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X5: To the Temple of Death - IC


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Aram sighs. "Too clear." With that, the dervish begins to lead the way into the woods, and out of sight of the temple.

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"Agreed," says Aram. "Though I am a bit disheartened by the amount of magical power The Master's men seem to have at their command."


"We should have expected that" Fuller declares.

After a long flight into the woods, with no sign that you have been followed, the party makes camp in a small clearing.

Fuller spends a long time in prayer, while many of the others take the opportunity to do some training. And indeed, recent events have given you much exposure to fighting styles and skills, magic, and creatures that you have rarely or never before encountered. Girgal examines the plants and small animals in the forest, noting subtle differences compared to the ones he is used to.

Finally, it is time to camp for the night. You set the usual watches.


You are in a hot desert, even though the sun is low on the horizon.

Are you dreaming?

In the distance you see large pyramids. From that direction a speck in the air approaches, grows larger - it is a man standing on what looks like a flying rug.

The man approaches, instructing his rug to land. His skin is dark brown, and his robes and turban light brown. His eyes and long beard are jet black.

You try to greet him, but you can't speak.

"You bear my dagger" he says. "Trust it. But be careful, for this is the very last time I can help you. I serve Time, while the enemy serves Entropy. Any direct action by me risks drawing the eye of Orcus, lord of Entropy, directly to you.

You were fortunate that the enemy was away at the war front. That may not last.

You must let the dagger guide you to the Soul Gem of Thanatos. It will know what to do. Once the gem is defeated, the enemy will become mortal. Perhaps then you could defeat him, but he will still be very powerful.

Incidently, though the secrets to the gem are lost to your time, there is a simple spell which is derived from similar principles. A wizard may thus transfer his soul to another body, by way of a magic jar in the form of a gem, while his own body would appear dead.

Good luck.

he says to his rug, and it takes off.


Thoughts and images seem to flash before your eyes.


It is morning.

On the ground in the middle of the clearing is an intricately made 10' square carpet - the same one you saw in the 'dream'.

ooc: Level up!


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After waking up, Aram ponders the night's dream. He sits, and removes the crystal dagger from his belt. He focuses his mind upon the weapon, wondering if it can tell him anything at this time.

OOC: It will likely be this weekend before I can get Aram leveled up.


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"Well, the dagger seems to indicate that we should head back to the Temple." The dervish shrugs. "No real surprise there." Aram glances at the carpet sitting in the middle of the camp. "If I had to guess from the dream and the presence of this...gift...I would venture that this Soul Gem might be located in the air ship above the Temple. I think that should be our course for the day."


"Perhaps" Fuller says. He seems more confident this morning. "By the way, I wonder what's in that invisible box you found. Do you think you could open it?"


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"I had forgotten," says Aram, smiling at the priest. "Your memory is obviously better than mine." With that, the dervish withdraws the invisible box from his pack, and begins turning it in his hands, getting a feel for it. With his tools set nearby, and his spectacles over his eyes, he goes to work on trying to open the unseen container.

OOC: Not sure what you need for this, or what the penalties for opening an invisible box might be:

Search +15, Open Locks +15, Disable Device +12


Aram manages to open the invisible metal box, which turns out to be snapped closed, not locked.

Inside is a pouch which contains several diamonds.

"Excellent" Fuller says. "If the need arises, I believe I would now be able to cast the spell to raise the dead - though I've not prepared it today. These, or some of them, would be a necessary ingredient."

Voidrunner's Codex

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