Worst Purchase Ever?



...still fill me with rage:

1. WG7, Castle Greyhawk. Words, to this day, cannot express my rage at this product. TSR put out a lot of really terrible product among all the good stuff- but this may have been the worst, because it was truly spiteful toward the customers. To explain why, you had to understand the Castle Greyhawk (and its dungeons) were like the holy grail for 80s gaming. It was the ur-dungeon. Hinted at in modules and Dragon magazine articles, it was what every gamer wanted to see.

Good thing there are no puppies or kittens around me right now or they'd be in mortal danger of getting kicked! >:| Agree, words can not express my rage at this product either! In fact, I as around 18 when it came out. I bought it. Took it home. And after the first or second page flip I felt the rage boiling! I made my best friends come over. I then proceeded to individually rip out each page, one by one, and let them rip those up. At the end we had a large pile of ripped up paper. I then stuffed the mess into the fireplace. And lit it. We all smiled as we imagined the flames somehow acting as a sort of "voodoo doll curse" to those in charge at TSR who though this was a "good idea".

Nothing I've ever purchased since has even come close to that level of soul-devouring loathing. Nothing.


Paul L. Ming

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3.0 Epic level Handbook and Deities and Demigods. 2E Dragonlance boxed set.

Hoard of the Dragonqueen was bad but I managed to use some of the chapters as encounters.


Victoria Rules
I'd add my vote to the tile-sets but it'd be kinda cheating, as I didn't purchase the ones I have but won them in a raffle. Good thing, too.

So, I'd have to give my vote to some of the later-era 2e spaltbooks (Seven Sisters, some of the Complete [class] series, etc.) as so much of the content of some had simply been ported over wholesale from other 2e material I already had: a chapter here, a paragraph there, a page or two somewhere else... And as the material was mostly only barely worth buying once, imagine my annoyance at finding I'd in effect bought it twice! :)


Did you buy it just on the title alone, knowing absolutely without doubt that it would be the best movie in the world? Did you? Did you?

And then when it got trashed by everyone, did you try to defend it because you had bought it? Did you? Did you?

How long did it take you to get over the disappointment? How long? How long?

...It is possible that I may not have fully recovered yet....

I think I got it for $1.00 at Hollywood video DVD sale.


It had the BG2 demo on it...obviously. That's the ONLY real reason anyone would get it...right?


First Post
Me also castle Greyhawk, for exactly the same reasons. Smh. S. M. H.
I actually really like the WSG, and DSG, but I can see how you wouldn't if they are not your style.
I shelled out for a box set of the 4e core rules and could immediately tell I would never run it. Nuff said, no edition wars here.
There are a lot of other more or less duff supplements. Someone needs to explain the concept of a load-bearing wall to whoever did the building maps in that Saltmarsh chapter.

3E has some really pointless books taht caught me out as a completist:


First Post
Did you buy it just on the title alone, knowing absolutely without doubt that it would be the best movie in the world? Did you? Did you?

And then when it got trashed by everyone, did you try to defend it because you had bought it? Did you? Did you?

How long did it take you to get over the disappointment? How long? How long?

...It is possible that I may not have fully recovered yet....

It's fine, you're a regular human.


Voidrunner's Codex

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