Your "In a Perfect World, I'd be playing X" Roleplaying Campaign

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Staff member
I have nearly 20 odd Torg Eternity characters. I may get to play one of them, but we just did session zero for my stint as GM. The team is not as disjointed as I feared it might be!
At one point, I owned over 150 different RPGs, and had designed at least one character for each one. Inspired by Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion, Eternal Companion and other multiversal beings, there was even one I statted out across SEVERAL game systems (including Torg, as it happens).

So I have physical folders and all kinds of electronic files of PCs…waiting,

And yes, some are CLEARLY better than others.

I run whatever I want, and around 50+ sessions is my standard. Thanks to online gaming, players are easy to come by. And everything I run is GM'd with exceptional skill. :cool:

But to stick with the intent of the thread, I would like to run Space: 1889, with high-definition maps of Mars. The lack of maps is what has stymied my ability to field that particular campaign.

Or a really good WW2 campaign. Behind Enemy Lines holds great promise, and there are Weird War and Gear Krieg, but the former is dead and the latter two are a bit too Hollywood/pulp for my taste.
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aramis erak

Palladium's Fantasy Setting or Mechanoids Setting (not the rifts version - it's significantly altered), but with a game that works better (and I don't have to do the conversions myself) to a much better engine.

Battlestations! (Gorilla Games)


I want to be a player in a well run Enemy Within campaign from start to finish. I’d settle for being a player in a mini-campaign of WHFRP 4e. I look running it so much it’s one of the few games I want to actually play. Second runner up would a pulp style Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign.


I want to be a player in a well run Enemy Within campaign from start to finish. I’d settle for being a player in a mini-campaign of WHFRP 4e. I look running it so much it’s one of the few games I want to actually play. Second runner up would a pulp style Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign.
I’m lucky enough to actually be in an awesome Enemy Within game using WHFRP4 rules, run by @TheSword
I can’t speak highly enough of the campaign. It’s dark, engaging, challenging and threatening. We are currently in the forests near Wittgenstein, trying to contact a group of outlaws to enlist their support against disturbing events at the castle.


Yes me too. I’d love to play in The Enemy Within for WFRP 4e. Though I would need to have my memory wiped. Any good intrigue adventure would be good though FOR WFRP. Ubersreik Adventures, Ashes of Middenheim, the 3e Enemy Within. All could probably be adopted for D&D as well - though I think some of the challenges would be too easy.

My second place would be in a Forgotten Realms Menzoberranzan Evil underdark campaign - with a family trying to raise its fortunes.


Guide of Modos
One detail is immediately obvious: I want Matt Mercer!

. . . in charge of voicing the NPC orcs that Wil Wheaton (GM) uses here or there when mindless combat is necessary. The cast of Viva la Dirt League would be a pretty awesome set of players. The campaign would probably be indirectly lifted from the Silmarillion, and the game would be the final draft of the medieval fantasy rules module for Modos RPG that I haven't even thought about starting (but I have an ever-growing list of ideas). It would not hurt to have Deborah Ann Woll on GM standby - I guess we would let Wil have a break here or there.


I would love to take the time off to be a player and not the DM for a campaign. A nice, sandboxy, D&D, homebrew that I can steal and run for my group after would be great.

Voidrunner's Codex

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