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Your Top Ten RPGs

Jeff Carlsen

1. Shadowrun
2. Savage Worlds
3. D&D/Pathfinder
4. Legend of the Five Rings
5. World of Darkness
6. Toon

Beyond this, I only have limited experience with the following: Burning Wheel, One Ring, Fate, Star Wars Saga Edition, Wushu, Cortex.

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Staff member
My list:

1) HERO, especially editions 4th-6th.

2) 3.X D&D, including many of the 3PP variants like AU/AE, Pathfinder, Fantasy Craft, Midnight, and True20

3) Mutants & Masterminds

4) Numenera

5) RIFTS- crappy mechanics, but I love the setting- including the other Palladium games I can convert characters from into the setting by using the Conversion Guide

6) Space: 1889- same story as RIFTS

7) Deadlands

8) Traveller- mostly the original, but most if the editions hold some charm to me

9) Paranoia

10) The Fantasy Trip/In the Labyrinth- kind of my ultimate rules-lite FRPG. I understand Dark City Games uses essentially the same system today.

Hon. mentions to Underground, Universe (SPI), Savage Worlds, Godlike, Shadowrun and Earthdawn.


Cute but dangerous
Going by the rules here, not the setting, so stuff like Star Trek, Finsterland, Deadlands, Apocalypse World and Gammaworld won't show as I either am not too fond of the rules or I play them in d20 anyway.

1. D&D 3.X/PF/similar d20 variants Kind of the same to me in many ways so they all get the top spot.
2. d6, any variant, mostly played Star Wars
3. Talislanta - world as well as rules.
4. Ubiquity
5. The One Ring. I would love to see this applied to other games as well.
6. Fudge
8. Ubiquity
9. Splittermond
10. Torg


I note a number of people have listed D&D several times in reference to different editions. I get that rules change and people have preferences, but I think it’s a bit of a stretch to consider them different games though.

It makes the edition wars seem a bit silly if there's no significant changes, mind you.

In the case of RuneQuest, the game is a lot more generic in it’s application - but the classic Glorantha setting isn’t medieval (more like a Bronze age feel) and the onus is on questing to rise in ranks for a particular cult, by interacting with myths. Not the same game as D&D at all.

To quote Guide to Glorantha:

Glorantha draws its inspiration for the ancient world. It has far more to do with Babylon, Classical Greece, ancient China, Hyboria and Lankhmar than it does with medieval Europe, Le Mort d'Arthur, or the Hundred Years War. Its heroes are Achilles, Conan, Gilgamesh and Rostum, not Galahad, Lancelot and Roland.

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