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Recent content by Dan Stack

  1. D

    Mutants & Masterminds Jedi Game

    Out of curiosity, for those of you who have done a Mutants and Masterminds Star Wars game, what Power Level did you use? My gaming group is going to be switching gears to a post-Episode III Star Wars later in the summer and I'm debating whether to use Mutants and Masterminds or Blue Rose. If I...
  2. D

    Realistic d20 Modern

    takyris - Different opinions are always welcome. To be honest, I want to make sure I don't overcompensate. The "glass cannon" is a good way of putting it. What I might wind up doing in my free time (ha! Not with an eleven month old... ;) ) is trying out a few of the options at home to see...
  3. D

    Realistic d20 Modern

    Thomas - Thanks for the link - I'll have to give it some thought, but it sounds about what I'm looking for. I can definitely see characters diving for cover when a firearm is drawn. What I'm mulling over is what I like about the Chaosium and d20 systems to decide which to use for a Delta...
  4. D

    Realistic d20 Modern

    Good point. I think with that I like the d20 Modern variant - you're still in deep doo-doo, but you've got a chance.
  5. D

    Realistic d20 Modern

    I've been giving some thought to a Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green style campaign but I find myself liking the d20 Modern Rules a little bit better than the Call of Cthulhu rules (for example, the way combat is handled, the feats available, etc.) However, I think the d20 Modern Rules are, as...
  6. D

    (Mongoose) Babylon 5 RPG - Full Details!

    So basically I lost an argument with myself. ;) Actually, I do see it as a valid point. I want a book filled to the rim of all sorts of B5-type stuff. I felt Chameleon Eclectic/Wireframe was a little constrained releasing their game before the end of B5's run - it forced them to limit the...
  7. D

    (Mongoose) Babylon 5 RPG - Full Details!

    Though if the product is to be released in May, it's unlikely that anything could be changed, I'll just echo REG - I think this would be a great OGL game. I love Mutants and Masterminds - it's nice being able to get a complete game, especially given the number of changes being proposed. And I...
  8. D

    Maybe battlemaps aren't so bad...

    I've tended to be the type of DM/GM who avoids battlemaps. On a whim, after hearing a lot of the debate over battlemaps in D&D, for last night's Star Wars RPG I bought a small whiteboard and a bunch of different colored dry erase markers. For the fight scenes last night, I made a rough scaled...
  9. D

    New Star Trek RPG

    I was a playtester, so I have some experience as to how the game actually plays. Overall it runs very well. Rather than repeat all my opinions here, I posted a fairly lengthy review at http://forum.trek-rpg.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3992. (Note - the NDA I signed prohibits me from...
  10. D

    Is CoCd20 subject to the OGL?

    I'm pretty sure Runequest is a year or two older than Call of Cthulhu (but I believe it came out after D&D), with Call of Cthulhu, Pendragon, and Elfquest being based off of it. It may have been the first skill based rpg system, unless Traveller came out first... Chaosium is apparently letting...
  11. D

    Is CoCd20 subject to the OGL?

    Hey, lets tell them we want to have Redgar fight Cthulhu in a steel cage! :D Didn't mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist in my posting, more curious which direction they plan on going. Unlike a lot of games which have been d20ized, Call of Cthulhu's system has a ton of history, being...
  12. D

    Is CoCd20 subject to the OGL?

    I'm curious as well. They have an incredible game available to them with the new d20 Rules - far better than the Deadlands adaptation for example (which I liked as well). I guess it depends if the goal is to get more people to buy Chaosium Cthulhu supplements (in which case dual-support would...
  13. D

    Is CoCd20 subject to the OGL?

    [Disclaimer - I'm not a lawyer, just my speculation follows] I believe not. The credits page indicates that "This Wizards of the Coast game product contains no Open Game Content" - that's the advantage to owning the d20 system I suppose. I'm not sure where adventures fit in. TSR had some...
  14. D

    Mathematical analysis of Cthulhu d20

    The hit points system does make a certain degree of sense to me. Since there is no dodge roll in the d20 system (unlike Chaosium's rules), the hit points simulate a characters dodge skill gradually going up - let's be honest, a character is going to dodge at least once per adventure, so odds...
  15. D

    WoG timeline rollback suggestions (OK, is that better?)

    While my Greyhawk timeline is set in the early 590's, it seems that my games move towards more of a flavor from the old editions. In the 591 settings (Gazeteer, Living Greyhawk) things sometimes do seem a tad extreme - a massive Iuz to the north, the Scarlet Brotherhood enforcing blockades to...