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Would you Swap 3.5e for Exalted?

Would you swap your 3.5e core rulebooks for an EXALTED 2nd Edition core rulebook

  • Yes

    Votes: 56 17.7%
  • No

    Votes: 230 72.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 31 9.8%

  • Poll closed .


First Post
Teflon Billy said:
I'd be worried if this was a fundie group doing a public burning as a symbolic "destruction of the information"...but it just isn't.
So... symbolic "destruction of the information" is bad, but symbolic "destruction of the competition" is not? :uhoh:

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First Post
frankthedm said:
What was your opposition? Deathknights and other signifigant foes will often bring in the minimum damage rules. Saw it in the group's test combat and i did not like it.

Zombies. From the back of the book, I think. (I wasn't GMing)

My archer shot six arrows over six rounds. Four of them hit. One of them did a couple HT of damage. The rest of the party had finished off the others by then and killed mine as well. (It also couldn't roll for crap and hadn't hurt me either.)

There were more Exalted (4) than Zombies (3).

In retrospect, it reminds me of the Vampire the Requiem demo at Origins*, where a dog (not a Ghoul dog, just a dog) took out a party of four fledgeling vampires.

Must've been WW's Year of the Gimp PCs, 'cause it seemed like every game the player characters got feebler, and the difficulty number required for a success got higher.

*One of the main reasons I go to Cons is to play games I'd never get to otherwise, and I always try to catch the Demo games, figuring that the designers of said game will have the best idea of how it is supposed to work. Steve Kenson's demo of Mutants & Masterminds absolutely sold the game to me. Some other demos have done the exact opposite. I figure if the guys who make the game can't make it fun, what chance have I?
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Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
Teflon Billy said:
So..."businesses protecting margins" is Ok, but "doing what you like with your own property" is not? :uhoh:

I don't think anyone is saying that people can't do what they like with their property. They are explaining why they themselves will also exercise their right to do what they like with their property by not participating, and giving reasons for that.


Mark Hope

Given that I can snag a PHB 3.5 off eBay for under a tenner, it seems like a pretty fine deal to me :D

However, given my aversion to the buckets-o-dice system that WW use, I'm not likely to give it a go.

It looks like a hoot, though, and hats off to WW for providing decent popcorn fodder, if nothing else, lol. I'm sure it won't make a blind bit of difference to WotC, but I do enjoy the image of a wolf-pup yapping at their heels.

Cam Banks

Jim Hague said:
I'm with Scott on this one - it's insulting to existing D&D players, implying that they're somehow inferior for playing their game; graduate to a 'real' game, effectively.

Right. Because nobody's ever said this about D&D 3.5 before. Telling them the game they were playing just wasn't working out right and that they should upgrade to a newer, better game would be incredibly insulting!


Mark Hope

Cam Banks said:
Right. Because nobody's ever said this about D&D 3.5 before. Telling them the game they were playing just wasn't working out right and that they should upgrade to a newer, better game would be incredibly insulting!


The irony of it is delicious :).




But even then what white-wolf is doing is in quite poor taste. They ar ebeing way too blunt.

Seriously, I want wotc and white-wolf to get it on, for real. Start a war Rouse, start a war to drive ww out of business for good and let that serve as a lesson to the industry about corporate power!!

Do what TRUMP would do! :D


First Post
at first i was abit undecided about this idea, then as i read mre about this it started to make me lean towards no more, plus as is usual policy for ww the offer is limited to the usa again so im outta luck even if i was interested :( i guess ww forgets that alot of potential gamers live outside the us/canada again huh?

meh no problems im not sure i wanna ruin my 3.5 core rules set by letting em destroy the phb anyway.


First Post
new respect for Kenzer

I agree with the naysayers.

How many promotions has Kenzer done sending out free products to people who simply send an email and promise to read the product and judge it on its own merits.

I may go buy some of their stuff now, just to show I like their way of doing promotions.



First Post
pawsplay said:
Because it's unnecessary. WotC is just trying to protect their margins, WW is encouraging people, basically, to throw gaming books into the trash.

Also, I expect WotC will destroy few books. Most will be liquidated, especially to used book stores.
At the release of 3e, WotC shredded, literally, warehouses full of unsold 2e books; PHBs, MCs, Planescape stuff. When 4e comes out, I predict WotC will shred every 3.5 product they can get their hands on... hundreds of times more product than WW will cause to be destroyed through their promotion. Dumping their unpurchased product on the used book market is just going to make customers less likely to upgrade to 4e. Despite Scott's personal distaste for destroying books, I very much doubt WotC will be all that altruistic when it comes to preserving old books for future generations.

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