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WoT Message Board Game - Prologue


First Post
The girls' thread, continued

Sir Osis of Liver said:
[ooc: I'm sorry i'm late, computer broke down on the 20Th just finished fixing it today. i'm gonna jump in here, let me know if i got the boot for my lateness, and i wont reply further. Thanks.]

I'm going to keep you around, and have Pedron show up in Caemlyn. But find some way to get in touch with me if you won't be able to post for a long time, okay?

Sir Osis of Liver said:
Jain after recovering from the one-two punch of running into shalimar here, and seeing she had become an intiate, decided to slink back to his room in order to get his thoughts together and decide how to handle things. After much himming and hawing, Jain, decides to be a man about her being "in the Tower", and keep a low profile in hopes of catching shalimar alone so they can talk, and get caught up with each other.

He didn't manage to catch her alone at the inn, though. <mostly because Shalimar's player won't be back from a business trip until Monday>. Asking questions the next morning, he found they had left early, riding tworad Caemlyn. Like everyone else.

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jain hadlin

Missed them just my flamin' luck. I think maybe I should change my name to Jain the habitialy late. Well, perhaps if i can drag my sorry butt to camlyn in a hurry I can still make amends with Shalimar.

With that Jain double times it to the stable and with a quick prayer to the creator saddles, Rapier, and trys to put as many miles behind him as possible.

Well I never planned on going to camlyn, but when have I ever let plans get in the way of my impulses.

"Ever been to Camlyn, Rapier ?"
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Seeing the Ebout Dari's steel, Yuri decides it's best to back off--telling himself that the man is dumb enough to try something if Yuri keeps it up. Yuri has only killed Trollocs, and he'd rather not kill a man.

The Kandori looks around to see if there're any Hunters of the Horn he can speak to.

(Dave: maybe Lord Tomas looks like a Hunter...nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean...)


First Post
Dicing and Other Affairs...

Ashrem Bayle said:
Ashrem nodded slightly to indicate the Borderlander. “Do you know him? He doesn’t seem to like us very much, though I do not see anything to denote any allegiance to the Queen.”

Ashrem slid his hand into his coat and gripped his dagger. Blood and ashes! Why does trouble always seem to find me?

"He's just another Borderlander to me," Lord Tomas replied. He took a sip of his wine and glanced again at the Borderlander. "When I came in to the common room, he was at the table looking as if he did not wish company." He dabbed a handkerchief to the corners of his mouth to catch any dribbles of wine. "I am used to being looked at, but in a place such as this, I begin to fear it is my purse they are more interested in."

"But this idle speculation is not furthering my attempts to best you at dice. Perhaps we need to widen the playing field." Lord Tomas turned towards the Borderlander and raised his goblet. Pitching his voice to be heard, "Greetings! You seem interested in our dicing. Care to join us good Sir?"

[ooc: heh...I didn't even see Yuri's post yet when I composed this one. So here's your opening to come join us. And since a lot of the Hunter's in the books look like Nobles, I don't see why you wouldn't mistake Lord Tomas for one. Tho that's up to Drothgery of course.]
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Ashrem Bayle

Ash glanced uncertainly at Lord Tomas and whispered, "Are you sure this is wise?"

As the Borderlander neared, Ash turned to greet him. He nods. "Peace favor your sword sir." With his foot, he pushes a chair out to accomidate Yuri. I hope I remembered their greeting correctly.

"Perhaps you would join us in a game of chance." With a sly grin he added, "We have travelled far, and are in need of some extra coin to fill our purse."

"You are from the Borderlands yes? Why is it you have travelled so far from home?" His lip turned up in distaste, he added, "Are you hear to see the False Dragon, Logain? Not worth fighting the crowds if you ask me."

I must be mad but I atually wish I could speak with the man. A fool for naming himself the Dragon, but a fool who can channel. I'd like to put these doubts to rest.

He shivered slightly.. What am I worried about, I'm no Drakfriend to go playing with such things.

He put his attention back on the Borderlander. "Care to toss the dice?"

Jain Hadlin

[ooc: this conversation probably takes place out at the stable while i get ready to leave, hopefully for Camlyn.
Rapier, lrg male light horse.
Rapier is is a mottled grey and white stalion. he is sleek and well muscled, a very fast looking animal. Jain talks to him alot haveing spent so much time on the road, and Rapier seems to be very intelligent, for a horse. At least in jains mind anyway.]

"Well, Rapier, burn me for the fool i am! I really need to start getting some direction in life, you know what I mean?"

Rapier returns a blank stare.

"Of course you don't, you like all this bloody running around in the wilderness. Makes you feal right at home! Well I'll tell you my friend, a man needs more than that. If only those Cairhienins weren't so picky. I'd have a job bodyguardin some noble woman, and the coin would be rollin in!"

Rapier tosses his head.

"Oh, what would you know about it! I know i'm not great with a sword, but I am good at treating injury, most men in the protection field only know how to smash things with thier swords!
I think we could have done quite well as bodyguards, Rapier.
So here's what we'll do. We'll get to Camlyn as quick as we can, and i'll pick up a little more weapons training. Then maybe i can get on the city watch or some thing."

Jain turns away and looks off into the distance.
Rapier, nudges him in the back.

"All right, thats not the only the only reason we're going. The time i spent in Shienar was the happiest time I've had since before my parents died, and after that mess in Cairhien.....
Besides I want to see Shalimar and apologize for reacting the way i did, it was a horrible way to behave."

Jain continues to look away, frowning.

(whispers)"What strange luck, being forced to leave Cairhien, and finding Shalimar here. The wheel does certainly weave a mysterious pattern."

All right' Rapier, are you ready? Lets do this!"


Hearing the traditional Borderlander greeting, Yuri can't help but give a small smile.

[Is that Borderlander or just Shienaren? I always wondered about that...]

"And may peace favor yours," he says, giving a slight nod to the Ebou Dari. "I am Yuri Morotakai, from Kandor, and I would be happy to dice with you."

[even though I really suck at it...:)]

"As for why I'm here in Caemlyn, I am on my way to Illian, where I plan to swear the oath to become a Hunter for the Horn. What brings a Tairen and an Ebou Dari here?"

Yuri takes the chair that the Ebou Dari offered and has a seat.

[Dave: just remembered to set my dicing limit... not more than half my cash, please.]
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Ashrem Bayle

[OOC: Not sure if it is specifically Shienerian or not. But neither does Ash so I'm still in character. :) ]

Ashrem's eyebrows perk up at mention of the Horn. What luck!

"You seek the Horn of Valere? It seems we share a common goal my friend. I'm on my way to Illian as well." Ash smiled slightly, "The Wheel weaves us in interesting directions it seems. How long do you plan to stay in Caemlyn?"

A Kandori swordsman would be a valuable ally in these times.

Ash looked back at Lord Tomas, "And what of you Lord Tomas, where do you plan to go from here once you've made your trade agreements?

[OOC: Oh yea, Ash want risk losing more than 5 silver marks..]


First Post
Yuri and Ashrem do surpringly well (15 and 21 on gambling checks, respectively -- I realized after the fact that you can't use profession skills untrained, but for small-stakes gambling, I'm going to pretend that you can), so Lord Tomas loses a bit of money (rolled a 1, so an 8). But for the stakes they were playing for, it hardly mattered.


First Post
A Tairen, an Ebou Dari, and a Borderlander walk into an Inn...

"Hunting for the Horn? A fools quest. Best it never be found, if there is such a thing." Lord Tomas declares sourly as he looses the next few rolls. "Besides, why should I go to Illian? They are a dirty people with backward ways." If only the High Lords would band together and send the army to crush Illian. Then the world would be rid of thier scum. "As I have just told Master Bale, I am here on buisness. Once this nonsence with the False Dragon is over and the rest of this rabble go back to their homes, I shall be able to continue with more important matters."

Voidrunner's Codex

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