• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

You'll know

James V

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a mischevious grin lightens upon his dull features, filled to life again, a bright smile of joy, something haven't seen from him in quite some time as he begins to pen his inagrual reply, though quickly scratching it out he chuckles some as he moves to say

Sometimes I even amaze myself of how mentally incapable of bringin' myself to recall events, of course we shall, aslong as I don't have to go shoppin', You shop, I eat, then we drink, thats the only rule with that one! Everythin' else is up for grabs dear, I will see you soon I hope!

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She grins all too playfully.

Where are you little man? I have your hat...did you want it back? Or shall I hide beneath it and simply admire you from afar?

I could see you shopping...for ...hmmm perhaps that's best kept to myself.

James V

First Post
amused by her ability to express her wording, he begins jotting down a reply with an enriched attitude in his writting, as the curves flow more easily, jotting down almost meaninglessly before coming to a final pause, then continues a bit with a smile

Sore feet eh? Bah, I already have 'em...We'll see though who can outlast, to the victor a special suprise, I'm sorry, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to accept a challange of walkin' and sore feet! I miss you Ariel, I'm sorry I haven't been around lately, I've been rather dreadfully busy with this thing of livin' life, orderin' materials, makin' batches of the golden brew,

My love always with you



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The elf admires the puzzle and leaves one of her own making.

Sore feet...nay boots. Mine whinge and whine, dribble like swine and always seem to wander one direction these days. 'Haps because they get to kick up with you. Or because they get to escape my feet. Strange that...how did you seduce my boots?

I know how you seduced me, but fathom not how my boots...so old and faithful, after all these years, keep on walkin' back to you. Bah, I might just need a new pair; then you'd probably trick them too hmmm?

My hand's in yours. Cant you feel that too?


James V

First Post
he eyes this post intently, looking perhaps if being rushed he pauses, soaking in the post, taking a long stare at the posting, pondering to himself before he begins a reply

always....I will remained puzzled about this one...hehe...I can feel out many a thing, yet, still there is a void, and you fill it all the time, tis wonderful, I do indeed miss you but I understand we've things to do, as I've many a thing to do this eve, perhaps it is why I barely have the time to post, I have plans for us some time! I know how busy your schedule is, and this is more important to me beside just bein' with you, yet I still am, though I do have deep reflection of use daily, in meditation, this idea had come to me, Oh you will indeed enjoy it so.


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She leaves behind, something a little different. Instead of writing on the parchment, she folds it into a swan, pinning it there for him to collect. She has even taken the time to pink the tips of the wings, leaving it in a magical air, like the whimsical dream of a child. Unfolded, hidden at the center is written.

You make me young.

James V

First Post
as he passes later this evening, his eyes widen a bit at her responce, he simply just leaves a small reply to match her own

I know the feelin'...


First Post
She lingers on his words, hangs on them with the pleasure that few achieve. Her fingertips trace the letters and she laughs as she's penning her reply; as if it were joyous for her to do so.

You know it, or you remember it, little Phyre...? I remember it, but I know it still. Your smile, your warmth, your charm is infectious. Like the binds of darkness to night, hard is it, to be me, without my other these days. Such that I must sound silly.

James V

First Post
his eyes lift 'pon the posting, with a faint smile, as he settles back gazing, in a trance, almost as though for once...thinking, time passes by mere moments turn to seconds, and finally seconds to minutes, with minutes leading to a couple of hours

I remember many a many adventure of a younger Phyre, brute, strong, destructive, intimidation of life and its riches, I am intimidated by you Rose, indeed, I am. Some times I can read many a time here, and yet some times, I don't know how to respond, even though I want to, they flutter, I scratch out so many lines, almost tryin' to impress you, or rid of my intimidation, but at the end of the dusk, when night creeps in all about, all I see in all reflections of m'eyes, from the lights shinnin' 'bout, to the voices flutterin' the air, yours is always near.


First Post
She'd sit, amused at his babbling and imagination.

You must be rare, for I am anything but intimidating. Frightful, mayhaps, but not intimidating. Whenever you are at a loss, remember how I smile when you are about and you shall understand. Remember the Rose, that very first, and that I'm the gift to you. You dont need to speak or write to cherish.

Voidrunner's Codex

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