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D&D 5E WotC's Jeremy Crawford on D&D Races Going Forward

On Twitter, Jeremy Crawford discussed the treatment of orcs, Vistani, drow and others in D&D, and how WotC plans to treat the idea of 'race' in D&D going forward. In recent products (Eberron and Wildemount), the mandatory evil alignment was dropped from orcs, as was the Intelligence penalty. @ThinkingDM Look at the treatment orcs received in Eberron and Exandria. Dropped the Intelligence...

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On Twitter, Jeremy Crawford discussed the treatment of orcs, Vistani, drow and others in D&D, and how WotC plans to treat the idea of 'race' in D&D going forward. In recent products (Eberron and Wildemount), the mandatory evil alignment was dropped from orcs, as was the Intelligence penalty.


@ThinkingDM Look at the treatment orcs received in Eberron and Exandria. Dropped the Intelligence debuff and the evil alignment, with a more acceptable narrative. It's a start, but there's a fair argument for gutting the entire race system.

The orcs of Eberron and Wildemount reflect where our hearts are and indicate where we’re heading.

@vorpaldicepress I hate to be "that guy", but what about Drow, Vistani, and the other troublesome races and cultures in Forgotten Realms (like the Gur, another Roma-inspired race)? Things don't change over night, but are these on the radar?

The drow, Vistani, and many other folk in the game are on our radar. The same spirit that motivated our portrayal of orcs in Eberron is animating our work on all these peoples.

@MileyMan1066 Good. These problems need to be addressed. The variant features UA could have a sequel that includes notes that could rectify some of the problems and help move 5e in a better direction.

Addressing these issues is vital to us. Eberron and Wildemount are the first of multiple books that will face these issues head on and will do so from multiple angles.

@mbriddell I'm happy to hear that you are taking a serious look at this. Do you feel that you can achieve this within the context of Forgotten Realms, given how establised that world's lore is, or would you need to establish a new setting to do this?

Thankfully, the core setting of D&D is the multiverse, with its multitude of worlds. We can tell so many different stories, with different perspectives, in each world. And when we return to a world like FR, stories can evolve. In short, even the older worlds can improve.

@SlyFlourish I could see gnolls being treated differently in other worlds, particularly when they’re a playable race. The idea that they’re spawned hyenas who fed on demon-touched rotten meat feels like they’re in a different class than drow, orcs, goblins and the like. Same with minotaurs.

Internally, we feel that the gnolls in the MM are mistyped. Given their story, they should be fiends, not humanoids. In contrast, the gnolls of Eberron are humanoids, a people with moral and cultural expansiveness.

@MikeyMan1066 I agree. Any creature with the Humanoid type should have the full capacity to be any alignmnet, i.e., they should have free will and souls. Gnolls... the way they are described, do not. Having them be minor demons would clear a lot of this up.

You just described our team's perspective exactly.

As a side-note, the term 'race' is starting to fall out of favor in tabletop RPGs (Pathfinder has "ancestry", and other games use terms like "heritage"); while he doesn't comment on that specifically, he doesn't use the word 'race' and instead refers to 'folks' and 'peoples'.

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I just think orcs are a Rorshach test of racist tropes.
"I do think of the 'Dwarves' like Jews: at once native and alien in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue" - JRR Tolkien, letter to Naomi Mitchison 8 December 1955.

"The Orcs are definitely stated to be corruptions of the 'human' form seen in Elves and Men. They are (or were) squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types." - JRR Tolkien, letter to Forrest J. Ackerman June 1958.
Where exactly is this Rorshach test being hidden?


That does raise a separate, but no equally unimportant issue about feminism and classic depictions of certain monsters like succubi, Medusa or sirens. Hell there is an anthology called Uncaged on DMs Guild all about subverting those tropes. The fact the incubus has a prominent place in the MM with her, and a male Medusa was a villain in an early module, shows WotC is trying to make baby steps here too.

Whether incubus has a prominent place is a bit debatable, I kind of read it as "BTW there are also male versions but let's go on describing how succubi are evil seductresses." At least that's how I read it.

But there's also ... I don't know ... aberrations equating ugly to evil for example. Someone else pointed out dragons. If you look for landmines in a game where any creature can be labeled as evil you will find them IMHO.

But I think this topic has been beaten to death. Have a good one!


Mod Squad
Staff member
I've watched many times as they view something that superficially has some resemblance to their trauma and made connections that weren't there.

So, "Well, you're traumatized, so I, who am not actually an expert on your trauma, will tell you whether this is part of your trauma," is where you are going? Because... that doesn't look very good at all.

I don't think we should deny the experience, but there are more ways than just changing/removing the things that are being misperceived to help people through what they are experiencing.

You have exactly zero chance of doing that before you accept that the issue exists. So long as you deny that the tropes are offensive can you discuss how to handle the tropes. So long as you are pushing the blame for offense on the one feeling it, and coming up for elaborate armchair quarterback excuses for why they feel the way that they do that just happens to mean you get what you want, you will not be able to handle the issue.


That does raise a separate, but no equally unimportant issue about feminism and classic depictions of certain monsters like succubi, Medusa or sirens. Hell there is an anthology called Uncaged on DMs Guild all about subverting those tropes. The fact the incubus has a prominent place in the MM with her, and a male Medusa was a villain in an early module, shows WotC is trying to make baby steps here too.
Male Medusa? As in snake hairs and petrifying gaze? I am asking because D&D had males of the Medusa race already. They were Bald, scaled and could not turn others to stone but could actually reverse it (Handy when Mörder hobbos tricked their wife with a mirror)


That does raise a separate, but no equally unimportant issue about feminism and classic depictions of certain monsters like succubi, Medusa or sirens.

The other side of the coin being that these classic depictions bring to the fore mans' weaknesses rather than the 'evil' of womanhood.


People get also traumatized by being stabbed, so remove all daggers and swords from the game?
You may note that the game books are absent examples of events which resemble traumatic violence real people have experienced. There's no passage of text floating around in the general how-to-play-the-game sections of text which mirrors things like what an attacker said to the traumatized reader or describes events mirroring the traumatic experience.

Yet the books have included language that is the exact language used by real racists to put down real people. And just like reading a description of a traumatic stabbing could cause mental distress to someone traumatized by a stabbing, reading racist phrasings can cause mental distress to someone targeted by racism in their real life.

The closest thing I have to a key to understanding that feeling is imagining if a particular people in a game book were described as being (to paraphrase) 'always the bad guys' and 'not worth considering civilized or deserving of the same treatment as humans' for their biological sex not factoring into their personal identity, the male sex enjoying long hair and fingernails, and being romantically interested in partners regardless of the partner's genitalia or gender identity. Because that would probably involve some lines of text that are the things, or at least deeply remind me of the things, that hate-filled people said to me in my real life.


Male Medusa? As in snake hairs and petrifying gaze? I am asking because D&D had males of the Medusa race already. They were Bald, scaled and could not turn others to stone but could actually reverse it (Handy when Mörder hobbos tricked their wife with a mirror)

Spoilers, obviously.


Mod Squad
Staff member
But we don’t know how many racialized minority gamers find things like orcs and drow offensive. I’ve never seen a poll or a study on the subject.

As we will see in a moment, you shouldn't actually need one. The fact that folks think this should be necessary to take so small an action is part of the persistent problem.

What if 2 in 10 gamers of colour say they find depictions of orcs reinforce stereotypes and 8 in 10 say they don’t see it.

Oh, you want to go with calculus on this? So... let's say, I'm going to slap you in the face. SMACK!

You are the only person on the planet whose face I will ever slap. But I will do it every day. Several billion people will never experience this face slapping. 99.99% of the human race will not even know it is happening.

How should we characterize folks who see that do you are getting slapped every day, and say something in your defence, even though several billion people have no issue with me at all?

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