Your Rpg shelf

Greg K

I am not going to list supplements (official or third party), settings, modules, quickstarts, Test Drives, Playtests, etc. . I may also be missing things :

Mutants and Masterminds 1e and 2e
Savage Worlds Explorer Edition

Cinematic Unisystem: Angel
D&D 3e
d20 Future
DC Heroes 2nd edition
Blood of Heroes: Special Edition
L5R 1e
Rolemaster Standard System
Shadowrun 1e
Villains and Vigilantes: Revised

Electronic (* denotes will, eventually buy the print copy as well)
Cortex (generic)*
Tri-stat DX*
Barbarians of Lemuria
d6 Adventure
d6 Fantasy
d6 Space
d20 Conan
D&D 2.0 Core Rules CD-ROM
Dragon Magazine collection CD-ROM
Deathstalkers CD-ROM
Dread (and Spite)
Marvel Superheroes (TSR): Basic and Advanced
Lady Blackbird
Little Fears: Nightmare Edition
Star Frontiers
Unisystem: All Flesh Must be Eaten
Unisystem: Witchcraft
Warrior, Rogue and Mage
Werewolf the Apocalypse
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My list is fairly comprehensive too. I don't think I want to spend a couple hours listing what I have. I guess I should for insurance purposes. Ya never know.


Too many to list here (I keep track in a database). For D&D alone, I have 1,264 books (not counting minis, tiles, dragon/dungeon magazines, OSR items and PDF-only stuff). Sadly, that's not an up-to-date count, as I haven't been rigorously tracking since just before 4E came out. My D&D takes up 3 of the six 6' tall bookshelves in my game room.


A picture of my shelf

Some of the 4e stuff is not on the shelf right now due to campaigns, but this is my little collection.


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Basic and Expert Rules for OD&D

Deities and Demigods

MMII (I think, I can't remember the last time I saw it)
Ruins of Undermountain I and II Box Sets
Ravenloft box
Dark Sun box
Ruins of Myth Drannor box
Ravenloft Domains of Dread
Ravenloft Children of the Night: Vampire
Forgotten Realms box
Return to the Tomb of Horrors box

Lords of Madness
Epic Level Handbook
Call of Cthulhu d20
Sword and Sorcery's Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 2

GURPS 4E Characters
GURPS Supers
In Nomine Core Rulebook

I think that's everything, not counting modules or PDFs.


First Post
I have way too many RPG products to list them all; they take up many shelves. Just off the top of my head:

AD&D 1E: Almost everything
AD&D 2E: Many things (modules, core books, books of spells and magic items, etc)
D&D 3E: Many books (especially monster books) and modules
Call of Cthulhu: A lot
Palladium/Rifts, et al: Many books
HERO/Champions: Many books
Castles and Crusdaes: A number of modules, the monster books, the original book
Gammaworld: Pretty much complete 1E & 2E, some later stuff also. Metamorphosis Alpha: Couple of versions
Savage Worlds: Just the rule book

and many others
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My office has like 5 bookcases, of which 4 are taken up by RPG books (the other is full of a nearly complete run of several old choose your own adventure and similar style gamebooks from the 80s).

As for the RPG stuff I have:

3.x D&D (nearly everything)
Pathfinder (everything)
2e D&D (all Dark Sun, all Planescape, lots of FR, all Ravenloft)
nWoD (everything)
oWoD (pretty much all of Mage, lots of Vampire, most of Werewolf)
Eclipse Phase (everything)
Cthulhutech (everything)
Shadowrun (a decent amount of SR2, all of SR3, select bits of SR4)

Flatus Maximus

First Post
My RPG shelf currently consists of Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, Rules Compendium and Monster Vault.

Then I have a several boxes of RPG stuff in storage: D&D-wise it's mainly 2e and 3e stuff, but overall it's overwhelmingly GURPS and oWoD books, peppered with other systems.

Only four books on your shelf? Wait for it, wait for it:

...svo pjúný


Edit: Woo hoo, my 400th ridiculous post!


First Post
Marsh/Cook D&D Basic/Expert Box Sets
D&D Creature Catalog
AD&D Original Covers PHB, DMG, MM, FF
AD&D Orange Spine MM2, UA, WSG, DSG, L&L, OA, MotP
C&C PHB, M&T, CK Screen, Umbrage Saga Box Set, Castle Zagyg:Yggsburgh

Arcanis Core book, Forged in Magic
Witch Hunter Core book, Grand Tome of Adversaries, Blessed and the Damned, Screen, A Child's Game
Advanced Marvel Superheroes Box Set, Deluxe City Set, Children of the Atom, Ultimate Powers, Avengers, Fantastic Four
Mouse Guard Core book
Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition Core Rules, Thrilling Tales, SW Card Deck
The One Ring Core Set
Abney Park's Airship Pirates, Ruined Empire
Warhammer 2E Core book
The Dresden Files: Our World
Supernatural RPG Core book
Pendragon 4th Core book, Blood and Lust, Perilous Forest, The Spectre King, Beyond the Wall, Lordly Domains, Pagan Shore

the Jester

The entire wall behind my desk is gaming books. Too many to list, but I'll give you the first three from each shelf:

2e DMG, Sword & Fist, DragonLance Classics vol. 1.

3e Oriental Adventures, 3.5 Monster Manual, 3.5 Complete Champion.

2e Dark Sun boxed set, Wrath of the Immortals book, Grimtooth's Traps Too.

Many Dragon and Dungeon mags.

4e Monster Manual 3, Monster Vault, Monsters of the Nentir Vale.

1e Greyhawk Adventures hardback, 1e Unearthed Arcana, Temple of Elemental Evil module.

Binders full of homebrewed campaign notes, monsters, spells, etc.

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