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WTF Blizzard? A complaint about Dual Specs in patch 3.1


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That was not exactly a serious proposition. ;)


A friend of mine that played Evercrack back in the day spent lots of cash on in-game items, then when he left the game he sold them. It's more the rate to me. $17 for 1k gold? harsh. An epic flying mount would be $85+ !

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Welcome to the economy of a MMORPG, where everything is insanely overpriced! Well, it's probably not that insane, given the comments by actual WoW players here ;), but yeah, crazy economics have always annoyed me in MMORPGs. Most of the time I just want to explore a big world, and just chill, but everyone else seems to want to PvP or powerlevel, or trade items for giant piles of money and it just ruins it for me.


First Post
Money sinks like this one are needed.

1000 gold is absolute pennies if you have a gathering skill and/or do quests at max level. Back when I wanted to get my epic flying mount I made 200 gold a day doing the Shattered Sun offensive dailies (All but the ones that took too long). That took about an hour a day. That's considered casual play.

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