D&D (2024) WoTc and TSR... what is D&D


I'd prefer to see more 16-32 page self-contained adventures coming out of WotC, but that just isn't going to happen these days. I REALLY wish they hadn't gutted Dungeon - it would have been the perfect place to do such a thing.
The 16-32 page self-contained adventures are all on DM's Guild under the "Adventurer's League" tag. That's where the adventures that would have gone into Dungeon back in the day are being published now.

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The 16-32 page self-contained adventures are all on DM's Guild under the "Adventurer's League" tag. That's where the adventures that would have gone into Dungeon back in the day are being published now.
i grab some sometimes...but it bumbs me out they are all realms (I know they did a ravenloft season I have those)


man a 32 page book seems more beer and pretzels then serious to me... but that doesn't mean I would not try ti
Well, for around that page count you had Saltmarsh, Desert Nomads, Village of Hommlet, Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, the original Ravenloft, the Lost City, the Assassin's Knot. Lost Mine of Phandelver wasn't much bigger (closer to 32 pages than 200). The best reviewed adventures of all-time were that page count.
I think it's a solid size for an adventure covering around three levels of play. String together 3-4 of them with a loose story, and you've got a campaign.


Book-Friend, he/him
I'd prefer to see more 16-32 page self-contained adventures coming out of WotC, but that just isn't going to happen these days. I REALLY wish they hadn't gutted Dungeon - it would have been the perfect place to do such a thing.
They put out whole books of 16-32 page Adventures every year...sometimes they pretend there is a unifying plot to them, sometimes not (like witht he upco.ing Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel).

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Other than a few bad apples I don’t really feel like it is bashed in these forums.
It's certainly better here than on other forums I've frequented in the past, but almost any discussion where it comes up, you'll find a "that guy" spouting some of the same old "it's too anime" "it's WoW the rpg" "it wasn't D&D" nonsense that makes a person very tired. Why the last guy who said stuff like that in a thread I was in was so tired about it he started yawning!

what does this mean for the game I started in 94/95? I don't know. It just is something in my head so now I am forcing you to all think aboout it.
I don't necessarily think that things mean anything in particular. Some things just are.
All in all, I don't think the video game analogy is the most apt. I think perhaps a better one would be how many people today got their start with Star Trek with Next Generation or later, and many of them can't watch the original without seeing the re-used sets, 60s special effects, and so on. Or how my nephew learned that Darth Vader was Luke's father when he was first familiarized with either of them (as Lego characters, no less).

The one thing this timeline discussion reminds me of is this: When EGG was first working on Chainmail (and I think that is where we have to start the measuring, if discussing influences), most of the pulp fantasy Appendix N material that influenced him (plus the westerns that helped forge the frontier world influence on the game world) was more recent the then than D&D's creation is to now. Cthulhu in 1926, Conan in 1932, LotR 1949 (but the North American revival in 1965, less than a decade previous), Dying Earth 1950. All of these would have been more contemporaneous than the original Star Wars is today (and some of the later works moreso than The Matrix or Buffy the Vampire Slayer is now).

It reminds me of the situation I had where a someone was complaining about the most recent (at the time) Muppet movies were 'trash' because it had some soon-to-be-dated pop culture references and cameos by past-their-prime celebrities (because the guests on the 1970s tv show were what, exactly?).

All in all, I don't think the video game analogy is the most apt. I think perhaps a better one would be how many people today got their start with Star Trek with Next Generation or later, and many of them can't watch the original without seeing the re-used sets, 60s special effects, and so on. Or how my nephew learned that Darth Vader was Luke's father when he was first familiarized with either of them (as Lego characters, no less).
I have very basic memories of TOS (my dad watching it in reruns) then my first trek movie (and we owned it as one of our first VHS was IV the voyage home... but I always think of myself as a TNG guy.
I guess it is a good analogy because I like Discovery and Picard and LOVE strange new worlds (so far)


I have very basic memories of TOS (my dad watching it in reruns) then my first trek movie (and we owned it as one of our first VHS was IV the voyage home... but I always think of myself as a TNG guy.
I guess it is a good analogy because I like Discovery and Picard and LOVE strange new worlds (so far)
I mean, my first exposure to Star Trek was reruns in the late 70s/early 80s and I found TNG's first, oh, 2 seasons to be terrible and nearly unwatchable (an opinion I recently reinforced on a rewatch - oof those first two season have a couple of gems and set up some things that pay off later but oof) - so I've always been more a TOS guy than a TNG/DS9/Voyager guy (though DS9 in particular was really, really good). But I also love Discovery and Picard. I know I'm in the minority of "old" Trek fans but I think Discovery in particular captures the feel of what TOS was trying to do better than any of the shows that came after it.

TNG's first, oh, 2 seasons to be terrible and nearly unwatchable
I joke with people about that being a major offense... but I skip from encounter at far point to tasha's death, to season 3 myself so no stones to throw. (I know in there is an Okay Romulan episode and a GOD awful planet Africa/polyamory episode...but I can't remember much else)

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