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WotC submission ideas you rejected rather than send.


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I considered submitting my homebrew world - thought about it, realized that it was in concept, the Forgotten Realms mixed with Mystara, and nixed it.

I have to think that most campaign worlds out there aren't strongly themed at all; they're D&D flavored -- which is a theme of sorts, but not something you can sell back to Wizards of the Coast.

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I didn't submit my actual homebrew, since it's based on existing (though public domain) intellectual property. (The Oz books, for those keeping score at home.)

Seriously? Wild. What's a typical adventure like?


mmadsen said:

Seriously? Wild. What's a typical adventure like?

I'll let you know when I run one. ;)

Seriously, Oz is our "change of pace" world, and I run it in sort of an anthology format; there isn't necessarily any direct continuity between the adventures, and even the PC's are usually different.

I've run the first part of the Witchfire Trilogy from Privateer in the setting, and it fit absurdly well. Most of the names of assorted monsters have just the right sound to them, and the politics mapped nicely. (I replaced the bad-but-deposed ruler with the Wizard, and the nice-and-not-deposed ruler with Ozma.)

In other adventures, the various PC's have:

Entered a mobile simulated dungeon in search of the rebellious former apprentice of Glinda the Good. This adventure took place in Munchkin Country, so the "customers" of the dungeon were loaded down with simulated magic items and kept saying things like "w00+."

Plotted with General Jinjur's Army of Revolt to depose a usurper who had taken over the Emerald City disguised as the Scarecrow.

Travelled to Oerth in search of the stolen Love Magnet.

Defeated a Tanar'ri invasion force. (I ran this adventure entirely because of the image of Graz'zt wearing the ruby slippers.)

And so on. That's the general idea, at least.


First Post
Wormwood, did you delete your post for some reason?

Anyway, on the topic of Camazotz, it's also the name of a Mayan Death-Bat God. Freaky. I'd completely forgotten that it was the name of the planet in A Wrinkle in Time ruled by a tyrant brain.


Well, I didn't get around to developing it (and it's probably good that i did not!) but I was considering a world where humans were 2nd-class citizens. Elves, dwarves, etc. occupied a cosmopolitan society that thrived on the backs of human servants (not all humans are servants, but a great many). The time is not longer after the human kingdoms had done the same to the demihuman races. What tipped the scales against humans was the discovery of a plant that creates a special drug (which i did not name). The plant was discovered by a demihuman coalition that moved into a portion of the world not explored in ages due to some kind of cataclysm.

The drug itself enhances spellcasting ability of all types. Low amounts typically replicate metamagic feats while larger intakes produce far grander effects. There are inherent dangers with the latter, as there should be for drugs of any type. But the discovery and use of the drug has awakened a sleeping evil long since forgotten in the "Unexplored Zone". And it and it's minions aren't too keen on the constant reaping of their magic-enhancing foliage.

And of course you've got your groups like the human resistance, those who control the drug trade, those who want equality for all with the demihuman govt., the baddie and his dark and horrible forces, etc. etc. ad nauseum.


First Post
The world that I was thinking about, didn't really get it into the correct form.

The theme of the world was the standard 'light vs dark' but done in a fashion so to try not to be cliche and tapped out.

The backdrop of the world was that of tangible and ultimate darkness/evil.

The 'night' was literally alive with an evil cunning (not intelligent, but some sort of instinctual drive), the dead did not rest and dark beasts stalked the night.

The world is ravaged by plauge, except it isn't a 20th century medical science plauge. Instead it is a plauge that works in ways that are similar to how people thought during the dark ages. The plauge is a force that can manifest itself in ways such as an 'evil mist that wafts thru towns at night', or 'invisible bat winged heads of plauge victims fly thru the night looking for people to curse'.

The backdrop of the world is one of superstision and there is an mindless evil that permeates the world that could be best described as a force of nature. Basically giving the DM an inexhaustable supply of things for the PCs to fight (you can't 'defeat' a force of nature now can you.)

The other aspect of the world is the spiritual nature of the people in it. The major source of magical power in the world is not arcane but 'divine'. The world has no gods (good, evil, or indiffrent), and 'divine' energy flows from within. Classes like Paladins are MUCH more common, and don't act as agents of greater powers, since greater powers don't exist, but are focoused on personal justice and defending the oppressed.

Of course, not every group of people sees eye to eye on what is 'best' so there is an aspect of conflict there.

In the world, the people as a rule don't have large and organized goverments like Forgotten Realms, but have a much more local existance. This is not a world with 'local wise-apples' like elminster hiding in every sleepy village who can tell you every little detail about some empire half way across the continent.

Elves and Humans don't mix, not because they dislike each other, but elves live in one place, and humans live in another place and neither group tends to leave home that much.

I have a whole bunch of other stuff, like making the various 'core' races being vastly diffrent from each other in terms of their cultures (not incompatable, just very diffrent inorder to make an elf an elf and not a human with pointy ears).

And so on, didn't put it into the correct form since I wouldn't have had time to deal with it if it had been selected (as unlikely as that would have be).

Jon F. Zeigler

First Post
The two I didn't send in

One of them is a rather dark pseudo-medieval setting, which uses psionics rather than magic. Psionic powers tend to run in families. Those with significant powers rise into the nobility, because there are lots of psionically-active monsters running around and the peasants need protection.

The other one is set on a world which is tide-locked to its sun, so that human civilization exists in eternal daylight. The core society is more or less Elizabethan, although the nobles tend to be scholars and magic-users rather than the descendants of an old warrior aristocracy. There's a strong dualism between the god of Order (identified with the sun, of course) and the gods/demons of Chaos and Night.

I didn't send either of these in because although I've had them in my head for years, I've never developed either one enough to be comfortable agreeing to write a 100-page bible for them.

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