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Your dream DM


Sandain said:
and whoever DM's the CITY storyhour
Hey, that's me! Thanks. Though a lot of the credit has to go to Rolzup, who plays Burne, for writing it up so well. Except for the parts I wrote. For which I get the credit. Ah vanity...

My list of Dream DM's (I'm going to stick to ENWorlders, since my knowledge of gaming industry luminaries in somewhat lacking).

1) Sepulchrave II
2) jonrog1
3) barsoomcore

And I should probably add 4) shilsen. He had me at Sir Cedric (aka the Naughty Paladin). Too bad I just don't have the time right now (and his Eberron game is full up).
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At a Worldcon I got to play in an Ogre Miniatures game that Steve Jackson was running. In the game an Ogre Mk.III overran an infantry unit of mine and I got to cripple it by taking out its main gun and both secondaries. Ah, happy memories...


Sidekick said:
2. Shilsen - his eberron campaign kicks some.

Mallus said:
And I should probably add 4) shilsen. He had me at Sir Cedric (aka the Naughty Paladin). Too bad I just don't have the time right now (and his Eberron game is full up).


Despite the kind comments from Sidekick and Mallus, I must admit that I'm a DM whose players have taken a break from the game to watch a player's special cofee-maker at work. Yes, Rackhir's coffee-maker beats my mad DMing skillz! Oh, the humanity!

As for my dream DMs, I can't say I really have any, though I'm one of those who'd really like to be a player in his own game, partly because I run the kind of game I enjoy playing in, but even more because I want to see it from the outside. If I had to pick someone in particular, I'd also like to play in Piratecat's game, just so that I can stea..., er, learn from someone who everybody says is a great DM.

Since I'm currently playing in campaigns run by the two best DMs I've had (Mallus and Michael Tree) and just joined one with a DM who's promising to be as good (Rolzup), it's not like I'm thinking of dream DMs much.
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First Post
The Sigil said:
3. Hal Greenberg - His absence here is missed... and besides, who can take seriously a DM that doesn't like to wear pants? And besides, I go back with Hal (to the dndcommunitycouncil days) as far as I go back with anyone in the gaming community and for that he has a special place in my heart.

Thanks Spencer, I am around just not like I used to be.
I am still playing and DMing my 5/6 year olds, if anyone is ever in Tampa and wants a one shot I am a better player than DM but look me up! ;)

And I say back that your deatil and uniqueness would make me want to play in one of your games Sig!


What others have said:
1) Monte Cook, especially for Ptolus
2) Keith Baker, especialy for Ebberon

but the ultimate GM that people seemed to have missed:

Ken Hite for a game of high occult conspiracy weirdness. CoC, GURPS, nWoD, don't care which setting (although Chicago would be a first choice, followed by a Baroque era continent spanning game) or system, I would trust the man to run it. The only exception to that would be Unknown Armies - which I would want to be run by Greg Stoltze.

And as for the most unlikely but possibly coolest DM:
Mutants and Masterminds run by Stan Lee who has both the imagination and showmanship to be a DM even if may have never done it before.


1. China Miéville
2. Really anyone at this point -- I've not gotten to play properly in over two years. :( I seem to be in like perma-GM mode.

Okay- you said dream DM

Wife whom is a multi millionaire with interest in comics and myth. Looks somewhere between Pamela Anderson and Hilary Swank. Enjoys ALL roleplaying and games. Runs a smart, fast paced action filled comedy game.

Besides that .... dunno. I have some DMs I thourghly enjoyed.

John Stettner ran an incredible CoC game. Eric Rutins ran a good Grayhawk game. His name slips my mind (sorry) that did an incredible Darksun and parady of Knights of the Dinner table that I enjoyed at a con.

The others are celebreties or figure heads of gaming. Are they good DMs.... no idea.

hmmmmm.....thinking about that dream DM.......

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