Worst Purchase Ever?


Magic of Incarnum was one of my favorite 3.5 supplements, actually. My Incarnate's still one of my favorite PC's I've ever played.

It was definitely out there though.
Yep, I played two fun characters using that book. I agree it was a bit bonkers!

I think my worst purchases were Heroes of the Fallen Lands and Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms for D&D 4e. Unlike the Rules Compendium (awesome), the Monster Vault (also awesome, still use the counters now) and the DMs Kit (good adventure), I can't think of anything I used from these books apart from a table for magic armour that didn't seem to appear anywhere else.

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Back during 2e, if you were playing with my group or with one of several other DMs I knew, you would have been using it (sort of) if you wanted to play a "cleric"or "druid". Not that you as a player would have been using the book to design your priesthood for a deity. The Complete Priest's Handbook was used by we DMs to build the priests of various deities in our campaigns (with a little modification when necessary).

Even today, as a DM, I will take that book over the 5e cleric, 1/2 the 5e PHB subclasses or any subclass in Xanathar's Guide or Sword Coast.
I would love to have the Spheres brought into 5e so that I can easily give every god a custom spell list.

Greg K

I would love to have the Spheres brought into 5e so that I can easily give every god a custom spell list.

I am just doing what I did with 3.0- going through the spells and determining which I want for shared list and which spells are appropriate for clerics of a given deity. However, now, I am thinking of using the sorcerer and/or Warlock as a base instead and ditching the cleric (which is my second least favorite designed 5e class)

Voidrunner's Codex

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