be bad?

Then I realized how stupid I sounded thinking I would be able to stay away from you. This whole jail situation brings up feelings I have never felt before and never thought I would feel. You were right that horrible day you got shot, you do have all the advantage on me, for my feelings must be completely obvious to everyone but myself and I feel foolish now that I am forced to see them. And why have I been ignoring them? I guess I like the ways things are and don’t want them to change. I guess I still don’t believe that things could be different for me or admitting that they finally are could make me lose what I have gained.

I told you I never believed in fairy tales, but I do believe in you and you’ve given me one, tiara and all. This is the happiest I’ve ever been but it’s also made me the most scared. Scared that I would lose all this and scared that I would lose you. I could make my argument that it makes me weak but I like your argument better, that it’s just life.

Now I’m laughing at myself because I written a whole letter and not said what I wanted to say. I wanted to say it when I left you yesterday but couldn’t, I was too afraid. And if you were here you would probably tease me for being a silly girl.

Some time ago I gave you some advice, I told you not to fall in love with me because in the past it always led to trouble. Well, foolish girl that I am, I did not take my own advice. I’ve fallen in love with you. I need you and want you all the time. I KNEW the day I met you that you would be trouble for me, I just didn't think it would be like this.

I’m terrified because I don’t know if you feel the same way but feel excited that you might. Maybe knowing will make you happy, maybe it will terrify you too. Maybe you don’t feel the same way. No matter what please don’t tell me something just because you think it’s what I want to hear. I only want the truth, I’m tired of men telling me they love me when they don’t.

I guess it’s a good time to tell you while you have some time to think it over so you can decide how your heart really feels.

That day in the rain I told you I cared about you and it is still true but that only required a little piece of my heart. Now you have my whole heart, it belongs to you.

I love you Jacob Alistair Cooke.


Oh and I will be so nervous to see you after you read this, so no matter what you have to say, please be kind!

He keeps his poker face, concealing his response throughout. He maintains his measured pace of flipping pages until the end of that fairy tale. He doesn't read those pages any more than he read the ones before the letter. Jake closes the book and puts it under his pillow. Ever so faintly he mutters, "The truth has been nothing but trouble. Do you even know the truth Silver Jake Cook?"

Ruby says, “Let’s go back to the El Parador and eat. It’s still early enough for breakfast.” Ruby and Nanuet head over and let Dorita make them a nice breakfast. Kate managed to get through Ginnie's lessons despite her sleepless night, and when they went downstairs the others were there having lunch. Ruby picks at her food, too nervous now to eat even though she had been so hungry earlier. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she was that she made a mistake. Having doubts was not like Ruby at all, but this was what Jake did to her. She liked things how they were and she was happy, so why did she take the chance of ruining everything? She heard someone calling her and realized she has been ignoring everyone at the table. “Oh, uh, sorry. I was just thinking… Kate, you know I’m sure Jake and Chester would like a visit from you…” She looks up at the face staring at her. “You know, I’m going to go for a walk.” Before anyone can protest Ruby is gone.

When Ruby mentioned it, Kate assured her that she was going to go see Jake and Chester, but Ruby was distracted and left a moment later. Nanuet left soon after, and Kate and Ginnie were on their own again. "Ginnie, why don't you take some time for yourself? I have an errand to run, and then I should go to the jail. I'll see you at dinner time, alright?"

Ruby makes her way out of town and just walks and walks and walks. She walks past the spot where she and Jake had buried the green ball so long ago and decides to sit and think. Promise City has turned out much differently than I thought it would. Finally she gets back up and wanders back into town. She nods to all the familiar faces but doesn’t stop to chat.

She arrives at the Lucky Lady and as soon as she walks in Maria is yelling at her. “You’re late! Those boys are probably starving for their lunch! I was just about to go myself.” Ruby replies, “Oh I lost track of time, what time is it?” “It’s 2:00!” Maria says while stuffing Ruby’s hands with the package of lunch and shaking her head. “Opps,” was all Ruby said before heading out the door.

Jake had spent most of the morning and early afternoon just staring at the ceiling. When he is sure no one will see, he uses his skills to move the letter from the book to his hidden wallet. Once back at the jail Ruby found it hard to walk in. She paced a few times back and forth before finally entering the jail. She stopped at the Marshall’s desk while he poked through the food. Ruby refused to look up. When he was done she brought Chester his lunch. "Hi Ruby. What kept you? We were about to eat our blankets." Chester pauses when he sees Ruby's face. "Is everything OK?"

"I hope everything's ok, Chester. I'm real sorry keeping your lunch from you. I went for a walk and lost track of time. How are you holding up in here? Anything you need?" She stayed in the same spot while talking to Chester, near Jake, and didn't move. "I'm OK, Ruby, although bored to tears." Chester shrugs. "But I can deal with that. I thought something had gone wrong when you didn't stop by earlier. I asked Nanuet to get me some books. That should tide me over. Do you know when this trial is supposed to happen?" She replies, "Monday. I know, not soon enough for any of us. Now eat your lunch, it's probably cold already."

She then walked over to Jake. Handing him the lunch, without looking him in the eyes, she says “I shouldn’t have given you that, um, book, I'm sorry. You have enough to worry about right now.” Ruby stood there a few moments feeling very awkward. "I'm uh, going to leave I think. And maybe send someone back with dinner who can get here in a timely manner." He replies, "Lunch looks good. It's fine, Ruby. I'm not mad at you. I'm just angry that I'm in here. That's all. Good luck tonight."

Jake sits up and watches her stand awkwardly outside his cell. She is just about to leave when he says. "Thanks again for the book, I really like it. I know you feel awkward here in the jailhouse, but don't stop coming. Heck, then all I'd have to look at is Chester or the Marshall." He stands and chuckles. "I was never big on literature, so I won't pretend to understand all the stories in there. Maybe you can teach me about them when I get out. Although I seem to have plenty of time, it's hard to concentrate in here."

Ruby turns towards to Jake and walks back to him. She grabs the bars of the cell and leans her head up against them. “Jake…..” She stands there for a few moments with her mouth open trying to say something but nothing is coming out. She stays there staring at him until finally she smiles. “I don’t know that I understand all the stories either. I never did before anyway. Maybe we can teach each other.” Her smile grows a little wider, “Besides you’re the brains of this operation, I’m just the distraction...” Ruby bites her lip, "Don't worry Mr. Cook, I'll make sure to come back. I don't have anywhere else important to be."


First Post
"Heh. Back in school I thought Whittier couldn't get any more depressing. I was wrong."
Intentional irony. The poem Jake finds so depressing is actually one of redemption. The protagonist is eventually freed from jail and the unfair charges. Very obscure.

Silver Moon

Chapter Eighteen, “Blackmail”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882

Kate went over to Frye's Harness and arranged to have some new clothes made. They would look just like her protective spell when it was cast, so that it would not be obvious when she used the magical armor. She'd have to know there might be danger ahead of time, but she was willing to hedge her bets. Then she headed over to the Marshall's office.

Nanuet heads back to the general store and looks for more books. After the last two did not go over so well he stops to ask Judge Lacey if he has anything that he recommends and makes sure that Mr. Lacey understands that Nanuet can not read so he needs his help picking the books out. He then drops off his findings at the jail for Chester saying "I hope these are good, not sure what they really are about you know."

Chester looks down at the two books. The first is Uncle Toms Cabin or Life Among the Lowly by Harriet Beecher Stowe, With Introductory Remarks by James Sherman of Surrey Chapel. George Bell & Sons, York Street Covent Garden London, 1881. Engravings by Hinchliff. The other is Lives of Andrew Jackson and General Marion: Embracing Anecdotes of Their Characters. Boston, Lee & Shepard Publishers. 1881

Chester looks up at Nanuet. "These will be just fine. Thanks again." He holds up Uncle Tom's Cabin, 'Life among the Lowly is were I am now." Then he holds up the other and smiles. "This book is about two human military leaders. Nice choice. By the way, make sure Ruby and Katherine stay safe. With us in here, who knows what trouble they'd get into." He rolls his eyes.

"Why Chester, what a thing to say," Kate said as she came into the Marshall's office. She very carefully avoided looking toward the desk where whichever Earp was on duty would be sitting. He replies, "Sorry, Katherine. Um, I was being ironic. Yeah, ironic. Seeing as we're the ones in jail and all." He gives an unconvincing innocent look.

She says, "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I didn't know until I got to the Lucky Lady last night. I see you're already set for things to read. Is there anything else I can do for either of you?" He answers, "Not much, I'm afraid. Our lawyers are probably already looking for information themselves. But, thank you for asking."

Ruby stayed where she was, staring at Jake. "Actually, yes, Kate, I think both of these boys need suits. I know Jake does and I haven't seen Chester with one either. Will you join me when we're done here?" "Of course, Ruby, if you think it's necessary," Kate said, a little surprised. She replies, "You don't think so? They have to go before Judge Isby. He already doesn't like us, Jake and I anyway."

Wyatt interrupts the conversation "No telling what he thinks of you. I guess we'll find out soon enough." Kate walked forward and grasped Ruby's hand, squeezing it tight and keeping her eyes away from Earp. "It never hurts to be presentable," she said as if Earp hadn't spoken at all. "We'll take care of it." Wyatt replies, "Ah, I get. Ignoring me are you now Mrs. Kale. Fine, be that way, I won't be the one to suffer for it."

"Why don't you leave her alone?" Ruby finally turned herself from Jake, "Unless you have something you want to tell all of us?" "It's alright Ruby. Don't worry about me." Kate turned to face Earp. "What else is there for me to do, Marshall?" she asked quietly, with no trace of challenge in her voice. Wyatt looks around the room, at Chester and Jake in the cells, and Nanuet and Ruby near the cells and then lastly at Kate, staring her straight in the eye. Warren Earp stays over near the door, casually turning the lock to keep anyone else from entering.

Wyatt states "I’m just saying that Judge Isby has great respect for the law, in fact he relies heavily on the word of the local lawmen. You’ve seen that at prior court hearings. I’ll get to testify first and set the direction of his outlook on the events, based upon the findings of my investigation I’m still busy conducting my investigation, none of my findings are final yet. But based upon what I know right now I’d say that Danby Jones is an idiot, that only he is guilty of anything, and that he just blamed these two in the cells to keep himself out of prison.

But that’s only what I think right now. I still have at least of couple of days to investigate this case. Personally, this isn’t how I’d rather spend my time. I would much rather be working on investigating the Cowboy Gang stagecoach robberies. But that investigation has run cold, it dried up when we lost the trail of a Mr. Colby Tucker.

Now, if I should happen to get an anonymous tip as to where this Colby is, and it proves to be correct, then I guess I’d spend the next couple of days on that investigation instead. But until something like that happens I’ll just have to keep working this one. There’s no telling what I might find. Heck, I could even discover that some of you are involved as well."

Kate just looked at Wyatt. "I'd say your first instinct is correct. Jones is an idiot and these two men are innocent of any wrongdoing. I'm sure you'll be convinced of that before the trial on Monday. We've proved in the past that we are always willing to assist in the keeping of the peace. I remember a cold, wet night in this very office when three of us put ourselves on the line for that very purpose."

She turned back to the cells. "I'm sorry, I should go. I'll see you outside Ruby," she said and headed for the door, hoping they wouldn't prevent her from leaving. Warren casually unlocks the door and holds it open for Kate to exit. "Someone will be back with dinner." Ruby gives a last glance to Jake before heading to the door. She stops when she is near Wyatt and says very quietly, "After I finish work tonight we can talk. Where do you want to meet?" "I'll let you know" he whispers back.

Ruby walks out and meets up with Kate. "Let's go get those suits," she says dully. They make their way over to Kelly's Dry Goods to see what they have in stock. "The gray for Jake and the black for Chester, I'd say." She also suggests a couple vests to match. "We'll take them now, and let you know about the tailoring later, thank you." Kate paid for the suits and left with Ruby.

"Will you come with me over to the El Parador?" she asked quietly. "I want to give you something." "Of course," Ruby replies and follows Kate back. Kate lead the way up to her room and sat down at the small table. She pulled out a piece of paper and her pen and began neatly writing. After the ink dried she carefully folded the paper and wrote "Marshall Wyatt Earp" on the outside.

She handed it to her friend. "I'm so sorry. It's my own foolishness that caused this, and I have to take responsibility for it. Just hold on to that until after work tonight, alright? Then take it to the Marshall." "What is this Kate?" "It's what you think it is. I won't be able to come to the Lucky Lady tonight, I'm sure Sonoma can play for you." Kate took a deep breath and blinked back tears. "I have a few more letters to write and some business to take care of, it could take quite a while."

"And why would you think I would take this to the Marshal?" Ruby had become suspicious of Kate, there was no way she could have heard her talk to Wyatt from outside the jail. "What business do you have that suddenly that has to get done on a Saturday night when we need you?" Ruby's eyebrow was raised and she had a very serious look on her face.

"Read it if you like Ruby. All my business needs to be done today. They claim Mr. Tucker was involved with the Cowboy Gang, which we both know to be a lie. They want him because of what he knows. But their story makes me an accomplice. The moment they have that in hand they'll arrest me. They won't let a chance to be rid of me slip by."

Ruby tucked the note inside her pocket. "Maybe they are right, maybe Mr. Tucker did join the Cowboy Gang. After all, he was there playing cards with Johnny Ringo." Ruby sat on the bed. "But I doubt they'll arrest you Kate, there are too many of us that know the truth and besides, they aren't going to take a chance that you tell the Judge." Ruby sighed. "You need to stay with Mr. Gonzales. You can do your business in his room. Keep Ginnie with you too. I'll take care of the rest." Ruby stood and headed for the door. "Promise me you'll stay with Mr. Gonzales tonight."

"Tom was playing cards with him, are you going to tell me Tom joined the Cowboy Gang too?" Kate shook her head and laid out another piece of paper. "I'm so sorry Ruby. I never meant to hurt any of you. I can do my writing with Mr. Gonzales." "I'm not telling you Tom joined the Cowboy Gang, but the truth is we don't know what Tom and Colby were doing there and we don't know anything about Colby Tucker. Maybe you are better off keeping that in mind."

"I want to hear you promise me you will stay with Mr. Gonzales tonight. I'm not stupid Kate. We will find a way out of this but not if you go and do something crazy. And you need to make sure to protect Ginnie." Ruby walked up next to Kate and put her hand on her arm. "You didn't hurt anyone, this isn't your fault." Ruby paused. "But I just can't let them hurt Jake, I know you understand." Kate replies, "I'm not going after the Earps if that's what you mean. They've won. Enough people have been hurt."

"No, it's not what I mean. And I know if you were going to stay with Gonzales you would promise me that you would stay with him. One of us has experience with shady deals, Kate, and it's not you. I can't try to get us all out of this if I don't know what you are going to do. Look, Jake and Chester are in jail until Monday. You don't need to go off doing something irrational." Ruby laughs, "Save that for me." She pauses, "Hum.. why don't we both go see Mr. Gonzales together, right now?"

Kate looked at Ruby, exasperated. She wasn't going to get rid of Ruby without giving in to something. Maybe her teacher and Ruby could think of an alternative. If not he had to sleep at some point and she could slip away. She gathered her papers and went with Ruby. They head to Mr. Gonzales room.

Ruby and Kate find Gonzales reading inside his mansion. They fill him in on the entire situation and getting threatened by Wyatt Earp. "So, do you have any ideas for us? I'm afraid Kate is going to try something foolish." Gonzales looks at both Ruby and Kate and says "Ideas? Seems like the key piece of knowledge that everyone needs here is the current whereabouts of this Mr. Tucker. Another talk with him might also be in order, when Kate spoke to him last he was too afraid for his life to think rationally. Do you have any idea where we might find him?" Kate looked up from where she was sitting with red-rimmed eyes. "He's with my family in Boston," she said quietly. "But I can't tell Earp that. I wrote him a note, told him that Mr. Tucker went east. I hoped it would give me enough time to reach Mr. Tucker and warn him."

Gonzales replies, "You think that will satisfy the Earps?" He turns to Ruby and asks "Do you think that will be enough for them?" She answers, "I don't know. I don't think the Earps will be satisfied until they have Mr. Tucker in a cell, or worse.

He sits down and thinks for a minute. "Well, going to Boston today isn't possible, I don't have the spells needed to transport us there. We could do it tomorrow, except I've never been there, and can only bring us to somewhere I know. The closest I've ever been to New England is New York City." Kate says, “The train ride from New York is less than a day. Leaving tomorrow, we'd still be ahead of them. I can't let Jake and Chester go to jail, but I can't betray Tom's friend either. I'm so sorry, I should have gone back to Boston."

Gonzales replies "There's another possibility. It's riskier, but with your help Kate we could do it. I could cast a Detect Thoughts spell on you prior to casting the transport spell and bring us to the image from your mind. But it would have to be a place you know intimately, one that wouldn't have changed since you saw it last, and preferably a place where nobody else will be when we arrive. You would also have to totally open your mind to me, without resisting in any way, otherwise the image would not be complete enough for me to use it."

"There are quiet places in my parents home where no one would be. I know the schedules of the servants, we could avoid them. I don't mind having the spell cast on me." Katherine looked down at the floor. He replies, "That could still be problematic. The furnishings and decor may have been changed since you saw it. Even a different rug could throw off the spell. Then there's also the problem of having to explain to your parents how we got into the house. No, I was thinking of somewhere more remote, maybe an outdoor location shielded from changes in the weather or perhaps an unused barn stall."

Kat asks, "Ruby, do you think the note will be enough for the Earps? I didn't want you to know where I was going, I wanted you to be able to honestly say you didn't know. But I suppose home is the obvious place." "No," Ruby says suddenly. "Your note Kate is not enough to satisfy the Earps and I don't plan on using it to implicate you. You must be crazy to think I would hand them over in writing that you helped Tucker."

"And nothing short of them having Tucker is going be enough. Wyatt said, 'AND PROVES TRUE.' So what if you get to Boston and warn Tucker? Then the Earps get there and he isn't there and they think we lied and now we're in even more trouble then before. Then they come after all of us and kill us." Ruby pauses, "This needs to end. I think you need to take Mr. Gonzales advice. Talk to Tucker, last time you spoke to him he was irrational. It's time for him to come back. Kate, this must be hard for you, but you have decisions to make. It's either going to be Tucker or all of us."

She replies, "It's not going to be any of us. They want him, they can have him, but they aren't going to like it." Kate started walking slowly around the room. "I didn't want this, but I'm done playing by their rules." She laughed bitterly. "They had everything they wanted, the fools. When we bring him back, he needs to see Berg. Judge Isby would be better. Before he sees anyone named Earp.

The Earps are never going to feel safe until everyone who knows this secret is silenced. So we have to bring the secret out. Not in public, I'm not that stupid. But if we can get Berg and Isby to talk to Tucker first, then get Wyatt called in, we might be able to make a little legal arrangement. Our silence for Jake and Chester's freedom, and my time with Morgan. All four of them can stand there with guns drawn on me for all I care, as long as I get to say what I want to say. Maybe we take him to Morgan first. We can say what needs to be said and then he can tell his brothers to back off. I don't know, I don't want to risk anyone if we can avoid it."

“It’s too late, we’re all at risk, whether you want to admit it or not.” Ruby ran her hand through her hair. “There is no going back now.” Kate sighed, “As far as I know, Morgan isn’t here in Promise City and I’m not inclined to do this in Tombstone, on their turf. And they will never agree to see Judge Isby. I don’t know if he is bought or not but if he isn’t and we bring this to him, that’s the end for all of us. Maybe we can get a couple of lawyers involved. I really don’t know that Mitchell Berg will go for any of this but there is only one way to find out. And you can’t trust that leech Fisk, so that only leaves the new guy, who we know nothing about.”

“You prepare to go to Boston tomorrow and bring Tucker back with you. You stay in tonight and keep yourself safe. I’m going to talk to Wyatt and I’ll see what I can find out, how far I can push him. But I will tell him that you are bringing Tucker back. The Earps can choose to do this quietly or not, it’s their choice.” Kate nodded and sat down. "There's nothing else we can do, is there? I'm sorry Ruby. I'll do what needs to be done." She folded her hands on the table and looked down at them. "I'm sorry."

Ruby sat down next to Kate. "I don't know what else to do but force the issue. I had been hoping that you might be able to just live with this, but now the Earp's have made it clear they don't want to let it go. We can't let them blackmail us forever." Ruby put her hand under Kate's chin and gently lifted her face up. Looking her in the eyes, "It's not your fault. But you need to figure out just what you will do to make this go away. We all have to decide that for ourselves." She drooped her and hugged Kate tightly. "Hopefully this will all be over soon, one way or the other."

Silver Moon

Chapter Nineteen, “Faro vs. Poker”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882,

Around a half-hour after Nanuet, Kate and Ruby have left Wyatt sends Warren off on an errand. The Marshall then wanders over to Jake's cell and says "You can probably stop being worried about your fate. I have a hunch that your girlfriend will take care of the problem." "She's very resourceful," Jake comments dryly. "In your mind, what takes care of the problem? You can tell me, it's not like I'm going to tell anyone or anyone would believe me over you."

He replies, "That's the truth. And that Lieutenant Gamble told me about Martin's dishonorable discharge, nobody's going to believe him either, especially Isby. The problem is that until my brothers and I showed up here the Cowboy Gang ran the County. Back then they were even audacious enough to wear red sashes as a badge of membership. We stopped that, made people see them for the criminals that they were.

The gang was led by this outlaw named Curly Bill Brocius. Turns out he was wanted for cattle rustling in Texas but we didn't find that out until recently. We pushed them underground but they started pushing back. Almost had a big shootout in Tombstone last October but Arcade's Gang intervened and stopped it. I actually started to think that Arcade's Gang was on our side until they gunned down my old friend Doc Holiday the next day.

In December Curly Bill then made two fatal mistakes. First he shot my brother Virgil, crippled his arm and intensified our resolve to end the gang once and for all. Then he made the mistake of recruiting Deadeye Douglas to join the gang and Deadeye killed him.

While Virgil was still recovering, figuring a wounded Marshall made for easy pickings, Deadeye had the gang knock off two Tombstone Stages plus that bank robbery here you know all too well about. We've been trying to catch the gang since then. We've apprehended several members but didn't have enough evidence to make any of the charges stick. Our last two leads are Colby Tucker and Pony Deal. Virgil caught Deal two days ago but he's not talking.

If I can catch Tucker we might be able to get something. Your friend Kale knows more than she's telling, but she may now be more inclined to help. Why she's assisting a robber and possible murderer I can't say, all I can figure is that her late husband may have been involved with the Cowboy Gang too. Said he wanted to start a ranch, that would have made a mighty good cover for rustlers."

Jake says, "I won't argue with you on the Cowboy Gang. I've been shot at by them more times than I care to admit. If it were just about them there isn't much I wouldn't do to see them stopped, shot or hanging by a rope. I just don't see Tucker, or even Kale for that matter, having the spine to join the Cowboy Gang. Or any Cowboy Gang leader with half a wit that would trust either of those two with any real information even if they did have the spine."

Jake leans back on the bed and puts his hands behind his head. "If you had wanted it, you could've had my help with the Cowboy Gang. I have a nagging suspicion that you have more on your mind than that." Jake fixes Wyatt with his eyes. "So what if you can't find Tucker. Or if he got his throat cut in a whorehouse somewhere? What if you do find him and he won't talk or doesn't know squat? What then? The world doesn't turn on Colby Tucker, at least I don't want my world to turn on him."

Earp says, "I've already concluded that we won't find him. Thought he might be one of those bodies they found in the Dragoon Mountains a few days back, but he wasn't. But I do know this. Katherine Kale was the last one to be seen with Tucker, that day back in January when you got off the train in Tombstone. And when my brother Virgil questioned her about Tucker she lied. She can't lie worth a damn Cook, you should know that as well as anybody. So if there's any chance of us finding Tucker it's through her."

Jake replies, "In the mean time, I guess I just sit here and be your leverage on Katherine. I don't know how well that will really work. I don't give a rat's tail what happens to Tucker. I do care quite a bit what happens to me. If this Tucker business doesn't work out for you remember, tell Jake Cook what he should do to avoid going in front of Isby. I can be quite a resourceful guy too." Jake sighs, grabs his hat and places it covering most of his face. "Looks like I have plenty of time to catch up on my rest."

Earp replies, "Don't you go taking that tone with me Cook. You may not approve of my tactics but I'll do whatever needs doing to bring down the Cowboys. After Virgil got shot we sent our wives back to California, too dangerous to have them around. Once these outlaws are done with we can bring our women back and start living our lives again."

"It's not a tone Wyatt, it's a fact. I'm not being smart with you. I'm stuck in here and can't do anything about anything." Jake sits up. "I didn't know you sent your women away. I worry about my woman and all the trouble the Cowboy Gang brings same as you. I'm not going to be slick and say that you and I are alike, because we're not." Jake chuckles. Wyatt replies, "We're more alike than you realize.” Jake gives him a small smile and a nod. "I'll have the good taste not to point that out to folks."

Wyatt says, “No, seriously, I hadn't planned to become a lawman again when we settled here. I consider myself a gambler by trade, although my game is faro rather than poker."

Jack continues, "What I was saying it that this don't mean we couldn't get along over certain goals. Like putting the Cowboy Gang out of business. If we both want the same thing, I could be a whole lot more use out of here than in." Jake watches for his reaction. Wyatt replies, "Well, I enlisted your aid once, but that was back when I thought this town would be willing to pay you. I have to be careful here too, that Merchant's Association pays my salary, and you're not high on their list."

Jake comments, "You have seen that I've tussled with them before. The day on the road when Morgan got shot, the night coming back from the mine when we brought one of the men in for you, and a couple of other times. I already have enemies in that gang. I don't want to wait until they come after Ruby or me on their terms." Again, Jake watches his reaction.

"Since you own the keys, I wait until you get Tucker or not. Why do you think he's part of the gang anyway? What did he do or who was he hanging around with?" Wyatt answers, "Hard for me to say, that was Virgil's investigation. Warren and Morgan have been back and forth but I haven't been to Tombstone in a long time so all my information is second hand. I just know what they've told me."

Chester leans back in his cell, taking in all this information. He thinks to himself, “The Marshals must really want this Tucker guy, if they're willing to frame me and Jake. What did he do? I mean, sounds like they already know Curly Bill Brocius shot their brother. Wait a minute, if Katherine helped him, he must know something about her husband's murder. That's right, Ruby told me she suspected Morgan Earp. No matter what, things are going to be different around here.”

Jake tells Wyatt, "Fair enough. If you decide not to hang me out to dry perhaps we can come to an understanding on what I can do about the Cowboy Gang. I don't give two craps about a couple dollars a day. I'm more interested in keeping them away from Promise City and the silver mine. And both those are worth a lot more that a couple dollars a day."

Jake scratches his beard a couple of times before he says, "Anything in your agreement to be Marshall keep you from dealing Faro in town?" Wyatt replies, "No, nothing at all. Dealt Faro in Tombstone even after Virgil made me a deputy." "Seems ironic to be talking business with my jailer." Jake says after a moment of silence. Wyatt answers, "Not really. Personally, I think you're making a really poor business decision not offering Faro at your saloon. How much do you know about the game of faro compared to that of poker?"

Jake says, “I'm sure you know more, it's your game like poker's my game. I've been around. I've dealt Faro too. In a fair game the odds don't favor the house very much, so for that type of gambling craps is better for the house.” Wyatt says, I beg to differ with you on the point about Faro. Maybe on a Mississippi riverboat, filled with seasoned gamblers, the odds don't favor the house, but I've found that our here in the rough-and-tumble Wild West the opposite it. You just need a dealer with a flair for Faro and your honest game can favor the house."

Jake says, “Well, it is a simple game to learn so it is easier to get new players or those who don't want to spend lots of time learning or aren't that bright. There is more luck involved for the average players than in poker, and less concentration required since you are only playing against the house. It may be simple to play but it is hard to master and the game moves fast. So it's hard to find good dealers. Me, I favor poker because I love playing poker. It was not an economic decision, but a lifestyle."

Wyatt says, "Which is why you're being a fool not offering the game at the Lucky Lady! Who is at the poker tables around town? The town businessmen, those laying down roots. They may enjoy the game and spend some money, but that's not where the real money is to be made in a mining town with lots of potential new claims. This town has at least fifty serious prospectors living right here and probably another two hundred in the hills within an hour's ride. None of them are serious poker players, they're too busy panning, digging or blasting for their fortunes. They're gambling their whole professions on luck. So when they come to town they want a game that relies on more luck and less skill. If you want to run a poker saloon move to San Francisco or Galveston. But if you want to set up shop in a mining town Faro's the game!”

Jake stops talking and rubs the side of his face before continuing. "Ruby and I talked about it. The main reason we don't have Faro is we don't know a good Faro dealer who wants to work at the Lucky Lady. Otherwise we'd be doing it now a couple nights a week. We'll be doing some expansion soon and will have room for it all week if it proves popular. If you know a good Faro dealer send him our way." Earp replies, “Let's see how this whole business pans out with the Cowboy Gang and Tucker, then maybe we can talk further.”

Jake says, "I've got nothing better to do, if you have the time why don't you tell me what kind of information you are trying to find. Maybe I know something of use." Jake suggests and shrugs. Wyatt replies, "I think I'll hold off on that until I have a better idea of the Tucker situation."

Chester just shakes his head at Jake and Wyatt talking shop. Chester thinks to himself, “He's always looking for an angle. But at least, he and the Marshall have something in common. That should make things easier on us.”

Back at the El Parador, Kate sighed. "I already decided, I'm just not sure I can live with it. Over would be good. All over, one way or another." Ruby kept her mouth shut. Kate would learn to live with whatever she had to do, just like everyone else did. She let go of her friend, sure that she would stay in the El Parador, and stood up. "What do you think, Mr. Gonzales?"

He replies, "I think that tomorrow Kate and I have a trip to make to Boston. Ruby, you're welcome to join us if you'd like, although I imagine that we'll be leaving rather early in the morning and I know you're seldom up then. Check with Nanuet to see if wishes to join us as well, I still have some disguises available."

"I'll let you know later or tomorrow. Thanks Mr. Gonzales." Ruby gives him a kiss on the cheek and a 'please watch out for her tonight' look and leaves. She heads back to the Lucky Lady and has a seat at the bar. When Nanuet comes in she asks him, "Any plans for tomorrow? Feel like taking a trip?" "If there is one thing I have learned in my time in this place, it's don't make any plans. Where we going?" Nanuet asks. She says, "Here's not the best place actually, just think about it and I'll give you the details in a bit..."

Kate was quiet for a while after Ruby left. "You know, he's not going to want to come back with us. How are we going to convince him?" Gonzales replies, "I'm not sure we can. I don't even know if we want to. Bringing him could very easily be the same as sentencing him to death. Plus, he might reveal to Isby and others how he got back her, and we don't want my use of magic to be public knowledge.

Kate says, "I've considered that, but not bringing him sentences Jake and Chester. I can't tell Wyatt Earp that Tucker is with my family. And you're right, I don't know how we would even get him here. He already knows about me, but that's a chance I'll have to take. But I don't want to endanger you. As of right now, I think you are the only person I haven't put in danger."

Gonzales continues, “We need to talk to him, not necessarily return him here against his will. Don't worry though my little Sandpiper, we'll figure out something. Ruby doesn't always think everything through, especially when it comes to that boyfriend of hers. She even thanked him for shooting her in the leg. Trust me, we will find a way to make this all right. In the meanwhile, figure out what our specific destination is going to be. Personally, I'm looking forward to meeting your family." "I'm not sure that's possible, making it right. I used to believe that.... Never mind." She took up her pen and began writing again. What they were about to do was not exactly what she had planned, but her affairs should still be in order before tomorrow. Gonzales left to give her some privacy.

It was quiet in the room as Katherine's pen moved across the paper. Her instructions were fairly simple. If something were to happen to her, her share of the ranch was to fall half to Ginnie, and the other half split between Sonoma, Nanuet and Flint. If she wasn't interested, Ginnie was to be given any money in her bank account and set up in a boarding school. Next she began writing notes. One for her friends here in Promise City, one for Conrad Booth, and one for her teacher. She looked around this room where she had first remembered what being happy was like.

Katherine tucked the notes away, hoping they wouldn't be needed. Without a task to hand, she stood and began to walk, eventually ending in the library. She sat in the only comfortable chair and curled up, wishing for a window. And a window appears on the wall Kate is looking at, the bookcase in that section fading away. The curtains are drawn back but there is no image at all in the glass.

Any other day Kate would have marveled at the sudden appearance of that window, but today she just took it as a matter of course. She imagined the garden beyond her window at her parents, the way it would look in the autumn when the rain was falling and everything looked as if it were weeping.

The glass clears and an image fills the window. It isn't her parent's garden in Boston however. She is looking out from a hillside in a wood elvan town. She can see dozens of adobe structures and a few made of wood. Townspeople are passing by, some of the men in western style clothing but most with bright ponchos and sombreros on their head. The women are mostly in brightly-colored dresses. And the children are all playing happily in the streets. She can see a large body of water in the distance, which appears to be an ocean, with a few ships anchored in the harbor.

Kate looked at the image for a moment, thinking this strange window must show only someplace her teacher wanted to see. She wished the bookcase back and closed her eyes. "Your home?" she said quietly, fully expecting Mr. Gonzales to hear and answer. "Yes" his voice replies as he walks up behind her. "I sensed that the window had appeared. I'm curious how you managed to accomplish it?"

"You're looking at what had been known as the village of San Juan de los Esteros. Today it is known as Brownsville, Texas, with a population of near 4,000. This is the oldest part of town, where the elves who have resided here for centuries live." He looks more intently and says "That man, with the long mustache and the blue swirl pattern on his woolen poncho. That is my cousin Carlos. You'd like him, he trains horses too. That boy near him, that would be Carlos's son Ramone. He appears to have grown since I saw him last."

"I just sat down and wished for a window. It was blank, I hoped it would show me something else. I tried to wish it away, that doesn't seem to have worked so well," she paused. "I'm sure I would. Like him, I mean," she said, not really looking. "It's a long time to be away from home."

"Yes, and since the Texas authorities are looking for me it would be dangerous for me to go there. When I first arrived here in Arizona I would spend hours staring out this window. I then forced myself to do it less often. Now that I think of it, the window hasn't been up since you came into my life. It's funny, it's the same window and the same town but I see it differently now. It is now a place of fond memories for me, but I am not longing to be there. This is my home now. Thank you for that Katherine." He makes a hand gesture and concentrates and then the window disappears and the bookshelves filled with book fill the space again.

Kate says, "Thank you. It's good to know that I helped someone here. You know, Conrad said yesterday that I change people, that they are better for my being there," she stopped and shook her head. "Someone should ask Jake, Chester, and Ruby about that." Mr. Gonzales was quiet while Kate sat in the chair for another minute. "I'm sorry," she said finally, getting up. "I'm just.... it's hard to see anything clearly right now. You've helped me as much, or more, than I've helped you. But I am glad, and you're welcome."

Gonzales suggests to Kate that they head downstairs for some of Dorita’s Saturday night dinner specials. Kate agreed saying, "I think this is the first Saturday since I've been here that I haven't worked. I'm not sure if I can eat, but I'll try. I must look a fright," she finished as she checked her hair by touching the knot at the back of her head. Instead of trying to fix it she just pulled out the pins and let it hang loose. "It's still early, perhaps it will be quiet yet,'" she said as they left his rooms and went downstairs.

Silver Moon

Chapter Twenty, “The Priestess”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882,

The stagecoach rolls into town. A rough looking man saunters out of the Wells Fargo office to help with the bags. He spots a striking young human woman stepping off the coach. She has flowing dark hair and soft olive skin that, he notices, swells and curves in all the right places. He licks his lips and quickens his pace. She looks in his direction and smiles. “Buenos Dias, Senor.”

“Good day Senorita. How may I help you?” he says looking her up and down. With the same sunny smile she responds “ I am in need of a place to store my things for the moment, a hot meal,” and brushing the dust from her traveling gown, “and a bath” she says.

“Ah Senorita, I am sure that I can be of assistance. I will store your bags in my office. You may purchase passable fare at the Lucky Lady or the Drover's Hotel… and I will gladly help you bathe.” he leers. She looks up with an amused sparkle in her eyes and laughs “Ah Senor you are so kind and I’m sure the goddess will bless you for such generosity. Let me introduce myself if we are to be friends.”

She holds out a delicately gloved hand. “My name is Minerva Garcia Florencia and this is my owl Luna,” she says holding up a cage containing a small white owl. “I am hoping that we will come to know one another very well as I will be preaching at the Olympus Church on Sunday.”

“Pardon me, por favor, Madre,” he stammers. “I had no idea that you were a preacher. You don’t look like…. I mean…. you’re so…. ummm, I did not mean to insult you.” “No offense taken Senor, I shall take it as the complement that it was intended to be.” “Will you be staying in Promise City long, Madre?”

She puts him at ease by laughing brightly, “Madre? Now you do insult me. Do I look like your mother, Senor?”.. No need to be so formal ” Laughing he says ”No Miss you certainly don’t look like my mother.” “You may call me Senorita Minerva. And yes, I am home to stay” she smiles. “Home to stay? But I haven’t seen you here before. Have I?” he says. “No, She replies. I am new to these parts but I like the looks of this town. It’s just the way I imagined it would be. Full of promise don’t you agree? Now I think Luna and I should find us a bite to eat.”

“The Lucky Lady is one block down on the left,” he says pointing east. “It can get a mite rough in there at times, Miss. Be careful. Good Luck and May the gods protect you, Miss.” He says. “They may Senor, but I find it more prudent to protect myself.” she takes a small gun from her bag and hides it in the folds of her gown. Picking up Luna in one arm and a delicate tapestry bag with an intricately woven design in the other she moves toward the saloon.

Minerva pauses, turns back to the man and sweetly calls. “I shall see you at church on Sunday senor!” and with a soft feminine bounce to her step, a satisfied smirk on her full lips and a look of determination in her dark eyes she sets out in search of the saloon. “Well Luna, that’s one down, another 300 or so more to go.”

A short distance away Luc was thinking that he needed a job. The money that Henry had gave him was running low. He might be wanted but he was not going to resort to being a low life to get money. 'bout the only thing he knew how to do was fight and ride. Luc decided he might as well accept it and take up trying to be a bouncer again. First place he tried was obviously the El Parador.

Luc spoke to Pedro, the owner of the place. He told Luc "We don't have any jobs at the moment. Problem you face is that most businesses in town won't hire a half-elf. I'd suggest you ask over at the Lone Star, sorry, I mean Lucky Lady. They just finished adding a floor to the place and are talking about some further construction work. They've hired an Indian who stays here, so are more open minded than most around here."

"You forgot to mention yourself," Luc though to himself as Pedro spoke." Thanks. I'll try the Lady then." Luc turned and walked out. He almost knew Pedro was going to mention that place to him. Seeing as how they just reopened and are trying to keep their legs from the previous business. What was even funnier was that he would have to put up with the Singer's snake tongue again. Maybe he might go a trip there without seeing her, seeing as she was the evening entertainment and this was afternoon. Luc made the walk down to the Lucky Lady. As usual the Big Wall was taking guns at the door. As Luc unarmed himself he said" The owner a this place about?"

Ruby considered letting Niles handle this, but when she looked up he was not to be seen. Yes, the liquor delivery, she remember, that would explain why Harry is behind the bar. She slid off her chair. "And why would a cowboy such as yourself need the owner? If I might be so bold to ask?" Ruby pulled her long hair over her shoulder and cocked her head, waiting for a response.

Luc smiled. " Ma damn luck," he thought to himself as he fixed his hat and looked at the Singer. " Well ma'am I wasn't aware the entertainment was the owner," Luc said with a slight hint of sarcasm," but I was told this is the place to come if a fella was looking for work." Luc walks over to the bar crossing through the sunspots on the hard wood floor. He wanted to laugh from the irony. "Pedro down at the El Parador said no one hires guys like me. Says you got an Indian workin for ya here. Just figured I'd pop in and see if yer boss'd wanna take me on."

"We do have an Indian that works here and that's him right there." She nods to the bar. "His name is Nanuet. Guys like you? You mean cowboys like you?" Ruby walked a circle around Luc, looking him up and down. "And what DO cowboys like you do, Luc?"

Nanuet looked the half-elf up and down. He realized that he recognized him from hanging around the Lucky Lady the other night. He must be new to town, haven't seem him around he thought to himself. At first Nanuet didn't like the way this guy talked. Seemed like he needed a lesson in manners, especially when talking to a lady. He opened his mouth to say something, but Ruby seemed to have no trouble handling herself.

Luc looks over at Nanuet as Ruby points to him. He can see the wheels in the Indian’s head turning as he looks Luc up and down. Ruby passes into his vision as she circles him. " You treat everyone like a deer in a wolf pack?" Luc says looking between Ruby and Nanuet," I dunno weather yer sizin me up fer a meal or bein friendly."

Luc takes his hat off and fixes the inside as it was becoming uncomfortable." And so there's no confusion.... I ain't no cowboy. As far as guys like me...." Luc says pulling his long hair back over his ears to reveal his heritage," guess you could say we don't belong nowhere....nor are we wanted. Jus figured I'd see if you had work." Luc puts his hat back on and looks at Ruby waiting for another sly remark.

Minerva enters the saloon in time to see a young woman circling what appears to be a rather wary looking half elf twirling his hat in his hand. She notes the Indian at the bar watching the scene with amusement in his eyes. Minerva sets Luna and her tapastry bag on the table by the window where she can observe what's going on inside and outside the saloon.

Ruby watched the well-dressed woman enter the Saloon and take in her surroundings. Not very often did women frequent the saloon, alone, and so well dressed. While keeping an eye on her Ruby commented, "You still didn't say what kind of work you were looking for. As for being a cowboy, you look like one to me." Ruby stopped directly in front of him. "You look big and strong. You're hired, but consider it an audition. You'll report to Mr. Mills," she gestures to him, "and you'll do as he tells you. Work out the details with him." She pauses, taps her lip, and smiles, "And you'll report to me."

She leaves Luc standing there with his mouth hanging open and makes her way over to the new lady. "Good afternoon. Welcome to the Lucky Lady. You must be new in town, I've never seen you before. Name's Ruby," she says cheerfully extending her hand. It's almost like you run this place, she thinks to herself, and it was helping take her mind off the troubles of the day. "How can I help you?"

“Buenos Dios, Ruby, I am Minerva Garcia Florencia and this is Luna, she say's motioning to her owl. My compliments to you. You handled that gentleman very well. I hope that you can help us. We have been on the road a long while and are in need of a warm meal and a cold drink.”

"Pleasure to meet you." Ruby laughed, "I'm quite used to handling men, as you can imagine, and I'm sure you are too." Ruby paused only a moment before leaning closer to the owl's cage, her long hair flowing forward. "Now here is something you don't see every day, nice to meet you too, Luna." She straightened up. "I don't usually do the serving around here but today I think I'll make an exception. What's your posion, as they say?" Ruby stood there with a smile on her face, trying to size the young woman up.

“Why don't you join me”, Minerva says. “I'll have whatever you're having but Luna would like some water and a bit of raw meat if you have any on hand. You're the first I've met since I've come into town. Except for the nice man at the Wells Fargo office”. She chuckles, “I think I'm going to really like it here. Perhaps you could sit for a few moments and head me in the right direction.”

Ruby goes into the kitchen and orders up a plate of food, getting a funny look from Maria when she asks for some raw meat on the side. She gets 2 glasses and some whiskey and joins Minerva at her table. Maria carries out the small bowl of water that Ruby had forgotten. "So, what are you doing here in Promise City, if I might ask? And Minvera, that's a pretty name, does it mean something?" Ruby leans back in her chair and slowly drinks her whiskey while Minvera speaks.

Minerva raises her glass in a toast.” Gracias, Senorita Ruby. To the Promise of new beginnings!” She downs her drink and a satisfied sigh escapes her lips. Ruby looks at her in surprise and Minerva chuckles. “It was a long road to get here. Luna and I have traveled all the way from Spain.” We plan on making Promise City our home. She pours herself another round and hold the bottle out to Ruby. “Thank the Goddess for leading us here. I come from a small provincial town. A terrible place. Infested with narrow-minded, power hungry wizards.” She waves her hand in the air as though she is shooing away a pesky fly. “But that’s a story long story for another day.”

She sits Luna on the top of her cage and strokes her feathers as she feeds her bits of meat. “I wrote ahead to Mr. Judge Lacy. He’s been kind enough to allow us to preach occasionally for the Church of Olympus. I’m not sure if they’re done building it yet though. Do you know of him? I was told to look him up at the General Store when we arrived. I’m hoping he’ll have an idea of where we can find a place to board as well. Perhaps you might know of a place? I suppose I may have to find employment also but I think we have enough money to tide us over for a while and I could always sell some tapestries if I need to”. “You asked of my name. It is a beautiful name isn’t it. Just like the goddess Minerva who led us here.”

Ruby smiles warmly at the woman. "That is some story and you've come quite a distance. Yes, Promise City has changed my life, well, the people in it have anyway." Ruby eyes got a dreamy look as she drifted off in thought for a moment. Then she snapped out of it. "Wizards, huh? I'd like to hear some stories about that." She sighed, "Yes, I know Mr. Lacey. Some events, um, transpired between us and I don't believe he thinks kindly of me anymore. But he seems like a nice man. As for a place to stay, there are many options, but if you are open minded like I think you are then you might enjoy the El Parador. I lived there for a while myself. Tell Dorita and Pedro that I sent you." "So what will you be preaching about then?" At that moment Luc approached...

Luc felt it not a good idea to laugh in the face of his new boss. He kept quiet and just smiled letting them think he was happy he was hired. Which he was, ecstatic in fact. He couldn't help but laugh. " You look big and strong," his new boss had said. He walked to the bar and ordered a shot. He quickly drank it and walked over to the table where the well-dressed woman and his boss sat. " 'scuse me ma'am," Luc says as a small pistol slides out from his sleeve. He puts it on the table and looks at Ruby smiling," you forgot to say smart." Luc leaves the small gun on the table and walks over to see what Mills wanted him to do. He was smiling the whole way. He was beginning to like this town. Minerva gazes intently at Luc as he saunters away. " I think you got yourself a keeper there. Ruby"

Ruby looks up from the table and laughs. She stands and picks up his gun off the table. "Not so smart," she starts, "You're going to need this." She turns back to Minvera, "Excuse me for a moment." She heads over to the Cowboy and puts her arm through his, then leads him to Jeff. "Mr. Mills, Chester is going to be missing for a few days so we're going to need a second bouncer. Luc here is going to fill in. And when Chester comes back he can help you with building out back. Room and board, although he might have to share with Chester. $5 a week. Sound fair?"

"Woman never runs out of things to say," Luc thought as he heard Ruby call after him. He feels an arm slip into his and is startled a second then sees it is just Ruby. "Five dollars a week is fine," Luc says as they walk together," but you can keep that little thing. Ain't good for nothing 'cept up close.... and I mean real close. Besides I can always get another one. It's the ones yer big man has in that cabinet over yonder I want. So I guess my next question is what do you want me to do now boss?"

"Well, Cowboy, you can keep calling me boss for starters, I like that. And Jeff will give you back your guns so you can protect this place and show to you your room. Until he needs you, probbaly not until tonight, make yourself at home. Maybe introduce yourself to the Indian, Nanuet." Ruby gives him a wink and turns on her heel, flipping him with her hair. Nanuet thinks to himself “Now why did you send him over here? You know I am not the social type.” Nanuet waits and watches the half-elf to see what he decides to do.

Luc walks over to the cabinet and Mills hands him his guns and bowie knife back. Luc walks over to Nanuet and sits next to him at the bar. He sits with a glass of water as he adjusts himself. He turns to Nanuet and extends his hand," Nanuet huh. Names Luc.... if you don't mind me asking, what tribe do you come from." Nanuet says "Probably never heard of them. Small tribe, mixed in with the Apache now mostly. Yavapi."

Luc thinks for a minute but nothing comes to mind. " Heard of the Apachee but never the Yavapi." Luc slugs his water down and pats Nanuet on the shoulder." I'll see you tonight," Luc says as he gets up to leave" I have a few things to get from the El Parador. Tell the boss lady when she's done entertaining." Luc walks out into the afternoon sun and sighs. "Not a bad start," he thinks," just not sure how long it'll last." Luc walks down the street back to El Parador.

Ruby casually makes her way back over to Minvera. "Now, what were you saying? Oh yes... preaching..." Ruby pours herself another whiskey and refills Minerva's glass too. She glances over at Luc and laughs to herself, “Yeah, Jake is going to LOVE this.”

Nanuet walks over to Ruby. "What did you go and hire him for? You don't know anything about him and now you are going to let him run around here and be armed? Maybe now was not the best time to be hiring new help, especially strangers. And to let him be running around here with guns? I hope you know what your doing."

Ruby looks up at Nanuet and shrugs. "He looks harmless to me. Besides, I have you around to keep an eye on him." Ruby blinks up at him innocently. "We need someone to help cover Chester being gone. And to help build the new building out back. We can't expect you to do it all yourself. But aren't you sweet for worrying," Ruby hops up and gives Nanuet a kiss on the cheek. "That reminds me, I have some things to discuss with you. After I finish speaking with Miss Minvera. She is going to tell me about her preaching at the new church they are going to build. Care to join us? Or are you busy?" Nanuet replies, "I'm not busy, but I think I'll stay right here, maybe help with the liquor delivery. Not so sure about all the strangers in town lately. I will get my feel for her from a distance I think."

She answers, “Now, Senor Nanuet, you’re not being very hospitable. If you want to keep me and Luna as customers you’ll have to do better than that.” A hint of a smile makes its way to Minerva's lips. “Course this fine whiskey on your table helps too. Perhaps you’d feel more comfortable if you took the time to sit a spell. I need to be on my way soon but I do hope that we’ll get to know one another better before too long.”

Minerva is feeling relaxed after a few drinks and a hot meal. She looks at Ruby with warm admiration. She’s really beginning to like this girl. There’s a lot more than fluff under that hat she thinks. “I like the way you handle yourself Ruby. You sure do keep’em on their toes.” Ruby opens her mouth to reply but Minerva raises her hand in a placating gesture and laughs, “Now don’t go getting all defensive. There’s nothing wrong with using your goddess given talents to smooth the way. It’d be a sin not to use what gifts the gods gave you and you do it just fine.” Looking over to the Indian and polishing off her drink Minerva notes. “Not a very trusting soul, that one. But I think he’s got the right idea. Better to be careful than depend on the gods to intervene for you. Course if he’s really worried about you he probably should be keeping your troubles a little closer to the vest. Still he does appear to be very devoted to you."

Ruby thinks, this girl doesn’t sound like any preacher I’ve ever heard. Doesn’t look much like one either. Minerva, relaxed in her chair, continues to pet Luna. She looks Ruby in the eye. “Sounds like you got yourself some troubles, Ruby. From the dreamy look that keeps coming into your eyes I might conclude that it has something to do with a man. But it seems more ominous than that. I’m not going to push you to tell me your secrets but I’m a pretty good judge of people and I feel a Kindred spirit in you. I’m hoping that as you get to know me better you’ll come to trust my council. The goddess knows I could sure use a good friend or two in this town. Luna and I plan on putting roots down here and I like what I’ve seen so far. Promise City seems like a place where Luna and I can both spread our wings.

I think I’m preaching at the town hall on Sunday. Now I know you’re probably not a traditional church goer but I think you’ll find my sermons a bit more practical and a whole lot less traditional than most. I’d like you to consider sitting in on Sunday. Might be a good distraction for you. Might want to drag Senor Nanuet along too. I think he’d like what I’ve got to say.” And if not well, the show’s free.”

Silver Moon

Chapter Twenty-one, “Melancholy Moods”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882:

Nanuet gets more angry as the new woman talks about him to Ruby. He gets up from his seat and takes a step towards the women. "Sorry Ma'am it is not my job around here to be hospitable, I'm just the help. It's been a rough couple of days so I ain't in the mood to be having to watch my back and her back”. He gestures to Ruby, “With all these new people in town."

He takes a deep breath and wipes his sweaty brow. "You sure seem to think you know a lot about me, having just met me and all. And I sure as heck don't need to be going to no church sermons. I have my ancestors to pray to and that works just fine for me." Turning to Ruby he says "I will be around either helping with the liquor or giving Maria in the kitchen a hand."

Minerva looks up. Surprised by Nanuet's angry reaction to her light teasing. She sincerely replies. "My apologies Senor, I certainly meant no insult to you or your ancestors hope that you will forgive me. It is obvious that you are worried about your friend. I should have been more sensitive. Although I must stand by my original observation. That you are a good friend to Ruby.” Nanuet walks off mumbling.

Ruby smiles warmly at Minerva as Nanuet walks away huffing. “Yes, Nanuet is devoted, we have been though a lot together in a short amount of time. Sorry about his attitude, he’s new to civilization.” Minerva replies, “No need to apologize. The world would be a much better place with more honest men like him in it and less civilized ones don't you think?" Ruby laughed and took another sip of her drink. “I’m sorry to say you won’t find many trusting souls around here, not in this place anyhow.”

The smile slowly drops off Ruby’s face. “I’m not going to lie to you. The gods and goddesses you speak of have not looked very kindly on me in my life. I’m not even sure they exist. So while I appreciate the offer I doubt I’ll be at church tomorrow.”

Minerva says, "I know what you mean. Sometimes it seems the gods are too busy running the worlds to concern themselves with the likes of us. Better to help each other than wait for divine intervention. You let me know if you need either. I'll do what I can." She leans in and whispers. " You can get that rabbit stuck in a trap look off your face too. "If the truth be told, I'm not much of a churchgoer myself. I find that All praying does is wear out the knees and slow you down. Better to stand and fight for yourself. I'm doing this sermon as a favor to Senor Lacy for helping me out. Don't know if he'll thank me for it though. I came to Promise City to serve the gods in my own way and that's what I aim to do."

Ruby says, “As a matter of fact I don’t know where I’ll be at all tomorrow.” Maybe Boot Hill, she thinks to herself. At least then I won’t have to worry about getting out of church. Ruby sighs, “Yes, I have troubles, some bigger than others and you can just imagine where the man fits into that scenario. If the gods do exist though, I hope they’re watching out for him.” Minerva can clearly see the worry on Ruby’s face, and Ruby catches that she recognizes it. She starts playing with her hair in a nervous way. “He’s in a bad spot currently, as are all my friends, and tonight I have to see what I can do about it. I’ll do anything that I can, but I’m not sure it’ll be enough.”

“Alright, enough of that. I know you said you had to get going.” Ruby stands. “Kindred spirits, huh? I like the sound of that. Why don’t you come back tonight, and hear me sing. It’s one of two things I’m really good at.” She catches Minerva’s raised eyebrow. “You’ll have to ask the man what the other thing is,” she laughed. “I know you’ll enjoy the El Parador and its diversity.” She reached out her hand and helped Minerva up, “Lunch is on me, hope you enjoyed it.”

Minerva answers, "I'd love to hear you sing. Luna loves music too. She especially loves the flute." Minerva opens her tapestry bag. Nestled inside is a slender silver instrument. "Now if I'm to come back later I have a lot to do. " Ruby gives Minerva directions to Judge Lacey's General Store. Minerva picks up Luna and her tapestry bag and heads for the door. She turns back to Ruby. "Please try to smooth things over with your friend. I meant no harm. The goddess be with you, Ruby" and she heads out the door swaying just a little.

Ruby watches her walk out. Yes, I think we will be friends, and she smiles… Now where is Nanuet? Ruby heads out back and finds him helping with the liquor. She brings him upstairs and tells him about the situation with Kate and Gonzales and going to Boston. “And you can decide later if you want to join them, I would imagine you can just show up if you want to go.”

Nanuet leaves and Ruby collapses on the bed. Soon enough she would bring Jake and Chester their dinner and it was going to be hard to not give away to Jake she planned to meet Wyatt alone. He would never agree to her doing that. Ruby curls up on the bed, and just waits for the time to pass. Downstairs, Maria and Sonoma get the food ready for the dinner crowd. Luc talks to Jeff Mills about the duties of being a bouncer.

Minerva arrives at Lacey’s General Store, a large wooden building along South Street east of Condon’s Bank. The large single-story clapboard structure is set up with the store occupying the front of the building, with the back right-hand section partitioned off as the living quarters for the owner.

The store has a wide variety of merchandise, including a bookcase full of new books. A wool union army uniform is proudly displayed upon the wall along with a framed written citation recognizing "Lieutenant Lacey for his bravery during the battle at Mechanicsville on June 27, 1862". The owner is standing behind the counter. He is a handsome man in his late fifties or early sixties, with a wide chest and rugged looks, bald on the top with white along the sides and white muttonchops.

"Buenos Tardes Senor. I have finally arrived." Mr. Lacey looks up to see a shapely young woman in traveling attire with an owl perched upon her shoulder. "And who might you be, Miss?" He asks. Minerva introduces herself and Luna. She inquires about living accommodations and tomorrow’s service.

He says that the services will be held at the Promise City Town Hall. He says that the building is unfinished, but that they borrow chairs from three of the saloons near it. He is extremely thrilled that she is in town. He suggests that she find lodgings at the Promise City Hotel, which is two doors east right after Allen Street. He adds "But if you're planning to stay a while you may want to check out one of the boarding houses in the next week or so."

"Si Senor, Luna and I are planning to stay on indefinitely. I appreciate all you are doing for us. I was hoping that you could recommend a boarding house for us to stay? " Judge Lacey says "You're better off waiting until after the service tomorrow, let the boarding house owners know who you are. They don't take in just anybody, but they all regularly attend the worship services. Trust me, one night at the hotel will be all you need."

She tells him that she will see him at the service tomorrow and heads for the Wells Fargo Office to ask the man to send her bags on ahead. She then heads for the hotel.

Over at the El Parador Gonzales suggests to Kate that they head downstairs for some of Dorita’s Saturday night Dinner Specials. Kate agreed saying, "I think this is the first Saturday since I've been here that I haven't worked. I'm not sure if I can eat, but I'll try. I must look a fright," she finished as she checked her hair by touching the knot at the back of her head. Instead of trying to fix it she just pulled out the pins and let it hang loose.

"It's still early, perhaps it will be quiet yet,'" she said as they left his rooms and went downstairs. They arrive in the Cantina, which has filled up early this night. Dorita has kept a table open for her Grandfather and she and Manuel sit at two of the four tables. She brings out a flour-tortilla dish that has an interesting spicy smell to it that Kate cannot identify as well as a salad made of fresh greens.

Kate began eating slowly, finding the spicy food pleasant but hoping it wouldn't upset her stomach. It was just easier to eat than to argue with Dorita about it. "It's busy today," she commented, looking for any familiar faces. She says, "What will we do after dinner? I don't know if I can stand being cooped up doing nothing, and I'm not sure I can sleep yet."

Gonzales replies, "We're going out for the evening. I believe that tonight is the night that Mr. Barker is playing at the Lucky Lady, and you've always enjoyed his piano playing. But consider this your night off. Once we're done eating lets go back upstairs and I'll work that hair clip into a proper disguise for you. Give some thought as to what you want to look like."

"I do enjoy Mr. Barker's playing, thank you." Kate waits for a moment, then says with a small but genuine smile, "I always thought it would fun to try blonde." They talked quietly through dinner, and Kate was relieved to not see Conrad Booth there. She knew she looked terrible from her sleepless night, and trying to explain to him would be difficult at best.

Across town, Ruby’s eyes slowly opened. She hadn’t realized that she fell asleep. Sleep was becoming less and less reliable lately. She knew tonight would be no different. She dragged herself out of bed and decided that she would get dressed for performing now, just in case something held her up. She looked through her closet and finally decided on the green dress. Jake always loved it when she wore that dress. It was probably the fact that, besides being strapless, the top looked like it was a tad too small, hugging her curves with only a bit of black lace holding in her assets. She also pulled some fresh clothes for him to bring with her.

She took her time dressing, pulling her corset particularly tight and making sure everything was exactly where she wanted it. She admired herself in the mirror; fixing her hair so it curled just right, falling over her breast. Men are so predictable, she smiled to herself, to my advantage… She needed to look her best, but no matter how she tried she could still see the worry in her own eyes, staring back at her. She secured her guns in their usual spots, her thigh and down the front of her dress. Her dagger was also in place in the back of her hair.

She took the two suits and Jake’s fresh change of clothes and made her way downstairs. She asked Nanuet to go over to the El Parador and get some fresh clothes for Chester too. Maria was in the kitchen, finishing Jake and Chester’s meals. Ruby took a jug for coffee and filled it. The she took another that she brought out into the main room. No one was there, so she filled it with Kentucky bourbon and put it aside. Maria came out with the dinner plates and headed back into the kitchen. Ruby glanced around no make sure no one was there then said a few words over the jug of bourbon before heading out with Nanuet to the jail.

They arrived at the jail and Wyatt Earp was still on duty. Ruby showed him the clothes and he carefully went through it. Next he picked through the food. Ruby carefully opened the jug of bourbon. It was steaming and smelled like coffee and Wyatt nodded the ok. “And this one is for you,” she left him the jug that actually was filled with coffee. Then she made her way over to Jake and handed him the clothes and food, then the jug. Nanuet did the same for Chester.

Ruby asks, “Coffee, Jake? Remember the first night we shared coffee together, almost three months ago now? The night you told me I was the best thing that happened to you that week. The night you said you wouldn’t pay to see me dance. The night we…” she doesn’t finish that thought, she just smiles. “All because of the coffee.”

Jake sees Ruby come in wearing his favorite green dress. She's putting on a careful show Jake thinks, she's gone to extra care and it shows. "Thanks Darling, that's just what I need. Bored to tears in here. It's almost like you could read my mind." He tries to catch her lovely hazel eyes with his deep brown ones, and gives her a faint raise of his eyebrows.

Ruby nods knowingly, then laughs loudly. "You needed the coffee or the dress? Listen, I have some things to do tonight, so I'll stay while you eat then I have to leave." Ruby then pulls up the chair and sits, making small talk while Jake and Chester eat. Ruby doesn't act nervous but she is quiet. After Jake is done eating she stands. She leans forward towards Jake, giving him a good view, and uses her finger to motion him closer. She whispers, "I just want you to know, if anything happens to me, I want you to go to Berg, or at least make sure you talk to him and tell him what happened, ok?"

Jake's eyes were enjoying the cleavage peaking over the top of Ruby's tightly stuffed top when suddenly they snapped up to meet her eyes. They looked serious and scared, and he tried to hold them from fleeing by will alone. His anger started to flair, but instead he found himself just feeling helpless. He nodded but didn't smile and whispered, "Be careful."

Ruby wrapped her hands around the bars of the cell. "I'll try," she whispered back. "You be careful too." She didn't break his gaze, she hoped it wasn't going to be the last time she looked into his usually twinkling brown eyes. "And don't forget to read your fairy tales. They always make me feel better."

Jake just nods to Ruby and lets go of her eyes. "Thanks to you too, Nanuet." Chester says, “Thank you both. It smells wonderful. Did Maria make it?" Nanuet hands over the fresh shirt and pants. "Thanks for the change of clothes, too." Nanuet replies, "Uh yeah, Maria and Sonoma are both in the kitchen right now, Sonoma came into town last night and decided to stay for a few days I think. They both worked on the food I'm sure. Hope it's good." Chester says, "In that case, thank them both for me. How are things between you and her, if I'm not being too nosy. If you don’t want to answer 'cause the Marshall is here, that's fine too."

Nanuet answers, "Not really sure Chet. We haven't been spending too much time together, she is a very independent woman. But yeah, things have been quiet between us. I think she has found her calling with the ranch though." Chester replies, "I'm sorry to hear that, Nanuet. She is a wonderful girl. Aren't you going to move out there soon?"

He replies, “I don't know. Before this whole fiasco I was finding the company of the new ownership at the Lucky Lady to be my preference. I am sure I will spend time out there, but I am thinking of splitting my time between the ranch and here in town. Ruby offered me a spot at their saloon, but I think they have a full house. We'll see I guess."

"I think I had better go now. I have a few things to take care of, wanted to re-shoe my horse and stuff. Have a quiet night guys. Ruby, I will see you later over at 'The Lady' " Nanuet turns and leaves quickly. He heads out of the building and finds a spot nearby where he can hide. He wants to keep an eye on the jail and watch for Ruby. She has certainly been acting strange tonight. he says to himself as he settles in.

Ruby can barely pull herself away from Jake, but she does with no further words and doesn’t look back. Ruby catches Wyatt’s eye as she walks past him, and she nods. She makes her way outside and when no one is looking she slips into the shadows of the alley. She leans up against the wall, trying to collect herself. She only lets a moment go by before reciting the short incantation to read people’s minds.

She immediately picks up Jake thoughts. “Coffee. You vixen! You're a lifesaver! Wyatt is a good liar or Virgil and Morgan never told him about Morgan's knife in Kale's back. Wyatt acts like he believes the story Virgil tells the world. Wyatt seems to really want to stop the Cowboy Gang. The Earps sent their women away for safety. He wants them to be able to come back.
If that's all true, then it's not Tucker he wants but a lead to the Cowboy Gang. Don't give him any new reasons to want me in here!”

Jake’s thoughts are interrupted when she picks up that Chester likes her in the green dress. Ruby smiles and tries to focus on Jake again. “Wyatt thinks Deadeye killed Curly Bill and that Tom Kale may have joined Cowboy Gang. I've been talking to Wyatt about a lot of stuff, trying to keep him as friendly as possible. Me helping fight the Cowboy Gang, him maybe dealing Faro at the Lucky Lady, but he won't tell me what in particular he's trying to find out on the gang. Still holding out for Tucker. Damn you look good! If only these bars weren't in the way I'd kiss those…”

Her thoughts are interrupted again this time by Wyatt’s and she pays close attention. Wyatt is thinking about where to meet Ruby later and deciding when to send Eduardo over to the Lucky Lady to tell her. He is worried that she is setting him up for an ambush so doesn't want to give her too much advanced notice as to where and plans to keep both Eduardo and Warren nearby just in case.

Then the spell ends. Ruby tries to sort out what Jake told her. Wyatt doesn’t know. Well, that won’t be for long. She decides to head back to the Lucky Lady. It is Saturday and it’s their busiest night, so the crowd will probably start early plus she hasn’t eaten anything in a while. She looks both ways to make sure no one is looking then slips back onto the main road. She arrives back and the Lucky Lady.

Nanuet watched Ruby step out of the jail. He kept an eye on her as she tries to slip away. He thought “What the heck is she doing? Ah, she must be casting a spell or something.” A few minutes later when she starts heading back to the Lucky Lady Nanuet does his best to get ahead of her without being seen and slip in the back door before she arrives. He greets her when she comes in and keeps her company as she eats her small evening meal.

Silver Moon

Chapter Twenty-two, “The Fiancée”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882:

It is Saturday and it’s their busiest night, so the crowd will probably start early plus Ruby hasn’t eaten anything in a while. She looks both ways to make sure no one is looking then slips back onto the main road. She arrives back and the Lucky Lady and quietly eats something small for dinner.

It starts to get towards evening. This is the week that Helen and Stanley Barker perform at the Lucky Lady rather then the Comique. The Barkers arrive early, at around 6:00 PM, so that can have a nice dinner together and then have Stanley play piano during the hour before Job Kane's poker game begins. Tonight they have a guest with them.

Ruby and Nanuet are just finishing their meal as the trio enter the Lucky Lady and the guest turns out to be a Mr. George Eastman, a successful photographer and businessman from New York. When Ruby last saw him he also happened to be her fiancée. Helen grins and calls over "Why Constance Grace, please feel free to join us, I believe you already know my cousin George."

Ruby stops dead in her tracks. She knew Helen didn't like her and now she knew why. Her thoughts race “Of all the cities in the country... you have to be kidding me.” Nanuet looks at yet another stranger who has come into the Lucky Lady. Speaking to no one in particular Nanuet mumbles, "Well Promise City is becoming quite the popular place all of a sudden isn't it. And I see Ruby is making friends again. Great."

Ruby walks slowly over to them. She keeps her eyes set on George. She ignores Helen's smug look. "Mr. Eastman," she holds out her hand to him. George stands and has to restrain himself from grabbing her. "Constance! I thought....well....nevermind what I thought. It is so great to see you again. We need to talk of the future.....I have so much to tell you. I understand that you got impatient with my world wanderings, but that's over now! And my company is a great success, darling, I can now offer you that fortune that you've always wanted!" His outburst is so loud that every patron in the place has heard it. Helen says, "Sit down Georgie, you're making a fool of yourself."

Nanuet furrows his brow and he almost falls over the chair he was moving when he hears Mr. Eastman's outburst. He heads over to Ruby to see if she needs help and to try and figure out what is going on. "George, I mean Mr. Eastman," Ruby says slowly, "It has been a long time, over four years... I'd like to hear of your adventures but..." Ruby stops. "Do my parents know I am here?"

Helen says "No, after your full name was printed in the paper and I realized who you were I contacted Georgie directly." He says, "Yes, I was in San Francisco at the time. I haven't been back in New York in months. But I can send off a telegram to your parents tomorrow if you'd like. They are such wonderful people! And I know that your mother would welcome an opportunity to re-plan the wedding. She said that she's saved all of her purchases from the last time."

"No!" Ruby said quickly, "No need to contact my parents." Ruby's stomach felt sick. This was the wrong time and place for any of this. "George, I think you misunderstood." She saw his face and was having a hard time finding the right words. "Er, I don't think anything from when I was fourteen would fit me, don't I look different to you? You don't even know me." "Ruby, is everything OK? Who is this guy and his he bothering you?" Nanuet says loudly as he steps up next to her. He looks around the room for Jeff and Luc.

Luc leaned against the bar watching like an owl. It was all familiar to him. Another town, another saloon. Being a bouncer was what he knew well. Grab their gun and toss 'em out. But in here he wouldn't need to worry about the gun. No one except him and Mills had one. He sipped his beer and had been nursing it for about an hour. The mug was over half full. He liked it like this. Nice and easy. Standing their his thoughts drifted to Henry. The old dwarf had treated him like a son. Luc sighed and thought of the day he could return and run the saloon with Henry.

George stammers, "Constance, I could never forget you. Hardly a day goes by when I don't think of you. And yes, I can see how you've....blossomed! Constance, seeing you again has made me the happiest man on earth." Helen tugs at his shirt "Georgie, sit down!" "Mr. Eastman," Ruby stood up straight, "There has to be some mistake. This is the worst timing for any of this. Did you really think you were going to come here and... and...what? I don't even know. I need some air." Ruby pushes her way through the now crowded saloon and out to the front porch. She starts biting her lip and fanning herself while pacing back and forth.

Will you please sit down Georgie!" Helen exclaims. Nanuet snarls "Yeah Georgie, sit down. Don't you even consider following her. She doesn't want your company now. I don't know what the situation is, but just leave her alone for now." He does and mutters "Why yes, but Constance..." Helen interrupts, "Was surprised to see you." Stanley states "We should have warned her. I thought that the surprise was a bad idea." George says, "But I should.." Helen interrupts again, "You should eat. She's obviously overwhelmed with seeing you again. Give her a chance to come to her senses and she'll return. In the meanwhile, let's have a meal." Sonoma waits on the table and takes their order.

Ruby was utterly overwhelmed. She wanted to be in her bed, with Jake beside her. That was her wish, to stay in bed forever and never deal with marshals and crazy old arranged marriages. Ruby sighed. So much for wishing, foolish girl, it never got you anywhere before. Ruby put a smile on her face and made her way back into the Lucky Lady. She made her way over to the bar and grabbed a whiskey that was sitting there. It was going to be a long night. She headed outside to think.

Back at the El Parador, Kate and Gonzales were upstairs in his mansion. Gonzales is excited about modifying the magic item for her. He takes the clip and casts a spell on it. He then says "Come over here". He casts another spell over a silver bowl and fills it with water. He tells her "Say 'show me my thought' to the bowl, it is receptive to them now. Then picture exactly what you want the new you to look like. I will then get a good look and cast it onto the clip."

Katherine focused her mind and created an image. The woman she imagined was a bit taller than her, but not much. She had wide blue eyes and hair the color of honey fixed in a half up, half down style. Her figure was rounder than Kate's own, although not quite as generous as Ruby's. "As long as I get to dream, I might as well dream big," she said with a little blush.

Mr. Gonzales studied the image, then turned the clip in his hand. He held the other over it and spoke the words that completed the spell. "There, try that," he said and handed her the clip. Kate slipped it into her hair and spoke. She looked down and saw the new figure. She could see the ends of blonde curls resting on her shoulder and the deep blue of the dress. "I don't think anyone will mistake this girl for Katherine Kale."

Gonzales says "Now she needs an appropriate date to accompany her." He says puts a ring on his finger and says ""menehune akahele kultihin". He transforms into a very tall rugged muscular cowboy with long blonde hair, clean shaven, with deep green eyes. He is wearing a tan cotton shirt with a beaded swirl design on it, a thick leather belt and darker brown work pants. His feet are in a large pair of brown leather cowboy boots. "Howdy Ma'am, name's Tex" he says with a thick Texas drawl.

Kate laughed at the drawl. "I suppose I'll need a new name too. Do I look like a Madeline? Madeline Anders?" She smoothed her skirt with gloved hands. "Well Tex, would you care to escort Miss Anders to the Lucky Lady?" Madeline Anders and her friend Tex make their way over to the Lucky Lady. As they near the porch they see Ruby out pacing on it. Madeline almost says something but Tex stops her. The two walk past and into the saloon, Ruby being too mentally distracted to have noticed them.

Luc walks up to the big man " 'Scuse me sir," Luc says trying to look friendly.... which was an effort, "Could you roll up your sleeves and pant legs please." Luc tucks his thumbs into his gun belt as he looks at the big man. Nanuet looks at "Tex" oddly. He thinks to himself, “Isn't that the disguise that Jake was using the other day? Jake's in jail though isn't he. Oh, it must be Mr. Gonzalez using it then? And who is that woman with him? Have to keep an eye on them.”

Tex looks Luc down and says "No sir, I don't believe I will do that. I intend to keep myself fully dressed at all times while inside of this saloon. Feel free to pat me down, I left all of my weapons back at the hotel. Madeline, you go pick us out a nice table while I get things squared away with this little man." "Of course, my dear," she said sweetly, trying to soften her own accent. She went to a nearby table.

Luc laughed. The kind of laugh a man does right before he lays someone out." Well sir I may not have your size but even a rattler'll kill a bull with the right strike." Luc says tipping his hat up to look at the big man. At 6 foot Luc felt 4 foot compared to the big man.
" Hold yer arms out and keep still," Luc says as he readies to pat the big man down," and don't take this personal."

Nanuet approaches, "It's OK Luc, I know him. He's fine, let him in." Addressing Tex, "How are you today sir? What brings you to the 'Lady' this evening. And I don't believe I have met your lovely companion." Tex says, "Oh I believe that you have Sir, we've both been in town for a while." He holds out the chair for Madeline as she sits. Tex then whispers to Nanuet "Why is Ruby so upset?"

"Ahhh" Nanuet says with a hint of comprehension in his voice nodding to his companion. "The man there with the Barkers must be an old acquaintance of Ruby's. He put her out of sorts, besides the other situation. I am sure she just needs a moment to gather her thoughts." Madeline nodded back and whispered, "He made a scene of some kind?" Nanuet replies, "Yes he got very excited when he saw her. Said he could never forget her and made like he wanted to grab hold of her. Helen kept him in check but there was definitely something odd going on. They seem to know Ruby's family too."

Meanwhile, back at the Marshall’s office, Chester opens Uncle Tom's Cabin. He thinks, “Wonder how things are going at the Lucky Lady. Ruby was looking very nice tonight. Jake really is a lucky guy.” In the other cell Jake was just lying down. It was a strange feeling, speaking in your mind to someone who you think is there, but not knowing if anyone is listening. Not knowing if the little bit of information you had painstakingly gathered was enough to make a difference or even was delivered. Helpless was one feeling that Silver Jake Cook didn't deal with very well. Angry wouldn't bend his bars, despair wouldn't unlock the cell, sadness wouldn't transport him like Gonzalez's unsettling spells, and worry wouldn't make Ruby safe.

He drank his bourbon like it was coffee, grateful to have it. It was not his style to escape into a bottle. He drank because he liked it, he acted when he had to, he escaped when the odds were bad. He sat in his cell because he had no other choice, but his turn would come. His turn always came. Though he knows she couldn't still be reading his mind he thinks, be careful Ruby.
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