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Would you allow this paladin in your game? (new fiction added 11/11/08)

Would you allow this paladin character in your game?


Orius said:
I have to agree. I like the concept of Cedric, but I think in trying to change people's preconceptions of the paladin, shilsen didn't just bend some people's preconceptions, he went the extra mile and smashed them into very very small pieces. :)

Thank you - you're too kind :D

Of course, that made things much more controversial. I think the character still works, and if toned down, he wouldn't be considered as objectionable.

When you say that the "character still works", do you mean as a paladin? Or does he go too far to be considered as such? I wasn't completely sure from your post.

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shilsen said:
When you say that the "character still works", do you mean as a paladin? Or does he go too far to be considered as such? I wasn't completely sure from your post.

I think the character works; however, he's over the top enough that plenty of people disagree.


Orius said:
I think the character works; however, he's over the top enough that plenty of people disagree.
Thanks for the clarification.

I think this thread's run its course, so I'm wrapping up the little story of Cedric with one last post below.


Fighting the good fight

Beobarius galloped along the abandoned path, his bony frame and angular body moving with a precision and speed which would have surprised any onlooker. Atop him, Cedric cast a look at the sun, now westering right ahead of him. We will barely make it at this speed, he thought, And that too if Shikuna was right.

He leaned forward and patted the horse's sweat-streaked neck softly. "I am sorry, old friend. I know you are tired, but we cannot stop." He chuckled inwardly, and then said, "So, Bob, how about really moving that celestial ass of yours?"

There was a short whinny in reply, followed by a mental message whose emotional overtones of amused irritation did not quite hide the love and respect beneath it, and then incredibly, Beobarius actually lengthened his stride. Paladin and steed raced into the sunset, their dark shadows streaming behind them like pursuing furies.


The only thing in the clearing was a decrepit old temple. Despite its evident age, the walls and roof were still upright and the vegetation seemed to have spared it strangely, not even any moss or ivy wreathing its walls. Just as strange was the complete silence in the clearing. The only signs of life were half a dozen figures looking up at the building.

Greed battled with caution in the eyes and voice of Caseith, anointed high priest of the Dark Fury, as he asked the figure standing beside him, "Are you sure this is the place?"

"Yes, Caseith," came the answer in a throaty purr which made even the simple statement seem like an invitation to carnality.

"Then, dear Alecto," said Caesith, "Why don't you lead the way?"

"Coward," said his companion laconically, before walking up the two broken steps to the doorway. Caseith did not respond, but a single gesture sent the four armored figures behind him moving forward after her.

Alecto reached forward and shoved, sending the door flying open. For a split second the others saw only darkness within and then light flared.

Cedric calmly dropped the torch onto the carefully prepared pile of oil-soaked wood he had prepared and the flames leapt up instantly, illuminating the doorway and the area beyond. On and below the steps leading to the door stood four armored figures, weapons in hand. Behind them stood another figure in similar armor, a scaled helm hiding his features, a cruelly barbed spear in his hand. Cedric mentally marked down the last as the greater danger, but his attention was focused on the singular figure standing in the doorway. The figure could have been that of an incredibly beautiful woman, perhaps the most beautiful he had ever seen, raven hair curling around an exquisite figure. Except for the half-spread bat-wings, that is.

Even as the succubus snarled in surprise, Cedric smiled at her and raised his sword in a mock-salute. Six to one, he thought. Not good. But perhaps...

"Greetings, lady," he said companionably, "Shall we dance? Unless your chaperones mind, that is."

The answering smile from Alecto was significantly less mirthful that his. "This fool is mine!" she spoke over her shoulder to those behind her.

"How kind of you," said Cedric, still holding the smile. "I'd ask you to have a drink, but I'm almost out." With his other hand he raised a bottle to his lips, draining the remaining liquor in it, still carefully keeping an eye on her. The heat of the alcohol burned into his throat even as the magic potion he had placed within did its work, preparing him for the battle.

With a sweep of her wings, Alecto hurled herself forward through the air, claws reaching for him. Having waited for exactly this moment, Cedric responded immediately, flinging the bottle into her onrushing face and following it with his slashing blade. The demoness screamed as the holy sword laid open her arm and Cedric swayed away from her talons.

But even as he did so, a bolt of ravening dark energy came flying through the door, slamming into Cedric and momentarily draining his strength. Though he took the blast stoically, it was just the distraction Alecto needed, and she was instantly on top of him. He managed to land another shallow wound before she was inside the sweep of his sword, claws digging into his shoulders, bearing him to the ground. Cedric struggled for a few moments against her magically enhanced strength, but the claws digging into his wrist finally forced him to drop the sword.

Think fast, moron! said Cedric to himself as he looked up into the snarling face. Steeling himself, he smiled up at her and stopped struggling. "Be gentle," he said. "This is my first time - with a succubus." The comment drew first a look of surprise and then an anticipatory leer. Exactly as he had been hoping, Alecto leaned over and kissed him.

The demoness felt her captive's energy drain and flow into her and she revelled in the feeling. As they always did, he went completely limp and helpless beneath the onslaught of her unearthly allure. Raising a hand to stroke the quiescent face, Alecto slid her tongue wetly into his mouth and suggested sweetly around it, "Wouldn't it be better to help me find it, so that we could stop fighting and explore ... other possibilities?" Fool! she thought. Nobody can resist my suggestions.

Cedric felt the waves of magical compulsion wash over his mind and body and laughed inwardly. This was his mind and body, and for years they worked in unison, neither conflicting with the other as the average person's - and paladin's - did. No demoness of the Pit could have any hold over him. He felt her tongue probe deeper into his mouth - and bit down.

Caught completely off-guard, Alecto tried to scream. The puny human's teeth should have had no effect on her demonic flesh, but they sheared through it with the same power and painful effectiveness of a celestial blade. Though she had a host of magical abilities at her command, all she could concentrate on was the incredible pain. With a strangled shriek she tried to scramble backwards, clawing desperately at Cedric. There was a moment of exruciating pain and she was free. Blood bubbling from her ravaged mouth, the succubus looked up, just as Cedric's holy sword came around in a shining sweep.

Alecto's headless torso collapsed and Cedric looked over it into the shocked eyes of those standing beyond the door. Then he turned to spit the first half of her tongue onto the ground, before flashing a brilliant smile and tapping his teeth. "Holy teeth," he said, companionably.

A befuddled Caseith gaped at this strange enemy. "You enchanted your teeth?!"

"Hey, if you're expecting a succubus...," said Cedric, letting the sentence trail off into the obvious. Raising his sword into a ready position, he asked "Who's next?"

"KILL HIM!" shrieked Caseith in rage, hurling another spell at the paladin which he calmly deflected. The four armored figures hefted their weapons and charged. As the first of them burst through the doorway, stepping on a piece of flooring that Alecto had flown over during her attack, Cedric took a quick couple of steps and dived through the closest window, taking the cloak he'd hung over it with him. He hit the ground outside with a painful thump, but the sound was overshadowed by the thunder of falling masonry beside him.

Rising to his feet, Cedric looked with satisfaction at the almost completely crumbled ruin, momentarily shrouded in dust. As it settled, he saw that three of the walls he had worked carefully on had collapsed completely, taking the roof and part of the fourth wall with them. Only a boot protruding from beneath tons of stone revealed where the four attackers had been.

Caseith stared in amazement at the sight and then back at Cedric. "You TRAPPED it?"

"Obviously," was the calm answer. "Care to run?"

With a snarl, Caseith swung the spear in his hand to face Cedric. "I will take your body, paladin, and Soulstealer here will feast on your spirit."

"Fair enough," said Cedric, warily noting the black and red flames that ran up and down the barbed blade of the spear. "I, on the other hand, will kick your stupid ass, cut off your :):):):)ing head, give you a bloody decent burial and say prayers for your oh-to-totally-:):):):)ed-up soul."

Without a shouted curse, Caseith charged and the battle was on. Within moments of the start, Cedric knew he was somewhat outmatched. Even though his individual skill was lower, his enemy was literally bristling with magical protections. Even so, the odds might have been on the paladin's side, but the long ride and the battle with the succubus had tired him. Most worryingly, the dark spear seemed to anticipate his moves, almost guiding its wielder's hands to the perfect position every time.

Cedric fought on, stoically taking blows that he could not avoid and looking for an opening. Finally, Caseith stumbled and Cedric managed to catch him with a sweeping blow that should have cut him in half. But at the very last moment, the priest swayed aside, turning a killing blow into merely a serious one. Unfortunately for Cedric, there was no way to halt the momentum and he felt the flames of agony as Caseith pierced him with the spear.

"The Dark Fury be praised!" screamed the priest in triumph as he saw the spearhead completely enter the paladin's stomach, fixing his eyes on his enemy's face to watch him die.

To his consternation, Cedric looked down at the spear and up at him, before painfully whispering, "The Dark Fury can kiss my ass!"

And then Cedric hurled himself up along the shaft of the spear, completely impaling himself. The last thing Caseith saw was the cold eyes of the paladin flaming in triumph, as did the holy sword which decapitated him.

Cedric collapsed on the ground, feeling the life flow out of him in a torrent, incredible agony running through his entire body. He pulled feebly at the shaft of the spear, to no avail. As his vision dimmed, for a moment he thought of simply letting go, before his natural fighting spirit reasserted itself. With a last effort and a mental prayer to the High Lord, Cedric poured all of his healing ability into himself. Energy flowed into his body, knitting rent flesh and torn organs, causing flesh and bone and sinew to reconnect itself into the form it had been before.


"A squad of templars has arrived, Father," said the excited youth, "And Sir Cedric too!"

Even as he spoke, there was a knock on the door behind him. "You in there, Father?" called a familiar voice.

"Cedric!" said Shikuna, rising hurriedly to his feet. "Come in!"

Cedric entered, walking in a curiously hunched over fashion, carrying a sack in one hand.

"Are you hurt?" asked Shikuna, quickly moving towards him.

"No, I'm fine - well, mostly," was the reply. Looking at the waiting acolyte, Cedric said, "I'd like to speak to the Father alone."

The acolyte quickly bowed and left, but not without a couple of backward glances. And as soon as he was gone, Cedric shut the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" asked Shikuna. "And what happened? Did they get the..."

"No. But there are two things to do," said Cedric, before opening the bag and tossing a deadly-looking barbed spear to the ground. The spear shaft, however, was hacked short.

"We need to destroy this," said Cedric.

"Sure," said Shikuna. "What is the second thing? And why are you walking like that?"

Cedric looked slightly embarrassed and said, "Well, that's the same bloody thing." He twitched away his cloak and opened the front of his shirt, to reveal a four inch wooden shaft protruding from his stomach, and then turned to reveal another few inches sticking out of his lower back. There was no sign of a wound, healthy flesh holding the wood in place.

"What...?" asked Shikuna in bafflement.

Cedric looked even more embarrassed. "Let's just say someone poked me with that spear, and I couldn't take the shaft out before I healed myself. So..."



First Post
Yo Reapersaurus

its not whoring, the girls are allowed to work, and as such probably have permits... mine
would, and health checks. Shilsen didn't cover this, that I can tell, but registered workers in the field of sexual related work are often very well trained in society as well. They could be whores, or they could be "escorts" or (firefly :p) "companions."

viewing prostitutes thru this "working woman" lens which ignores the moral, physical, and psychological degeneracy inherent in the profession/industry.
moral? many of those are socially built rather than a serious 'moral' idea.
The industry may not be what you think it is. Many of the people who use the industry do so because it is cleaner and less risky than a random fling. Chances are it might have been the same with reputable houses in older times. Maybe you should get to know some pimps and prostitutes.
Less respected places, and girls who work in them aren't treated or respected kindly by ladies in reputable places. I know strippers, dancers, professionals, and its just another aspect of services. Like an electrician. Strictly by the code of conduct there is nothing Cedric has done wrong.
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I would probably allow it depending on the campaign; it would probably work better in Hârn or Midnight than in the Realms.

I would tell the character he's a paladin on the edge of what's accepted. He may find resistance from other paladins and clerics who think he's a "bad example". If he strays much further, he might find his god restricts him the use of certain abilities.

For example, a paladin who spends too much time in the brothel may find his Divine health and Remove disease abilities no longer work. When he finds out he's acquired an STD, he can't get rid of it himself and the priests of his faith refuse to treat him, saying it is the will of their god etc. He'll have to "return to the path" by doing some good deed (for example, making sure the girls at the brothel are cured from the disease) before he himself is cured.

the Jester

I don't have a problem with this guy, with one caveat. Depending on his behavior while drinking and whoring, he might slide away from lawful (i.e., prostitution/drinking is illegal, the paladin is a player with the ladies, leaving broken hearts behind him, etc).

But, heck yeah! I'm all for players' different takes on the classes. Give me gritty paladins, urban rangers and riddle-master bards. I'll take 'em.


I'd be fine with it in principle; however since the Paladin likely gets his powers from his deity I might restrict the deity choice, an anti-sleepin-with-prostitutes deity wouldn't grant him his Paladin-powers. The main thing about the Paladin is he has to have a LG code, and stick to it. As long as his behaviour doesn't violate that code, ok. Frequenting well-run brothels might be ok where picking up lotus-addled streetwalkers desperate for their next drugs fix might not be.


I can't agree with the idea that patronising a brothel - assuming it is, indeed, a non-exploitative institution - is inherent non-lawful. The character clearly "plays by the rules", refusing special treatment just for being a good customer. One can assume that he never drinks to the point of a loss of self-control, either, even if he does drink to get drunk. Assuming that his paladinic order or the deity he follows does not impose a code akin to Sir Galahad's, and that prostitution and liquor are considered acceptable outlets, he has no problem.

The cynicism makes him interesting; it's the edge to the character which hints at the possibility of a fall from grace, which every paladin should have.


First Post
Certainly, procided the player could keep it up and could work with the others in the party.

I can appreciate that some GMs would hate this style of paladin but IMO they are merely blinded by the ideal of a "Holy Warrior" without understanding any of the realities of life.

Upholding the Law doesn't mean you have to remain aloof from society.
Being Good doesn't mean you have to be pleasant.
Being a Paladin doesn't assume chastity, benevolence, philanthropy or anything other than following the strictures of your religion.

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