• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

X-COM (updated M-W-F)

Our first missed Monday update :(

I'm interested to see what this new crystal is. I'm pretty sure Elerium was the only alien power source in the orginal game, and it was a crystal too so this will make for an interesting new piece to the game.

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I hope you had a great vacation LB!
Indeed, lots of fun! The last day was grueling with all the travel; with the time difference we were up for 24 hours straight. Just got back this morning.

* * * * *

Session 24 (October 6, 2008)
Chapter 104

Dust and hot air hissed from the exhaust vents of the Lightning as it settled down onto the landing pad in HQX’s main hangar. Teams of men and women, dressed in the uniforms that identified their assignment, rushed into action: biological containment crews to deal with dead aliens, or living captives in stasis; engineers to grab tech and take custody of heavy weaponry; and finally armor-clad security officers to make sure that there were no unexpected surprises.

The teams worked with the efficiency of trained veterans who knew the drill. In the crowded space none of them bumped into or dislodged the others, and a subtle space opened around the Alphas as they emerged from the belly of the aircraft.

They were battered and blackened, their armor smeared with the impact burns from plasma bolts, and in more than one case they moved with a limp, or favored an arm pressed up close against their bodies. Stan White’s medical team was there with motorized gurneys, but to a man the Alphas shrugged them off. Even Mary, who could barely walk, and was being helped forward by Jane, whose powered armor wheezed and clanked as she moved.

Vasily dropped his plasma cannon—a new one, taken off an alien leader—onto a rolling cart with a loud clank. Hallorand was standing there, a grim look on his face. “Rough one?”

“They all rough,” Vasily said. But as he looked back at his battered team, he added, “Eight dozen. At least.”

“We saw the visuals on what happened downtown. It looked like a freaking nuke went off.”

“That… new weapon,” Vasily said, nodding toward Hadrian, who was carrying the alien blaster launcher in both hands. The Marine started to toss it onto the cart, but two techs intercepted him, carefully taking the weapon. “Got a new toy for you to examine,” he said. The techs treated it like an archeologist discovering a rare artifact, carefully rolling it into a padded plastic sheath before placing it in a secure storage canister. From there, it would go to the labs for a complete workup. “Leave huge smoking crater in street,” Vasily said. “If not for suits, we all be overcooked sausage. It almost kill Mary anyway.”

“Heard that the Army took heavy casualties,” Hallorand said.

“As did the police,” Hadrian said.

“They hung in there,” James said. “No one ran, at least not that I saw. They were outgunned, but they didn’t run.”

“All right, get yourselves down to Medical,” Hallorand said. “Stan’s expecting you there.”

A few hours later, most of the Alphas had gathered in the lounge. They still looked battered, with fresh bandages covering wounds that still needed to heal, miraculous alien medicines notwithstanding. They sat together in relatively silence, while a woman’s voice came over the television monitor.

“…and the reports are that casualties will be in the thousands before the count is finished. However, it could have been much worse.” An image of New York after the alien bombing appeared on the screen, before the newscast returned to scenes of disaster response teams working as the fought the blazes still going in Los Angeles.

“Could have been millions if the alien battleship was still flying,” Catalina said.

“We have reports that government special combat teams helped out, striking down the alien attackers.”

“They still don’t want to use our name, eh?” James commented.

“The attack began with the aliens deploying numerous assault pods throughout the LA basin. We have pictures here from Burbank Airport, where the aliens known as ‘floaters’ deployed from a pair of pods dropped by an alien cruiser. More floaters, along with the devastating aliens called ‘reapers,’ landed on I-5 nearby. We have these still images taken by survivors from the scene, which indicates the ferocity of the alien attack.”

“Hey, Vas, is that you in that pic?” Jane asked, pointing at the screen. The Russian grunted, but didn’t look up.

“And then, of course, there was the desperate scene at City Hall. The aliens landed the largest force there, where they engaged city police units and elements of the 160th National Guard Battalion. This is also where the aliens detonated their terror weapon.” The scene changed again, showing images of the destruction on Spring Street, flames flickering around the edges of the crater. The building itself was still mostly intact, although every window had been shattered, and part of the front portico had collapsed. The Alphas didn’t need to look up; they’d been there.

“It is now clear that this attack was part of a broader alien attack. We’ll have more on the attacks in Mazatlan, Dublin, and Toronto after a short break, and we’ll stay on our main story, Los Angeles Terror, throughout the day. This is Alicia Thomson, KCAL news.”

The display turned to a scene that might have been an echo of the dark images from the news report. “Do you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder?” a reassuring male voice said. “If so, then ALGOREX may be what the doctor…”

James tossed down the remote. “Heard that the Toronto attack was sectoids. The Canadians were able to take them out before the aliens could cause too much damage.”

“Sectoids versus Canadians,” Vasily said. “I guess that sounds pretty even.”

“Doc Wagner said that we got the worst of it,” Catalina said. “British Tornadoes downed a pair of alien ships just outside Dublin, but a few pods got through. Some casualties, and damage to the inner city.”

“Go Brits,” Jane said.

“Any word from Beta?”

“Still down in Mexico, I heard one of the com techs say,” Catalina said. “Their military response wasn’t as fast, and last I heard they were trying to track down a few aliens that they lost in the back alleys behind the Centro Histórico.”

“I guess they got some new recruits,” Vasily said, which killed the conversation.

The outer door opened, and Mary came in, shadowed by a medical tech. The Indian woman looked tired, and the tech’s presence seemed to be more than just cautionary, but she managed a slight smile as she saw the others.

“So… am I a soldier yet?” she asked them.

“As much of one as I was,” Catalina said, getting up for a refill of her coffee.

Vasily glanced up. “You break down and cry yet? No? Then I guess you pass.”

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
LB, somehow I could it only imagine getting worse if Alphas put their hands on Psilab. Vasil as Prime Minister:
"My anserv to Alien diplomats ? Carpet bombing !" *click, followed by loud applaude from the happy crowds.*;)


Heh, the psilab scenes did end up being pretty amusing. Coming soon. :)

* * * * *

Session 24 (October 6, 2008)
Chapter 105

The incident took place in the physical sciences research lab, and in hindsight showed just how close all of them were to cracking under the strain.

Several of the Alphas had been there, working with the scientists and research technicians on the latest projects. Agent Drake came in almost at the same time as a young researcher, who was carrying a bulky alien launcher, its already bulbous form further complicated by the leads and cables that the research team had attached to it.

“Hey, don’t wave that thing around in here!” Drake hissed, stepping back to avoid the eager young scientist as he rushed forward into the room. There was danger in her eyes, but he ignored her, facing the gathered members of the various X-COM departments who were present.

“I believe the expression is, Eureka!” the researcher exclaimed, holding up the launcher as everyone in the room turned to watch.

Grace looked up from where she, Vasily, and a gray-haired Brazilian scientist had been cloistered over one of the captured alien heavy plasma guns. “You figured out the stun launcher?”

“Yes! It was really quite simple. You had to route the positive feedback through the capacitor, instead of the insulating film.” He grinned, suddenly looking like the twenty-five year old that he was.

Vasily had come forward, curious, but Drake had beat him to it. “Oh, naturally,” she said. “Let me see.”

The eager young researcher handed over the launcher. “The bombs discharge a cloud of material that briefly suppresses the neurons of the target,” he explained, as Drake looked into the firing chamber. “There is no lasting effect, as far as we can tell, but it…” He broke off as Drake flipped the arming lever, and pointed the weapon toward Vasily.

“Hey,” Vasily said. “Don’t make me come and…”

He didn’t get a chance to finish, as Drake fired the weapon. At that close range the bomb smacked into Vasily’s chest with a solid thump, and the gas cloud formed a dark nimbus around him, briefly enveloping him and hiding him from view as panicked scientists scattered around him.

“Wow, it really does work,” Drake said, handing the weapon back into the arms of the stunned researcher. “Nice work, doctor,” she said, as she spun around and walked out of the lab.

Vasily remained there, slightly bent, frozen in an upright position. Several people had started to come to his aid, but Grace held them back. “Wait! Don’t go near until the cloud has fully dissipated! She gestured to a technician, who turned up the air blowers, and the vapors came apart as they drifted upward.

Catalina had been near the back of the room, working on VDU adjustments with one of the computer science techs, but she saw the entire exchange. She strode forward, her face twisted into a deadly fury, her hand twitching on the hilt of her pistol. “You bitch,” she hissed toward the door. She rounded on the nearest scientist, who drew back at her expression. “She has so got to suffer,” she said. She walked over to Vasily, who still hadn’t moved. Grace sent one of the techs running for Stan or one of the medical staff, and snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Vas?” she said, gently tapping his face.

“Quite effective, it seems,” the red-faced researcher muttered under his breath.

Stan White and Chief Hallorand arrived together a few minutes later, and by then Vasily could move enough to drink the glass of water that Grace offered, although his limbs were still too stiff for him to move easily. “I show her freaking stun gun,” he muttered, as Stan checked his pupils and stuck a probe into his arm. “What happened?” the doctor asked. “Accident?”

“Accident, my ass,” Catalina said. “Where’s Drake?”

“I saw her in the corridor near the lift,” Hallorand said. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was… laughing?”

Catalina’s anger hadn’t eased; if anything, it had banked to a fiery pitch. “Your Agent could be on the verge of losing international cooperation,” she said.

“Do you want me to track her on base security?” Hallorand asked.

Vasily waved a hand. “Nah, fine,” he said. “She better shoot to kill next time, is all I saying.”

“I think I want to lodge an incident. She just used a weapon on Vasily. That’s not the act of a woman who should be in control here.”

“She shot him?” Hallorand asked in disbelief.

“Forget it, Cat!” Vasily said, grimacing as Stan prodded him again. “Was just… just joke.”

“She used a stun weapon without knowing precissely what it would do,” Catalina said. “Using an alien weapon on a member of the team is no joke.”

Hallorand frowned. “Hmm. I’ll let Garret know.”

“Stupid bitch. She had no idea what would happen.”

“I said, let it go!” Vasily said, biting off a Russian curse. He stood, shaking off Stan’s attentions, and walked out of the lab, still moving a bit stiffly. The young researcher, still holding the stun launcher, tried to apologize, but Vasily merely grunted and left.

Grace ran a hand through her hair. “Well, I guess I’d better get back to the workshop,” she said.

“Thanks, Grace,” Catalina said absently, as people started to clear the lab, and Hallorand started taking statements. “What a team,” the British agent muttered, and headed for the door after Vasily.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
It's love, Drake and Cat are simply jealous of each other. Drake of the time Cat spends with Vas, and Cat of prank that Drake pulled on Vas ... earlier than Cat herself.

Smart Alec

First Post
The woman from the Federal Bureau of Irritation strikes again.

If you go back over the story, you'll likely note that there's a fair bit of Drake/Kasprjak snark - it's usually overshadowed by Drake/de Farrago bitchiness, though.

As to why? Well, Rik's theory's as good as any. If you think about it, Inise and Vasily aren't that different.


Interlude: Base Priorities (October 7-13, 2008)

RE: Research/Manufacturing Progress Report

We have completed our analysis of the data you recovered from the Antarctica base computer. We have not been able to fully decipher all of the alien files, but we have learned that the source of the alien transmission was a base on Mars.

Our aerospace team has already begun work on a highly classified project: an advanced craft capable of space flight. We will share more information on this later, but suffice it to say that even the existence of this project, code-named AVENGER, is top-secret.

The Biological Sciences research team reports that work is proceeding on the anti-Chryssalid countermeasure. With the help of Doctors Ranma and Allen, they have produced a prototype serum that kills and eventually dissolves the implanted alien embryo. There are still some minor side effects, including muscle stiffness and some lingering weakness, but those fade in about five minutes. The serum should be 100 percent effective at removing an implanted embryo.

Construction of the Psi-Lab is nearly complete. Building has advanced ahead of schedule. Thanks are due to Jane for her help on getting the project started. As soon as we have calibrated all of the new instruments, we will begin testing subjects for psionic aptitude. Alpha Team will be first on the list. Once basic aptitude has been classified, then we can begin setting up a training regimen. Grace is working on plans for a Psi Amp that will allow individuals with high Psi ratings to conduct mental attacks in a manner similar to that evidenced by alien leaders.

We have completed work on the alien Stun Launcher. Work on the Blaster Launcher is progressing very quickly.

Grace has submitted her blueprints for the new Experimental Heavy Armor. This suit is cumbersome but it provides superior protection against almost all forms of attack. This would be a major project and Grace estimates at least 30 engineer/weeks to complete construction of a prototype suit.

Finally, the alien containment laboratory reports that interrogation of the Floater Medic yielded some information that can help us to improve the efficiency of our medical processes.

* * *

Author’s Note: Needless to say, the “Drake incident” spawned a lot of forum posts. I put the following together from the player posts that followed the October 6 session.

The strains of Bach went on for a while longer. The hitting of the piano keys seemed to grow harder and harder, as the melody progressed, and after a few minutes Catalina just slammed the lid down and stood up.

"I don't understand you, I just don't understand you at all." Catalina's voice was shaking with anger as she railed on those left in the room. "People just sat and passed the time of day while Vas stood there stunned. Now you’re just going to let her get away with it." She gestured in Jane's direction. “At least Jane backed me up over the need to so something about this, but you just ignore it!"

"This is a member of your team, for Christ's sake. Who knows what could have happened. At that range the thing could have done permanent damage." Her fist slammed down on the top of the piano, as Catalina raged. "That woman has been nothing but a pain in the arse since we got here and now this? An unprovoked attack on a member of your team, someone who has stood in the line of fire with you and done what they could to save your skin. Somebody maybe you owe your life to. Doesn't that mean anything?"

An irritated sigh from Vasily finally fills the long silence. "Okay, I deal with Drake. Okay? I big boy now. Is not big deal... not like I not been shot with one of those things before," he adds, possibly to try and save some face after such a potentially humiliating episode.

"Still." And here, the Russian's brow creases in consternation. "Not a word from anyone else... it surprise me, you know. So I want to say this."

"Maybe I not like you. Is fine. We all pretty different, huh? If we had meet outside of war, on street, in cafe... maybe we not have much to say. In years to come, if we survive, I not see us meeting up much to have a drink and talk about the old days."

"But you know what?" Vasily raises his eyebrows, and shrugs dismissively. "That mean nothing. This is hard job, the hardest. Let make no bone about it, we go into Hell, and we go there to fight monsters. Our bodies, our minds, all beaten and bruised. This job already killed some, broken others. Hard professionals, too."

He folds his arms, rests against the doorjamb. "But, we all still alive. When I first see Alpha Team, I not think we ready, but we all still here, and you new people, you got with the program fast. We all still on the level, up here," He taps his forehead, for emphasis, "And that say none of you weak. I may not like you, sure. Maybe you care about that, maybe you don't. But you all have my respect, no question."

Vasily finishes, and looks around at the Team. "What you say to that?"

James looked up as Vasily, anger now clouding his face as well. "What are you talking about, Vas? Did I miss something? Yeah, I heard about it, old battle-irons wasted you with a stunner when you weren't looking. I wasn’t there, and I didn’t say anything because you said you’d deal with it. So next time you want some backup, just let me know, cause I got your back a lot more than I've got hers. I've risked my life to patch you up before, and expect I will again."

Jim's expression softens, and he takes on a more philosophical look. "As for the rest of it… truth. All these interpersonal squabbles, annoying as they are, they pale in comparison to what we are fighting. An alien invasion, inimical to humanity. We need to hang together if we are gonna make it. Cause scary as it is, I'm starting to think we—yep, alpha team—are humanity’s last, best hope."

Jane nodded, but didn’t say anything. She’d already pulled Vasily aside privately, to offer her support. “Please know that you have my full support, and I’m sure you have the full support of the entire team,” she’d told him. “She humilitated us as much as you that night.”

Catalina's anger had drained somewhat as she watched the exchange between Vasily and James. She turned to the Russian. "If it had been the other way around? Would you have stepped in to help out?" She raised her arms and let them fall helplessly. "I'd kind of like to think someone would, you know? The bitch could as easily have gone for me as for you, in fact I'm surprised she didn't, except for one factor."

"Supposing you did step in, would that have been insulting my own abilities in any way? You weren't in any position to help yourself when I went after her." Catalina flopped back down on the piano stool. "Yeah, you're a big boy, but isn't that what we're supposed to do? Help one another when we can't help ourselves?"

"You forget one thing she didn't. She's female and, notably, you're a man. You hit her and what does it look like? If I were to do it then there's an even playing field." She gave a hollow laugh. "Some of you would probably enjoy watching a cat fight. So she's crafty and aims for the one who couldn't punch her in the face if the gun failed."

"Maybe I have higher expectations, think I owe enough to you all to want to jump in against all comers. Hope that fighting alongside one another like this would make us friends?" Catalina shook her head and raising the lid on the piano turned back to the keys. "Me I would like to get together for a few bevvies once in a while, assuming we survive this. If we don't win I'd have hoped you'd join me in a resistance cell, perhaps, and continue the fight."

"I thought what we'd gone through, what we've achieved, would have got us past the differences in our personalities by now, would have brought us closer." She shrugged and started to play Bach once more. "Business as usual I suppose, on with saving the world, but if Drake shows her face again I reserve the right to punch it."

Vasily stepped forward, and gently lowered the lid back over the keys, interrupting her playing. "You got some funny ideas about not being able to hit people," he began, "not to mention about the man who has stood in the front line and taken all that could be thrown at him day in, day out. You think I would do any less, now? Should X-COM die and yet we somehow live, I do not think any of us quit the fight."

"But then... maybe the fact that none of us really come together is good, in a way. I know there must be some reason we all survive this long, head as well as body. Maybe having hard heart is what has kept us going." He manages to look a little sad, even regretful. "Maybe is just one of those things."

With that, he turned and left the room.

Voidrunner's Codex

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