Your "In a Perfect World, I'd be playing X" Roleplaying Campaign


GM: run my two part Winter Whispers, Summer Swords campaign. Using the Legends of the Five Rings setting the PCs must first finagle and courtier their way through the build up to a clan war. Then fight in the war. Using Hero.

Playing: a supers game. With plenty of soap opera action to complement the spandex action. Either Hero or FASERIP.

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The game would be Burning Wheel. I don't have a strong feeling about the content of the game, since my group has made settings ideas collaborative and mutually created for a long time now. So part of the joy is building the concept, the perils, the personalities, the tensions and then playing to see what happens and why.

I expect my answer would change at times, but I'd like a campaign that takes place over a great span of time in the fiction, with the cast of characters changing periodically due to time passing, but the story continuing on through the ages.
This is my answer as well.

I've got this dream campaign that starts off in the Black Sails version of Nassau but with fantasy elements. Sailing, world building, fun and breezy, but with dark omens for the future.

Part 2 takes place in a fantasy industrial revolution period. If you've seen Carnival Row or Shadow and Bone then you're in the right ballpark. Build on part 1 by fully introducing the baddies and their long term plans.

Part 3 is in the early information era and tech has begun catching up to and even surpassing magic in some ways. Think Dresden Files, Sanctuary, and a bit of Rick Riordan all without the magical masquerade.

Part 4 ties it all together in a near future where tech and magic allow for humanity to start visiting other worlds a la Stargate with little bits and pieces inspired by just about everything Amanda Tapping has ever been in. The antagonists are defeated with the help of some resurrection/cloning shenanigans that allows every character to come back for the final showdown.

Let it be my DMing masterpiece as I seamlessly bring together pirates, witches, inventors, lycans, demigods, gunslingers, artificers, cyber mages, commandos, Teal'c, IRS fairies, robo dogs, and a lady whose hallmark christmas movie life was shattered and now she's out for blood. Yes, she's a DMPC, but in this campaign it totally works.


Staff member
I’ve sorta been through that. I ran a supers campaign in HERO 4th using the Space:1889 campaign setting as a core, and had a cadre of players who were really on board. It was my finest campaign EVER.

When I tried running an updated version of it a decade later with different players in M&M 2Ed, it fizzled. There were problems on both sides of the screen.

So I suppose I’d want the djinn to let me recapture lighning in a bottle, running the updated game for the second group with the same skill & enjoyment as happened for the original group.

However, the power of the wish is limited to just your own personal roleplaying experience. Our djinn can't make you rich or a rock star, but can grant you the opportunity to play the "One Great RPG Campaign of a Lifetime"---the one life-altering campaign you'd always secretly hoped would come to pass.

What is that campaign?
The continuation of the greatest campaign I've ever played, an occult WWII game that ran from 2007 to 2021, covering September 1939 to the early end of the war in May 1945. The GM ended it at that point, feeling he'd done enough. I feel that's entirely reasonable, and I'm running one of two parallel successor campaigns that went back to 1939 in different aspects of the war. But I don't feel I'm doing as good a job of it, so far, and playing through the post-war years would be great fun.
The campaign is guaranteed to have weekly sessions for exactly 18 months, and no longer.
I'd like to trade that for a smaller number of monthly sessions. One needs time to think between sessions, and read more history.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
The continuation of the greatest campaign I've ever played, an occult WWII game that ran from 2007 to 2021, covering September 1939 to the early end of the war in May 1945. The GM ended it at that point, feeling he'd done enough. I feel that's entirely reasonable, and I'm running one of two parallel successor campaigns that went back to 1939 in different aspects of the war. But I don't feel I'm doing as good a job of it, so far, and playing through the post-war years would be great fun.

I'd like to trade that for a smaller number of monthly sessions. One needs time to think between sessions, and read more history.
Was that a homebrew system? If published, what was the game system?


Staff member
For completeness’ sake, I’ll admit that the alternative wish would be to play in a campaign with one of my odder characters that I haven’t gotten to play (or were already in an aborted campaign), and am unlikely to get the opportunity so to do.


For completeness’ sake, I’ll admit that the alternative wish would be to play in a campaign with one of my odder characters that I haven’t gotten to play (or were already in an aborted campaign), and am unlikely to get the opportunity so to do.
I have nearly 20 odd Torg Eternity characters. I may get to play one of them, but we just did session zero for my stint as GM. The team is not as disjointed as I feared it might be!

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