D&D 5E You Can Now Get Minis For The D&D Combat Wheelchair

The combat wheelchair rules designed by Sara Thompson now have miniatures! And part of the proceeds go to charity.


The minis were designed by Russ Charles, who sculpted minis for Cats & Catacombs, Dungeons & Doggies, and others. There are four miniatures, each in a combat wheelchair -- human druid, tiffing cleric, dwarf barbarians and elf rogue. They're being produced by Strata Miniatures, and you can get physical metal or resin minis, or you can get 3D printer files.

A quarter of the proceeds go to the charity Ehlers-Danlos Support UK. So you can get something awesome and do something good at the same time!

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In a magitech world with trains and sentient robots the magic wheelchair is a no-brainer. In a medieval world where the farmers still plow the fields with animals and potions are precious, it's out of place.

This is pretty much my sentiment on these as well. I've no problem with the wheelchairs themselves.
What I'm less thrilled about (and I've seen it happen on twitter) is when something is presented as entirely optional, and those who opt against it (for whatever valid reasons like setting, verisimilitude, or simulationist gamestyle) get painted as despicable people.

Eberron or Forgotten Realms? Of course! Hârn or Athas? Probably not.

In a world with magic the last thing I would want is to be bound in a chair.
I have a back/spine injury, that is my point of view. Im not empowered playing a handy capable dwarf.
If this works for you awesome! It does seem a great marketing idea, article, get controversy, then sales pitch.
Hail Capitalism! I don't have a chair in this race :P

I'm gonna go argue about important stuff ... like whats the best edition peace

In a world with magic the last thing I would want is to be bound in a chair.
I have a back/spine injury, that is my point of view. Im not empowered playing a handy capable dwarf.
If this works for you awesome! It does seem a great marketing idea, article, get controversy, then sales pitch.
Hail Capitalism! I don't have a chair in this race :p

I'm gonna go argue about important stuff ... like whats the best edition peace
Do you use a wheelchair in real life with any regularity? If you do, and this still doesn't appeal to you . . . that's fine of course.

But if you don't (heck, even if you do) . . . . don't rain on the parade of those who find this idea empowering.

These minis cost money to purchase, sure . . . but to dismiss with "Hail Capitalism!" and assume the artists are trying to drum up controversy as a marketing tool . . . . wow, dude. Cynical much? Especially as these minis are based on as set of rules made available 100% for free . . . .

You might be surprised to hear it, but there are lots of folks with disabilities that, 1) feel invisible in modern society, including the D&D hobby, and 2) aren't interested in playing out fantasies of NOT being disabled, but rather are interested in playing characters closer to their identity. Being disabled is something you can be born with, it's something that can happen to you . . . but for many disabled folks, it's as much a part of their personal identity as ethnicity, gender, orientation, and politics.

There is NOTHING not awesome about this. It isn't a cynical cash grab trying to play on the sympathies of the disabled and so-called SJWs, and it isn't some crazy game-breaking item that breaks the genre or suspension of disbelief. I am blown away by the folks being negative about this here on this thread and out in social media land . . . .

If these exist in a fantasy world, even at that higher price - which is still trivial past the first level or two - I would imagine every adventurer would want one regardless of their physical characteristics. Seems as indispensable a personal magic item as the ubiquitous Bag of Holding. Another way to gain abilities and bonuses, the sort of thing shrewd murder-hobo survivalists of all stripes thrive on. They're going to need to make a a lot more configurations...

I look forward to the Char-op designs using them!

If these exist in a fantasy world, even at that higher price - which is still trivial past the first level or two - I would imagine every adventurer would want one regardless of their physical characteristics. Seems as indispensable a personal magic item as the ubiquitous Bag of Holding. Another way to gain abilities and bonuses, the sort of thing shrewd murder-hobo survivalists of all stripes thrive on. They're going to need to make a a lot more configurations...

I look forward to the Char-op designs using them!
my problem

well this is nothing you can not handle as a dm but this comes down to the normal problem talk to your dm to integrate it

make it a unicew itme that was created for the PC and nothing you can just buy make possible up grad store based not mood based to prevent power gaining make it attunement so it is not too good to and the up grad it gets at higher levels

as so many things it boils to the dm integration things to help players to realize der pcs vision

i see the base idea but the DM needs to do some have personal checking her

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