D&D 5E How Defeat this Coffelock Villain?


Still have no idea what the hell a Coffelock is ...
Firstly, it's a misspelling of "coffeelock". Secondly, it's a sorcerer/warlock build that abuses the conversion of warlock spell slots into sorcerer spell slots to gain an infinite number of spell slots because the character never takes a long rest (hence the "coffee" bit). Apparently it's an old concept given new life by the new Aspect of the Moon warlock invocation from Xanathar's.

The build requires a DM who is willing to let the player determine when their character takes a short rest.

I can't see any sane DM allowing a player to use this rules exploit in a game ... but in this case, it's the DM using it against the players. Best just to run away or, better yet, find a new DM.

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Still have no idea what the hell a Coffelock is, and now my brain hurts after skimming through all of this garbage. The simple solution to this is to take a clue and walk away from any game that is run like this.

Note to self: Post another pet peeve to the thread about pet peeves. I hate the mashing together of words to make up new words. For example: Sorcadin, Bladelock, Bardbarian, etc. Well, Bardbarian is not quite as bad, but for consistency's sake it still qualifies as a pet peeve.

Ugh, there goes a chunk of time I will never get back. Good thing that it was on my employer's time, and not when I had more enjoyable things to do.
Looks like coffeelock is a warlock sorcerer multiclass using the ability to not need long rests to stockpile spell slots beyond the normal max. They use the sorc sorcery points to trade in for slots, then the warlocks shorst rest refill slots to trade for sorcery points, lather rinse repeat every hour of short rest to stack up a mostly unlimited number of spell slots with full sorc points.

The exploit or clever (pov) is that excess slots only go away on LONG rests. Use the invocation for never long rest.

The coffelock reference is "i will make coffee while you sleep" as the coffeelick takes eight short rests as the party long rests. More during downtime.

Thats the gist as i see it.

For me, just shows me to not allow short rest slots to convert to sorcery points in my games.

Sent from my VS995 using EN World mobile app


No flips for you!
Well... maybe. Strictly speaking, when the wizard said "I cast spell X", initiative gets rolled, with the PCs surprised. If he beats the enemy wizard on initiative, the barbarian doesn't know what's happening precisely, just that his instincts are going off. You don't just get a free attack by being the first to say "I attack", even if you append "...sneakily" to it.

My guess (from the descriptions given) is that the DM just put every PC and the simulacrum in a 5 foot huddle in the open, which is pretty cheesy.

Sure, lots of vagaries. We also don't even know if he's the right type of barbarian (a totem barbarian wouldn't get anything for instance). I was just filling out the scenario in a way that wasn't so cut and dried.

The invalid bit is the:
"While the Simulacrum was using Distant Metamagic + Earth Bind (600 feet range, Wait what?) + Quicken Empowered Repelling Eldrich Blast."

That's a full powered spell + a quickened cantrip, and you can't swap the quicken to the full spell because you're already using metamagic on it.

Agreed. Fundamentally the 'coffeelock' thing isn't really changing the encounter, because so far their foe isn't actually digging deep on resources. The problem is that you're facing a mobile pair of foes alpha striking on an apparently featureless plain while your group are all bunched up within 5' of each other, and you have zero defenses.

It's not unwinnable, but standing about in the open concentrating on spells isn't going to cut it.

I'm pretty sure the situation is unwinnable because it's a theorycrafting power trip - it's not actually happening, it's the poster's power trip using a theorycrafted bugaboo that he's trying out on the forums to elicit attention.

Too many things about the whole setup stink. 6 PCs, high level, getting suckered in a terrain-less white room by a uber-cheese build raining spells (illegally) on the party? Yeah, might happen, but I'm going with the whole thing being made up.


As long as i get to be the frog
I'm pretty sure the situation is unwinnable because it's a theorycrafting power trip - it's not actually happening, it's the poster's power trip using a theorycrafted bugaboo that he's trying out on the forums to elicit attention.

Too many things about the whole setup stink. 6 PCs, high level, getting suckered in a terrain-less white room by a uber-cheese build raining spells (illegally) on the party? Yeah, might happen, but I'm going with the whole thing being made up.

This is the most toxic post I've ever seen on EnWorld


Still have no idea what the hell a Coffelock is, and now my brain hurts after skimming through all of this garbage. The simple solution to this is to take a clue and walk away from any game that is run like this.



Note to self: Post another pet peeve to the thread about pet peeves. I hate the mashing together of words to make up new words. For example: Sorcadin, Bladelock, Bardbarian, etc. Well, Bardbarian is not quite as bad, but for consistency's sake it still qualifies as a pet peeve.

Yes, they're called combinords. I hate them, too.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
This is going to require the PCs to get really clever and imaginative:

Planar Travel to get to Earth. Magic Circle cast inside-out (like summoning a demon) as a ritual, so it's ready and waiting. Go back to the game world. Get into another fight with the Coffee'lock and cast reversed Summoning on him. Dump him in the magic circle ... which was placed at a Starbucks. Inside the big coffee urn. The villain cannot escape the Circle and the coffee doesn't care about the movement limitations, so ...

The coffee'lock should drown. (It may take a few minutes if he is high-CON.)

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