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Your favourite non-core spells?


Penguin Herder
BoVD: Psychic Poison. It's not even an [Evil] spell! I think of it as mindblank, with extreme prejudice. :)

Cheers, -- N

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First Post
Can't remember the name off-hand, but dragon magazine had a spell that wreathed the target in lightning. It did damage each round unless the target willing gave up their saving throw against a charm the spell would convert itself to. :]


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
I'm surprised at least one of these hasn't been mentioned yet:

Delay Death(SpC): Cast it as an immediate action, and target can't die from hit point loss. Combine this with diehard, and you have lots of fun. (Watch out for Dispel Magic though). :)

Insignia of Healing(RoD): Everyone (regardless of distance from caster) wearing an insignia heals 1d8+lvl.

Close Wounds (SpC): Another life saver. As an immediate action prevent 1d4+lvl damage to target.


Oh, and I second Arc of Lightning.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
My girlfriend's favorite spell: Darkbolt. Ranged Touch, multiple rays, untyped damage, saving throw doesn't apply to the damage it deals.

A few I like:
Assay Resistance.
Close Wounds. A necessity for all Clerics.
Sound Lance.
Spell Enhancer. Swifty goodness.
Arcane Turmoil. From Complete Mage. A lower-level targetted Dispel Magic that causes loss of one spell from target's memory.
Ray of Clumsiness.

The Orb spells are good too, especially if your arcane caster has a high Dexterity and/or feats to increase his/her ranged attack.

the Jester

Okay, so a lot of my favorite non-core spells are homebrew, but hey, here ya go...

*From WotC books:

Spell Compendium

Anticipate teleport
Reality maelstrom

Book of Vile Darkness

Whirlwind of teeth


Players' Guide to Cydra

Righteous zeal - clr 9; gain DR 5/-, 100 temporary hp, +6 Str, Cha, attacks, damage and Will saves.
Jerakai's embrace - sor/wiz 3; gain extra set of arms. This goes back to 2e imc, so I don't use the WotC version (girallon's embrace or whatever it's called).
Act of God- clr 9; retroactively negate all damage and harmful effects from one source for one round
Wall of Honey- drd 3, sor/wiz 3; difficult to pass wall of honey, clogs breathing and vision
Ivy Siege- drd 6; ivy crushes a building (conversion of a 2e spell from Complete Druid's book).
Word Lock- sor/wiz 6, brd 5; seal closure, can only open with proper word; bards can tune the lock to a Perform check of a DC equal to the one they make when casting the spell
Superior Teleport- sor/wiz 8; teleport without error to anywhere, anyone or anything, even if you don't have a clear description (ex.: "I'm superior teleporting to whoever stabbed my best friend!")
Proleptic Visions- sor/wiz 9; gain visions of impending attacks on up to 5 individuals, locations and objects of your choice; the ultimate alarm.


Some other good ones:

Scorch (Aganazzar's Scorcher) (SC, FR) is probably one of the only 2nd level damage spells worth using.

Wrack (BoVD) was a freaking awesome spell for evil NPC clerics (IMHO) especially when it was 3rd level. SD changed it to 4th but it's still a good spell. Wait for a fighter to engage a minion in melee, cast Wrack, watch enemy fighter die next round.

Wave of Grief (BoVD, SC) - is a pretty good low level evil cleric spell.

For ftr/wiz types:

Whirling Blade (SC)


Encyclopedia Arcane-Necromancy
Animate Skeleton
Animate Zombie
Raise Death Fleet

Relics and Rituals I&II
Liliandel's Flurry
Ganest's Farstrike
Shocking Missile
Frog Tongue
Acid Spit
True Reincarnation

Several from Encyclopedia Arcane-Enchantment

Lots and lots from Eldritch Sorcery and the Advanced Player's Guide

Sejs said:
Benign mothaf#$%in' Transposition.

I love that spell in ways that should not be legal.

Baleful's not half bad either.

I like these 2 spells as well. Benign can be used to help a friend in trouble or give the enemy a nasty surprise when the unarmoured Wizard turns into a Greatsword-wielding Fighter! :]

Olaf the Stout


First Post
Scholar's Touch, from one of the "Races of "books. It lets you read a book by touching it.

Powerful beyond measure in the right kind of campaigns. Exactly what a wizard should develop instead of another fireball-type of spell.

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