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You last "Kill"


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As a DM? A scholar that the PCs were escorting. I used a very, very angry corpse that was inhabited by an evil spirit. It grapple the guy, broke his neck, and started to run off with him.

As a player? A mutineer in a now-defunct Grim Tales 'pirate-related' game. He started pulling a pistol to shoot me (the captain), but I got initiative, used quickdraw to pull out my blunderbuss, then killed him with the one and only shot. He was thrown overboard. I proceeded to say something along the lines of "Anyone else think they'd like to be captain? Anyone? No? Alright then. Carry on."

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eabha said:
The DM's a little sore, too. He says it took hours to prep this guy, one of the prime baddies in his world. So sad, too bad.

He totally deserved it. :p A high level Mystic Theurge has all the means to prevent that stuff from happening. ;)



O but more recently. One of my pbp games, the DM wants six characters everyone posting once a day. One guy goes awol for two weeks with no notice and the DM starts looking for a replacement as we are investigating a dungeon and in the middle of a fight. The dm says he could have him leave when we go back to the village but he's not happy about it because of the story reasons that will be stretched in his leaving despite his heavy story connections to the group and what we are doing.

So in the out of character thread I say if he has to go then being bullrushed over the edge of the ledge he is fighting on by one of the critters we are fighting would be pretty fatal and explain why he is no longer part of the group and why we might recruit another PC (the absentee one was our only tank) without loss of story cohesion.

The DM liked it and so that is how I killed a fellow PC, through ooc story suggestions.


Kid Charlemagne said:
Me to the DM: "Quickdraw. Thrust."

DM (as servant): "Gurgle." Thud.

And that's why my 15th level PC killed the 1st level commoner.

And that's why we have a bagpipe-playing, Scottish accent-having, insane OVerking in our version of Greyhawk.

Great story :)


Rau of Clan Blackspear, a half-orc barbarian (19th level) and friends had entered the portal to the beholder's pocket dimension, where their "disintegration" beams were really sending things and people. Most of the party was already there. After killing a big shadow dragon, and such, Rau followed Treesiana, the elven druid into the giant pyramid (400' across). She got it into her fool head to wander off while the rest of the party licked its wounds and prepared for an assault by one of the survivor tribes that had made a home in this dimension.

Rau and Kros (Rau's drinking buddy and minotaur henchman) soon caught up to Treesiana. That's when the wall behind them dropped down, sealing them in the pyramid. Kros began using his axe to chop through the wall (he was strong and big), when the iron golem attacked. Rau took position and fended it off quite easily. The shell shattered, revealing a clay golem beneath. Rau's future began to look bleak, as the golem gave as good as it got. This angered Rau further as he took a fatal wound. He finished off the golem, but the rage still fueled him. The golem's weapon had pierced his heart. He had mere moments to live. The only thing keeping him alive was his fierce determination, and something else...


My scout helped to take down a Forvalaka (sp?), something of a were-panther from the Black Company campaign setting. We were moving through this crypt and the sucker was barred in an area with a raised dais. We started in with missile attacks while it was an easy target, but our presence apparently angered it enough to break free from its imprisonment. The Berzerker in our party went down, but bought us enough time to kill the beast. Fun times.

(Although I'm really hoping our GM gets over his love of DR. I'm a low-level archer type - you can imagine my pain).


As a DM:

The entire party viewed a few possible futures--in one, the whole party was engulfed by lava as the earth cracked open beneath them.



Ragged idiot in a trilby.
I'm a 16th level cleric. I was about to say that the last thing I killed was a single orc about 5 levels ago, but I then remembered that I got the final blow in on the BBEG that was created by half these boards the other week in Morrus' game.

I needed about 30 on 5D8, and got it. Blinking miracle, and left me on 25 HP and the sorceror on 5. Both fighters and the wizard dead, ranger mind controlled. Very tense.


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A CR 21 blue dragon.

We got more than 400k worth of gold in loot from him.

That fight lasted like 4 rounds ... that was kinda long for our group :)

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