D&D 5E You Can Now Get Minis For The D&D Combat Wheelchair

The combat wheelchair rules designed by Sara Thompson now have miniatures! And part of the proceeds go to charity.


The minis were designed by Russ Charles, who sculpted minis for Cats & Catacombs, Dungeons & Doggies, and others. There are four miniatures, each in a combat wheelchair -- human druid, tiffing cleric, dwarf barbarians and elf rogue. They're being produced by Strata Miniatures, and you can get physical metal or resin minis, or you can get 3D printer files.

A quarter of the proceeds go to the charity Ehlers-Danlos Support UK. So you can get something awesome and do something good at the same time!

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I actually DO have a friend in a wheelchair (I'm his best friend, I think)
I can assure you, he dreams of being normal. If he played D&D, his character would not be a disabled person.
Really, I don't see the point in these minis. They look good, however.

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Is there really a significant number of people confined to a wheelchair who want to pretend to be somebody else confined to a wheelchair?

I think a significant number of people would be exactly equal to the number of people confined to a wheelchair who want to pretend to be somebody else confined to a wheelchair. ;)

I actually DO have a friend in a wheelchair (I'm his best friend, I think)
I can assure you, he dreams of being normal. If he played D&D, his character would not be a disabled person.
Really, I don't see the point in these minis. They look good, however.

The point is the same as for any specific mini or type of mini: some people want them and are even excited about them.

Oh totally, but if you just have it as a normal wheelchair it is gonna mess with your sense of disbelief the first time they encounter a stairs. You need some sort of explanation, as we all know wheels don't handle stairs well in the real world, even if you hand-wave it and say it's magic, it hovers up/down like a Dalek.

Of course there then becomes questions about "Well can it hover over difficult terrain, or over lava?"

Some DM's will be happy to hand-wave stuff and just say it is only a cosmetic difference and you get treated exactly like you could walk ('cos it is magic), and some players will be happy with that. Others (players and DMs) will want some sort of houserules than mean there is a difference (like the ones presented) so that it adds some mechanical flavour, otherwise you might as well just be walking.
Players always want to make some cosmetic affect some minor narrative things to useful tool to write convert or to handle difficult situations that’s just how do you think they will use a property like levitation for the AdVantage that’s just how the world works so you have to be very careful how you deal with this issue.
Players always want to make some cosmetic affect some minor narrative things too useful tool to write combat or to handle difficult situations that’s just how do you think they will use a property like levitation for the AdVantage that’s just how the world works so you have to be very careful how you deal with this issue.
There is a wheelchair Emersion breaking? No, not in the FR and Eberron on or any setting like Golirian and so on wear something like this seems to be every day thing unless you’re really playing in medieval authentic game there is no point to bring out today ma realism to be bare

But if the item is too good in the game stands are versatile that might provide a problem I think no GM is a problem if the players ask him if he can play wheelchair bad character if they accept centaur limitations they have maybe can I don’t adventures as to just how things are if you play centre well climbing the clip is more difficult and if you’re playing

Is there really a significant number of people confined to a wheelchair who want to pretend to be somebody else confined to a wheelchair?
Are there really a significant number of handicapped people who want to continue to be erased from being depicted in the world?

If this product isn't for you, don't buy it. You are also not obligated to show your lack of empathy by telling us so.

Even if the wheelchair is a bit "over powered"...can't say I care. I think it is kinda cool that something some may see as a crutch (NOW I want to design magic crutches!) becoming a source of power and extra ability.

The only thing I would change is that I would make this a unique item, not something you can just buy. Work it into the back story. If something were to happen to it, say it were stolen or destroyed, there would need to be a quest to get it back or perhaps find the gnome artificer who created it to try to have him make another one (or find the plans for making it).

I'm less concerned about "balance" than I am making such a cool magic item feel special, not just something you buy at the market. Maybe that could be a plot thread. Trying to find ways to make more devices like this to provide to others.

Clerics do not get regenerate until 13th level. And in my campaigns, I don't assume that any spell available to players are easily found among similarly-leveled NPCs. I'd rather have true regeneration be exceedingly rare. Until a character of the right class is of the right level, it would be easier to find a wish and have to think about if you really want to burn it on a regeneration.

Instead make magic prosthetic limbs (see Eberron or Wildemont setting books), magic wheel chairs, ersatz eyes, etc. Why have all these cool magic items that are meant to address permanent dismemberment and disfigurement if you can just go to a temple and pay a high-powered cleric to regenerate it.

It seems like these minis are cool, even if they are never used to represent a character in an RPG. I often buy minis because I like the sculpt or they represent something I haven't seen in mini form before. I'm thinking these would make a cool warband for Song of Blades and Heroes, Rangers of Shadow Deep, or Frostgrave.

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