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[WoT Adventure] Turn 1


"The Domani and the Shienaren were friends of my sister, I don't know the third woman."

As for escorts...the Tar Valoner must be new enough to the shawl that she hasn't found a Warder yet. Either that or she's red... Ugh, I hope she's not red; Aes Sedai are bad enough without them hating men...

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First Post
Ashrem Bayle said:
[OOC: Spot and Listen checks to see what I know? Sorry for the delay, I don't get on the net much on the weekends.]

Ashrem really doesn't figure out much in the crowded common room. <modified 7 on Listen, 13 on Spot>


First Post
[boxed text from the adventure -- Copyright 2002 WotC]
The mood at the Golden Stag is boisterous, almost festive. Although the simplicity of the fare reflects the long, hard winter, there is plenty to drink -- and where there is ale and a lighthearted crowd, music, laughter, and games of chance quickly spring up. o many are crammed into the Golden Stage that the common room cannot contain all the guests, and tables have been set up in the stableyard to accommodate the overflow. Several open fires have been lit, to hold the wintry chill at bay and grant a cheery atmosphere. A fiddler plays as guests chatter and toss dice.

The crowd is mixed -- a few wear the red of Morgase's supporters, a few wear white in opposition, but most don't openly display any affiliation. Those who have chosen sides avoid the compnay of their rivals, gathering in clusters at opposite ends of the stableyard. But Master Ferrin has forbidden any open strife on his property, and his men seem to have the muscle to make the order stick. So far, the antagonists have been content to shoot the occasional hostile glare across the yard at one another, avoiding more serious confrontations.

Until now. Strangers all in a strange city, you had found yourselves engaged in light conversation among yourselves. But the festive chatter of the crowd is suddenly silenced by an angry shout. Two men, one in red and another white, are closing upon one another as one of Master Ferrin's toughs moves to break up the fight.

"Only a coward turns his back on his Queen!" the man in red cries.

"Burn me, you'll eat those words!" replies the man in white, as he reaches for his dagger.

But before the fight joins, a bouncer grabs the man. The furious combatant struggles to turn his knife on the tough, but before he can draw blood the powerful bouncer hurls the man at the stable wall. He crashes against a shed door, tumbling through it as it splinters apart, to land in a heap on the floor within.

There's a gasp from the hushed crowd, but the unconcious man in white is no longer the focus of attention. For within the shadows of the shed, a dark form is shifting. Taller than a man by half, its bestial head swings toward the open door. Light glints off monstrous fangs, and disturbingly human eyes survey the crowd as a low growl emerges from its throat.

The creature brandishes a crude, curving sword and steps toward the doorway. Behind it, more such creatures stir in the darkness.
[end boxed text from the adventure -- Copyright 2002 WotC]


1) Lila Sedai left a good fifteen minutes ago. There is little chance she will be back in time to help.
2) Pedron had to duck out of the way when the bouncer tossed his victim at the wall; the creature is right next to him, and would get an AoO if he made a run for it.
3) Yuri, Jain, Shalimar, and Sersei recognize the creatures as Trollocs. Yuri, Jain, and Shalimar have seen them before, and Sersei has studied the creatures. The others have no idea what just broke into the inn.

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Jain hadlin

Jain leaps to his feet and draws a dagger from his belt.


Jain's all focus now, he may not be the best warrior around but he does have experiance, and this is no time to fool around.

[ooc: he'll let fly with the dagger at first oppertunity]
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(oops I posted something during which time Dave posted the adventure opening)

Shalimar knew what they were, and she was shocked to see trollocs here, so far away from the Borderlands.

This will teach me to pay attention. Why aren't these fools running? Don't they know they will die?

She steels herself for what what is coming. She forms the lily in her mind easily. The petals opening into the light of Saidar.

She tries to rush the light weave that she had learned from Lila Sedai, weaving it in the back of the shed (level 0 +1 level for fixed location: level 1)
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Ashrem Bayle

Ashrem stood leaning against a tree peering deeply into a mug of ale as if it held all the answers. It was a nice night, if a bit more chilly than he was used to. But nice nonetheless. Maybe I can talk Yuri into swearing the Hunter's Oath with me

He stood finished off his ale and was staring into the fire when suddenly two men wearing the red and white began to threaten each other. At last, some entertainment. Ashrem grinned to himself, it had been a while since he saw a good duel.

The fight ended when one of the large bouncers hurled the man with the white band through the shed door. The smile melted from Ash's face when he saw what was inside. The darkness stirred and a beast like he had never imagined emerged with a feral growl.

Seeing the creature, Ashrem stood paralyzed as he met its near human gaze. With a trembling hand he pulled back his coat and reached for his blade. Unsheathing his brother's sword he leveled it at the creature and yelled,

"Back creature, or we dance with steal!"

That familiar feeling of confidence spread over him. He could defeat this thing. He had defeated the Whitecloaks after all. He would dance with this creature, and he would slay it.

[OOC: This is that euphoria state that early wilders sometimes experience.]


First Post
Sirsei gasps in surprise, reaching for the Source instinctively, glad to feel it's comforting presence fill her. Surprise quickly fades as an analytical curiosity overcomes her. She's studied trollocs and seen illustrations, but she certainly never expected to see one, at least not in the heart of Caemlyn.

She frowns as she stares into the darkness, unsurprised to see more than one of the foul creatures. She draws on the source, weaving flows of fire to create a torch-sized flame on the trolloc(ie. igniting him or his clothing hopefully).

Once she has the fire ignited, she slowly moves against the nearest wall, letting the swordsmen stay between her and the trolloc. She maintains the fire, rather than simply letting it ignite the trolloc, so that he can't put it out.

OOC: I guess you're handling rolls and things, correct?


First Post

drothgery said:
2) Pedron had to duck out of the way when the bouncer tossed his victim at the wall; the creature is right next to him, and would get an AoO if he made a run for it.

<Put Pedron right next to the big, scary monster, why don't you? One good hit with that scythesword could end his adventures real quick. Ah well, since it looks like I can't disengage, time to put Pedron toe-to-toe with a Trolloc and see if he lives to tell of it.>

Light, what is that thing? Pedron thinks as he draws two of his daggers, one in either hand. He wishes he had worn his rapier: being inconspicuous seems a lot less important right now. Light, he wouldn't mind having on a full suit of armor. A thousand of his uncle's nasty bedtime stories gibber madly in his head, but none of them can put a name to this beast.

The Andoran is shouting for people to run, and Pedron bites his lip to keep from laughing hysterically. He doesn't have time to glance at the crowded yard, but he's certain that he'd never break clear before this thing struck. Pedron may not know what it is or what it wants, but it's not waving for a drink with that sword. He takes a step back to get clear of the weapon, then throws the dagger in his left hand.

<I'm going to assume that Pedron at least gets his five foot step. Further, I assumed that Pedron knows that this thing fully intends to attack. I'm not sure whether it requires a sense motive or not.>

<+3 to hit, 1d4+1 Damage--I think strength applies for thrown weapons. If the step takes him out of threat range, he shouldn't be open to an AoO (I hope)>


Yuri throws his mug onto the table, stands up, and draws his curved, single-edged sword as he moves towards the Shadowspawn.


If the Trolloc is less than 30' away, he moves to the Trolloc and attacks. Otherwise he moves 30' towards it (Yuri knows that one doesn't charge Trollocs...).

Note: Yuri was having a drink with his new friends, thus he wasn't wearing his studded leather, his AC will be 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Defense) instead of 15. BUT, he'll be applying his +1 dodge bonus to the Trolloc, so it's 15 against that one in the shed doorway.

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