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You Bastard! A New Begining! (Rules and Character Thread) (Game Starting!)


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This will be the future resting place for the new rules for the rebrith of You Bastard!.... once rules are discussed and set in stone... they will be placed here for all to view and review....

How to Play:

Playing YB is very simple. Two (or more players) generate random moves with the YB generator and post them. A judge decides which move is better and awards or takes away flags based on that judgment. The first player to capture all of the necessary flags wins.

As a character advances in ranks, the character will obtain powers and abilities that will help capture flags (or prevent the opponent from capturing a flag).

Creating a Character:

Creating a character for YB is as easy as 1.2.3. One, create a name for your character. Two, create a look, feel and back history for your character if you want. There are few limits on what your character can be. Most players choose to fight as human kung-fu fighters, but you can be anything from a talking squirrel to an interplanetary inter-dimensional robotic fighter. Your history can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The main limit on your imagination at this point is your character cannot be all-powerful nor is your character immortal. Third and finally, identify your character as a white belt and answer a challenge or post a challenge. (Challenges for now will be place in the 'Playing the Game' forum)

Having More Than One Character:

It is acceptable to have more than one charater, as it's boring to not be able to doing anything else while your one fighter is in a battle. With this is mind though people, only one fight maybe be faught with any one character of yours at a time, meaning no fighting multiaple fights with the same fighter at one time.

Game Etiquette (VERY Important):
Manners are for everyone, even villains and YB players should observe a few simple points of game etiquette. Following the following rules will make the game more enjoyable for all involved.

1) Let the judges decide how badly you hurt your opponent. It is bad form and embarrassing to describe in detail how you smashed your opponent into little shattered pieces only to have the judge declare that the other move was superior and you lost the round

2) Do not put words or actions into the mouth of another players character! Not unless you get consent to do so or the actions are minimal. Do not tell someone else how his or her character reacts to a situation. Let them decide this! Even in a style match, be careful to be a minimalist in how you describe your opponent’s moves.

3) If you are going to be delayed before your next posting, let your opponent know. The rule of thumb is that a match can be forfeited if there is a 24-hour delay on the part of one player (though players are encouraged to be patient). If you can, make sure to post a move even if the fight will be delayed. The judge can often rule in your absence rather than forcing everyone to wait.

4) Don't fish for moves. It becomes obvious after a while and people won't want to play with you anymore. Use the first generated move you get.

5) Any use of a power should be decided on when the move for that round is generated and posted. If you are posting first, you cannot wait until after your opponent has posted to decide whether to include a power in with the move. This means, practically speaking, a power’s use should be posted in the same post as the move. (This rule I will leave in as I have an idea for Yen that this would pertain to...)

6) Remember - it's only a game. Keep in character conflicts in character and out of character always be polite!

Breaking down the Generated Moves:

A typical generated move reads like:
The evasive rose petal sweeps underneath the tundra; waves away the slash of the willow! *yen*

In the case of the above move, “Evasive” is a signature modifier. “Rose Petal” is the signature style. “Tundra” is the signature location. “Waves away the slash of the willow,” is the defensive part of the move while, “The Evasive rose petal sweeps underneath the tundra,” is the offensive part of the move. Using the above move, the winner of the round would receive a yen. (More in Yen later in this post)

Advancement and Ranks:

In this New Verison of YB there will only be one path with basic tier names. This will allow for greater customization and more background and and char history devolpment. Advancement is rather easy within the first tier you are unskilled there are NO ranks to be had, your fist win in this unskilled tier will advance you into the first circle of this single path progression. Each tier will have numbers after them indicating what rank you start the new tier at (which will be 0 at each new rank) and how many ranks thier are IN each tier. The Single path progression is listed below. For each tier just as an expamle for you all you could be something like First Circle Witch,or First Circle Kickboxer, anyhting to this nature. This is to give the players diversity and flare...

The One True Path
Unskilled: No Ranks
First Circle: 0-2
Second Circle: 0-4
Third Circle: 0-6
Fouth Circle: 0-8
Fifth Circle 0-10

Unskilled: No Powers Gained
First Circle: Gain First Sig Style (Choose Offence or Defence)
Second Circle: Gain Ability to Attract Followers
Third Circle: Gain Second Sig Style (Choose New or Choose the Opposite of Chosen on First Sig Style)
Fouth Circle: 0-8 No Powers Gained
Fifth Circle: 0-10 Gain Third Sig Style (Choose New Sig Style)

Note: Again this is an open ended tier progression so for every OTHER tier as stated in those tiers present.. you would either gain a new sig style or choose the opposite style from the one you chose the tier before.


These are the 'units' that a fighter strives to obtain to win the match over thier opponent. For this explination lets assume a fight was set for three flags to win the match. All three flags would start in a Neutral Position, i.e, 3 Flags Neutral. Opponent 1 jumps out into a commanding lead winning the first two rounds, giving him two flags leaving one flag still neutral. On the third round Opponent 2 finally chimes in with a win of his own. At this point a flag would be taken from Opponent 1 and returned to the neutral flags in the middle making the battle score in essence look like Opponent 1: 1 Flag; 2 Flags Neutral. And this seesaw battle would continue untill one opponent is able to obtain all three flags to win the match.
Unlike descibed above, this type of flag gaining method can make things move a bit faster. Instead of the flags moving back and forth between opponents from a neutral position, flags just accumulate as you win rounds. The first opponent to reach the set number of flags to win the match is victorious.

Types of Matches:

Regular Matches
In a regular match the winner of the insult round at the beginning the match will set a number of flags to fight towards. Each round a move will be generated by both opponents and a judge will base a judgement off said moves as how one move does aginst the other. The move that the judge chooses to prevail over the other will win a flag for the round. The match will continue in this way untill one fighter or the other reached to specified number of flags to win the match.
Strategy matches
In a strategy match, every three rounds, the fighters post five moves and subsequently choose which move they will decide to use. Judges are encouraged to pay special attention to moves that might well cancel out another's. After three of the five moves are used, another hand of five moves is generated. The advantages to this is that fighters can try and choose their best moves, are more likely to get a signature style and are able to attempt to match defenses to their opponents attacks.
Style Matches
In a style match the fighters use the generated move as a basis to describe what they do to their opponent. Judges must first decide if they think the description is fair based on the generated move, and they must then decide which description sounds more like a move that would garner a round victory. In a style move a better-generated move is a move that allows for good description. A good description is one that appeals to the judge as a round winner. It is the description of the attack, not the generated move itself that is judged by the judges in a style match. Obviously the better your writing skills the better you will do in such a match.

Powers and Character Perks:

Signature Style: If a character uses a move with a signature style he knows and wins the round, one of two things can happen depending on which type of sig syle the fighter chooses. The first type of sig style is an Offensive sig style. In this case, said fighter if using his sig style and wins the round would gain one extra flag for that round. The second type of sig style would be the defensive sig style. This would allow the fighter to gain immunity to his style of choice and if an opponent generates a move of said sig style the fighter would be immune to it meaning the oppnents unfortunate enough to draw his oppoents sig style would have no chance of winning a flag that round. His opponent however is still able to gain a flag if his move is deemed the winner of that current rounds combat.

Followers: Once reaching the third tier in any path, a character can now choose to join a gang/faction/group/dojo or start one of thier own. Those wishing to start some sort of group for others to follow, let it be noted it can be anything really, from a gang in the inner streets, to rockband if you so choose and anything inbetween.
I ask those of which that choose to start such a group please use disgression on what is chosen, as you will not be allowed to have an all powerfull mob with connections out the wazoo. Choosing members carefully is essential, as only groups in good standing (i.e. with a winning record) may take in new members. A winnging recond means that each fight fought while in one of these groups by all members will be recoded victories and losses for the whole of the group.
An Example if you will; John Doe's just started his dojo and has recruited two new members. He along with his two new students each fight one match aginst an opponent that has challenged them. Two of them are victorious, the other was not. For terms of the Dojo's record it would be 2-1 as two of them were victorious and one suffered a loss. The Dojo is still in good standing but not looking so hot. Never-the-less they can still recruit new members as they still have a winning recond.
Unless otherwised discussed with the group leader, only the founder or current group leader can accept requests or offer admittance into his or her group.
A group may have diffrent paths in thier little gathering as well, but remember to keep this within reason. It is acceptable that a Law Path group leader my ask or accept a Good Path member to join his or her group, but not so much so for a Chaos Group Memeber to invite or accept entry of a Law Path to his or her group.
If a group leader wishes to remove a memeber from his or her group a challenge must be issued to said person he or she wishes to oust. This challange may either me accepted and fought, or the challangee may opt to forfeit the match and leave under his or her own valition. No loss will go on record for this forfiet of the leadrers challenge.

Yen: The generator occasionally spews out a move that has *yen* or *yen+yen* tacked on to the end of it. When this does occur the person winning the round wins either 1 or 2 yens respectively no matter WHO gens the move, the yen is essentially up for grabs to whomever wins that current round. These yens should be carried on the characterand noted in your characters info somewhere. What can you do with a yen? More on that to come *grins*
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Comparing Fighters Ranks and Record:

Sometimes, moves are too close for a judge to call and the day and location of the fight make no difference in regards to the moves. When this happens, a judge should compare the fighters’ ranks. A fighter of a higher rank will win such a round. If the actual ranks of the fighters are identical, the judge should next look at the fighters’ record. To determine a record, first subtract losses from wins, understanding you can't get a number lower than 0 (6 wins, 8 losses is in fact a 0 record, not a -2 record).
The higher number is the better record. If the number is the same, look at total number of fights, again the higher number is the better record (i.e. a 2-3 record is worse than a 1-6 record in this case). If the fighters have the same number of fights, compare the number of wins. The higher number is again the better record (i.e. 2-3 is better than 1-4). If the fighters’ records and ranks are exactly the same, they are, of course, of no use to a judge and should not be used to determine a round's winner.

Official Matches:

Fighters are free to "spar" in unofficial matches and need only declare at the beginning of their fight that it is unofficial. Ranks can not be won or lost in an unofficial match. If a fight is not declared unofficial before the judges set the time and place for the fight then the fight is always official. A fight officially starts when the judges determine the winner of the insult round and sets the time and place. Alternatively, if both fighters post their first moves without waiting for the judge, the judge may determine the fight to have officially started. Once a fight has officially started there must be a winner and a loser and someone must win or lose ranks. If at any time one fighter forfeits or does not post for a sufficient length of time, the other fighter is declared the de-facto winner and advances in rank accordingly. Forfeiting a death match of any sort can be just as fatal as losing the match in a more routine way.


First Post
Posting a Fight Thread:

For now, I feel it would be best if those wishing to play and battle others, post a fight thread in the 'Playing the Game' forum and use that forum as our IC fight area, leaving 'Talking the Talk' for dicussion about the game and for this rules thread. An example of a proper fight thead title.....

(YB!) Kaldaron calls out a challange to all those of Yberia! (Judge Needed!)

As you can see the (YB!) will mark this a You Bastard! A New Begining! game thead making it easier to find, and also will give those intrested an easier time finding fight threads to watch..... again it doesn't have to be EXACTLY like above... BUT it should include the (YB!) and a challange of some kind, as well as a judge request left in the title until one is found.....


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Judges of Yberia:

This list will grow as the game grows but for now here is the list of Judges I've appointed so far and feel they are comipant to judge YB! matches for now. If you wish to judge for YB! please make note of this in the discussion thread linked to this rules thread above...

Grandmaster Judge: Rathan

Master Judges: Phoenix8008, Dalamar

Note: Again ANYONE can judge a match as long as they've read the rules. This list is being placed here so that if you have an issue with judging for any reason, you will know who to go to or ask for if you need a rules resloution, player dispute, or the like. A good way to ask for this help is to post so in the title of your thread, like this.. (Phoenix8008; Help Resquested) or at least something to that effect...
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YB! A New Beginning! Characters!

Any and all posting here-on in should be for character records only. Post up your character sheets and come here to change records, tiers, and powers when achieved. I will give an example now but again this is a basic outline, not set in stone. All info shown must be given but does not need to be in this order...

Gerrett the Summoner
Second Circle Summoner 3
Sig Styles: Grasshopper(Offence)
Record 10-3

Wizards School of Hard Knocks: (Followers Power)
Members: None Yet
Record: 0-0
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YB! A New Beginning Character

Korik Von Helstrum
'Unskilled' Weapon Master
Sig Styles: None
Record: 0-0

Korik is a very well built and hearty man standing a good six feet tall and weighs nearly two hundred and sixty pounds. His yes are an amazing dark blue with dark jet back hair to offset them. He enters the world of Ybreia now of age to make a name for himself and shall do s using shied and many forms of steel! Koriks fighting style is composed of not only brute force melee, but also acrobatic flare to distract his opponent in hopes to keep them off guard. He likes to use heavier weapons most showing off many styles as he swings his weapon of choice, a huge two handed maul.

(You can find my current challange/fight thread "here" )
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Korax the Mighty
'Unskilled' Chaos Mage
Sig Styles: None
Record: 0-0

Korax is a tall muscular man covered in tribal tattoos all over his battle scarred skin. Beneath his red fur-rimmed cloak, he wears a wide studded leather belt and breeches covering his legs down to the fur topped leather boots he wears upon his feet. His head is bald and his fiery red goatee surrounds his mouth that is usually twisted into a grimace of contempt for the more 'civilized' people he encounters. His strength of body is only beaten by his strength in the arts of magical chaos. Able to use it's raw energy to attack directly, or form weapons and creatures to fight for him, Korax is never defenseless.

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