[World of Warcraft] I've started an EN World Guild! (12-25-04)


I want to start an EN World-only guild for World of Warcraft. I have the cash for the charter, but I need to buy it and then get nine signatures before it's official.

-Guild Name: Decided, "Enduring Nobility"

-Server: Feathermoon (Pacific)--I chose this server due to its low population and RP designation. And, even though I live in Chicago rather than the West Coast, the game still runs perfectly on my very-minimum system requirments laptop. I get a lag of ~170ms, but unlike in Counter-Strike, I don't have any gameplay problems with a lag that high (my latency bar is green).

-Guildmaster: Harbromm (me). He's a Dwarf Paladin who specializes in Mining and Blacksmithing. At level 30 when the charter was bought.

-Purpose: To create a welcoming WoW guild for all EN Worlders out there. I do intend for the guild to be EN World exclusive as that will guarentee that all the guild members will be good people (our community rocks, let's face it). In game, I want the guild to provide a high-quality in-character roleplaying experience for the in-character chat channels, while providing a good resource for new and old players in the out-of-character channels. The Guild chat channel would be both in-character and out-of-character. Some would be chatting in-character while others would be asking game questions or trading/begging for resources. I'd like to keep the Guild channel free of stuff that doesn't relate to World of Warcraft.

-Guild ranks: I'll be the guildmaster, and will promote the nine signatories to the charter to officer status right away (unless they don't want the responsibility to sign up other EN Worlders). The players who put something forth (good roleplaying, lots of help for newbies, item/skill donations, or even just being online all the time) will be promoted higher than someone who pops in every couple weeks just to chat. But, I'm not going to have any hard and fast rules or anything--just try to roleplay where appropriate. As far as I know, rank only matters in that only Officers can sign up new members. Officers would be required to recruit only EN World members (even if they have just one post they're in, however).

To sign up: Create an Alliance (Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, or Gnome) character on Feathermoon. Then send a tell or use the in-game postal service (to Harbromm) to let me know that you want in.

If someone wants to create a Horde Guild on Feathermoon, that would be awesome. We could have the guilds be bitter enemies and duke it out from time to time.

Send me tells/mail if you want to join.

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Registered User
Great idea!

Lots of folks already have groups and guild and characters everywhere (I know I do), but it would be fun to make an EN World Guild.

Feathermoon sounds dandy to me.

Suggestions for Guild names...

EN WERELD (translates - according to babelfish - to 'and world'; Dutch)
EN MONDE (translates - according to babelfish - to 'in world'; French)
EN MUNDO (translates - according to babelfish - to 'in world'; Spanish)

I like the first one, it most closely echoes the phonetics of the site's name (though as a fragment it might give pause to Dutch speakers). I like the second and third because their translations make a little sense.

Any folks who speak more languages than English care to take a crack at possible Guild names?


Well, looks like you're the only one interested...which is a shame. However, if you have a character on Feathermoon, look up Harbromm and give him a shoutout.


Sniper o' the Shrouds
I anticipate that this might be the first MMORPG I let myself get sucked into, but it won't happen until Christmas-ish at least. You might postpone the idea rather than give up on it.


Yes, it's a bad, bad time for such a game to have been released. (scolds self for buying game 2 weeks before my final exam) The ENWorld guild is a good idea. You could call it Knight of Noah or Noah's Knights, maybe.

Shard O'Glase

First Post
yeah I'll be getting my computer ohh around the 17th, getting WoW around the same time. I probably need to upgrade past dial up, but some people seem to run it on dial up. But hey then yeah sure I'll see what I can about being on that server as an alliance member.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Spatula said:
You could call it Knight of Noah or Noah's Knights, maybe.
I'd be careful with Noah, as they're very strict on real-world religious references - or things that seem to be.

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