D&D 5E Games & Settings

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  • Mythic Odysseys of Theros
    A list of official D&D 5E settings, plus stand-alone games and campaign settings by third party publishers. Third-party games and settings are produced using the Open Gaming License, and use the D&D 5E ruleset to explore new genres and worlds.

    The most common setting theme is Ancient Greek mythology, with several games or settings inspired by it: Theros, Arkadia, Hellenistika, Land of Myth, Odyssey of the Dragonlords, Ancient Adventures, and the Scarred Lands.

    Official D&D Settings​

    These campaign settings are produced by WotC for D&D 5th Edition. Some have their own standalone books, while others are the setting for single storylines (adventures). Those with standalone setting books are marked with an asterisk.

    AvernusLayer of Hell; no setting book, but covered in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus adventure
    Eberron*Eberron: Rising from the Last War; pulp and fantasy technology
    Forgotten RealmsGeneric fantasy; a partial setting book (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide);
    the default setting for most official D&D adventures which often contain additional setting information
    GreyhawkNo setting book, but the setting used in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
    Ravenloft*Gothic horror; Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, also partially covered in Curse of Strahd adventure
    Ravnica*Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica; MtG setting of a giant city
    Spelljammer*Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, Astral spaceships
    Strixhaven*Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, MTG setting in a wizard school
    Theros*Mythic Odysseys of Theros; Greek-themed MtG setting
    Wildemount*Explorer's Guide to Wildemount; the Critical Role setting

    Planeshift Settings​

    These are Magic: the Gathering settings converted to D&D 5E and released as free online supplements by WotC. Planeshift is the name of a D&D spell.

    DominariaDefault MtG setting
    InnistradGothic horror-themed, vampires, werewolves
    IxalanMesoamerican-inspired; Sun Empire, dinosaurs
    KaladeshClockwork, airships, artifice
    ZendikarAdventure world of ancient ruins

    Standalone Third Party Games​

    These standalone games do not require the D&D core rulebooks, but are powered by the same ruleset. All the rules needed to play are found in the game itself.

    Advent HorizonPromethium BooksSemi-hard science fiction, plus eldritch horrors
    Adventures in Middle EarthFree LeagueTolkien
    Affinity - ConestogaDias Ex Machina GamesAdventures of giant adrift alien spaceship, part of Affinity trilogy of interconnected settings (see below)
    Affinity - ParadiseDias Ex Machina GamesWeird magitech fantasy in an orrery star system, incorporates Ultramodern5 rule changes, also see above
    Affinity - TorusDias Ex Machina GamesArt-Deco Weird West, also, see above
    Amazing AdventuresTroll Lord GamesMulti-genre, modern, pulp, scifi
    Anime 5eDyskami PublishingAnother supers in 5e. In truth it just imports large parts of M&M 2e into 5e.
    Beast WorldHeartleaf GamesFurry adventure
    Beowulf: Age of HeroesHandiwork GamesNorse fantasy, rules reworked for 1 DM + 1 player
    Black IronFeral Gamers IncGrimdark S&S
    Bloodlines & Black MagicStorm Bunny StudiosModern Occult
    Capes and CrooksCrit AcademySuperheroes
    Carbon 2185Dragon Turtle GamesCyberpunk
    Dark MatterMage Hand PressScience fiction, plus mega-damage in 5e!
    Dark Souls: The Roleplaying GameSteamforged Games LtdDark Souls: The Roleplaying Game, duh
    DarkEnergyEntanglement InteractiveMagic postapocalypse, RIFTS-ish
    Deathbringer RPGOSR hack from Youtuber Professor Dungeon Master
    DemiverseGnome Mage GamesThe multiverse exploded and the dimensions smooshed back together, wrong. Lots of extra planes to add to your game
    Doctors and DaleksCubicle 7Doctor Who 5e
    EntromancyNightpath PublishingCyberpunk, Shadowrun-style fantasy
    Esper GenesisAlligator Alley EntertainmentSci-fi, Mass Effect-like
    FateforgeStudio AgateFrench sword & sorcery
    Five Torches DeepSigil Stone PublishingOSR hack of 5e
    Gaslight Victorian FantasyBattlefield Press InternationalVictorian Fantasy
    Genefunk 2090CRISPR Monkey StudiosCyberpunk, focus on biotech
    Ghost Ops Second StrikeFeralGamersIncTom Clancy tactical spec ops
    HereafterSigil EntertainmentBad news, you're dead! Enjoy the afterlife, but you may be able to escape back to the living world
    KisartaSushi RoleYou're dead, and afterlife is terrible. Yep, somehow you're damned and the beings in charge are not nice. But there seems to be plenty to do though.
    Level Up: Advanced 5th EditionEN PublishingReworking of 5e rules from the ground up
    Lost LightsSide Quest PressPersian setting plus mythology
    Olde Swords ReignFumble TableOSR hack of 5e
    Path of the PlanebreakerMonte Cook GamesMoon sized object plummets through dimensions collecting items, and people; bringing doom as it goes
    Pugmire / Mau / Squeaks in the DeepOnyx Path PublishingUplifted dogs, cats, birds, reptiles & rodents in post-human Earth
    Ruin 5th ed, TheFeralGamersIncRealistic postapocalypse
    S5ESigil EntertainmentBrings at-will powers to the fore allowing incredibly powerful characters
    Spy Game, theBlack Cats GamingEspionage
    StargateWyvern GamingSci-fi
    Tales of ArcanaArcanomicon LLCHundreds of races, plus setting tied together to create a 5e Wold Newton type setting. Also really funny in places. Allows players to be puppets, transformers etc!
    The SunderingUH StudiosGods fell from the skies, continent sized flaming blades sheared the nations. Has Crystal Spheres and Spelljammer compatible!
    Tomb of the Colossus GodsLion Banner GamesCampaign plus adventure. They even invented their own language. There's verisimilitude for you.
    Ultramodern5Dias Ex MachinaModern
    Whispers in the DarkSaturday Morning ScenariosCall of Cthulhu, 5E style, 1870s New Orleans
    Liberty: AFTERJohn Dossinger PublishingSci-fi, post-apocalyptic

    DMs Guild Exclusive Settings​

    These campaign settings cover material that is owned by WotC, but is still allowed for third-parties to publish under the terms of the DMsGuild.

    AcheronUlraunt's Guide to the PlanesOuter Planes, war-torn battlefields
    Infinite StaircaseOliver DarkshireUse the Infinite Staircase to travel the planes
    Rites of the Infinity GuardAripockilyBecome a protector of time, and banish those that would disrupt it
    ShadowfelUlraunt's Guide to the PlanesOuter Planes, horror
    Traveler's Guide to the CosmosAripockilyBring the cosmos to your doorstep and travel the universe

    Third Party Campaign Settings​

    These campaign settings require the D&D core rulebooks. They are not standalone games.

    2099 WastelandLegendary GamesPost-apocalyptic
    Adventurer's Guide to the BibleRed Panda PublishingYou'll never guess it...
    AetaltisMechanical MuseClassic Fantasy
    Agents of G.A.I.A.Battlefield Press InternationalModern Urban Fantasy
    AihrdeTroll Lord GamesFantasy
    AlessiaStorm Bunny StudiosWuxia science fiction fantasy
    AlfeimurL&A MediaDark sword and sorcery
    AigyptosSkirmisher PublishingEgyptian
    Amethyst: QuintessenceDias Ex Machina GamesScience vs. magic
    Arcana of the Ancients5e release of Numenera setting
    Ancient AdventuresMal & Tal EnterprisesAncient Greece
    ArcanisParadigm ConceptsRoman
    ArkadiaArcana GamesGreek
    AroraGhostfire GamingPost-dragon apocalypse
    AquilaeInfinium Game StudioSetting of Dark Obelisk adventures
    Auroborous: Coils of the SerpentWarchief GamingEpic fantasy
    Blood & BoneArcana GamesGrimdark, no magic
    Blue RoseGreen RoninRomantic Fantasy
    Book of Exalted DarknessLegendary GamesDecopunk good and evil
    BrancaloniaAcheron BooksSpaghetti Fantasy
    Burning SkiesEN PublishingHigh fantasy, war, setting of War of the Burning Sky
    Cloak & CoinRed Turban PressMercenary fantasy
    Churn Campaign Setting, TheThomas FuentesTBD (typical fantasy?)
    Comets & Cockpits: Geographica AdelphosDaylight PublicationsJunker Space Fantasy! (Star Wars meets Mad Max)
    Dark MatterMage Hand PressSci-fi
    Dragon HeresyGaming Ballistic, LLCNorse
    EboncladDan Coleman ProductionsThieves' guilds
    Eldritch SandsPoison Potion PressMagitech Destiny/Warframe-like
    Embers of the Forgotten KingdomMetal Weave GamesSoulslike
    Ethereal ExpanseGhostfire GamingAstral pirates and seafaring
    Fading EmbersValiant Fox GamingMagical Ice Age
    Farland, World ofS. BakerWorld ruled by evil
    Grim HollowGhostfire Gaminggrimdark fantasy
    Gullet CoveSteamforged GamesCats and dogs
    HellenistikaHandiwork GamesGreek
    HELLSCAPESScrivened, LLCPostapocalyptic Toolkit
    HistoriaMana Project StudioDark Fantasy Renaissance
    Talking Animals
    Historica Arcanum: City of CrescentMetis Media19th Century Ottoman Urban Fantasy
    HumblewoodHit Point PressBirdfolk and other animals
    Hypercorps 2099Legendary GamesCyberpunk superheroes
    HYPERLANESScrivened, LLCScifi toolkit
    InfernoAcheron BooksBased off of Dante's Divine Comedy
    IskløftSkald PublishingVikings
    Iron Kingdoms RequiemPrivateer PressSteampunk Age & Magitech Mechas
    Journey to RagnarokMana Project StudioNorse
    Koryo Hall of AdventuresRed Scales PublishingKorean fantasy
    Land of MythSeven ThebesGreek
    Lasers & Liches
    Lasers & Liches
    Retrowave aesthetic
    Legendary PlanetLegendary GamesScience Fantasy AP
    LegendloreOnyx PathIsekai D&D, based on comics
    The Lost LandsFrog God GamesCollection of settings, high fantasy inspired by various cultures
    Lost Lights Campaign SettingSide Quest Press2 continents affected by the aftermath of a celestial war
    ManastormTerran Empire Publishinghigh fantasy
    MidgardKobold PressEuropean dark fantasy
    Midnight - Legacy of DarknessEDGE StudioFight back in world where Not-Sauron has won in Not-Middleearth
    Mists of AkumaStorm Bunny StudiosEastern fantasy noir steampunk
    Monsters of MurkaAction FictionPolitical satire
    NeurospastaDias Ex Machina GamesCyberpunk transhuman
    NightfellMana Project StudiosHorror fantasy
    Odyssey of the DragonlordsArcanum WorldsGreek
    PlanegeaAtlas PressPrehistoric D&D
    PonyfinderSilver Games LLCTalking Animals
    Primeval ThuleSasquatch Game StudioSword & Sorcery
    PtolusMonte Cook GamesCity-based Fantasy
    Pure SteamICOSA EntertainmentSteampunk
    Red OperaApotheosis Studiosheavy metal
    RetroverseLasers & LichesSetting for Lasers & Liches
    Rocket AgeWhy Not Gamespulpy retro-scifi
    Ruins of SymbaroumDark fantasy
    RunewildSneak Attack PressDark Fairy Tale Forest
    Savage CompanySHM PublishingGoblins/Orcs/etc with guns
    Scarred LandsOnyx Path PublishingGreek-inspired
    Seas of VodariTribality PublishingSwashbuckling nautical
    Sherwood: The Legend of Robin HoodBattlefield Press InternationalSwashbuckling Historical
    SnowhavenHigh Level GamesSnowpunk
    Spaceships and StarwyrmsHopePunk GamesScifi toolkit
    Supers & SorceryDaylight PublicationsSuperhero
    SvillandDream Realm StorytellersNorse
    Tails of the CitySilver Games LLCTalking animals
    Tal'DoreiGreen RoninCritical Role's setting
    Talislanta: the Savage LandNocturnal MediaFantasy dark ages, 5e version of classic setting
    TheriaDungeons & Randomnesslow-magic shades of grey
    Thrones & Bones: NorrøngardLazy Wolf StudiosBased on novels of Lou Anders, north horror fantasy
    Vast KaviyaLegendary GamesPrimordial sword and sorcery
    WardlingsRenegade Game StudiosChild Heroes
    World of MyrrCawood PublishingHeroic fantasy
    World of Nimbus, TheBronze age sword & sorcery
    World of XothXoth.Net PublishingSword and sorcery
    ZeitgeistEN PublishingRenaissance