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Recent content by EvilMountainDew

  1. EvilMountainDew


    I think you have an .htaccess entry that says: I could be wrong, but it seems as though that's the problem, and it causes me to go from typing in enworld.org/forum to go to www.enworld.orgforum instead of the intended /forum. Perhaps it should look like this:
  2. EvilMountainDew

    Value of Slaves

    It seems that it wouldn't have gotten de-railed, had you not suggested it would be. On topic, it might be relevant to note that it might be a status symbol, having slaves. Thus, it doesn't need to be economically more feasible to have a slave than to hire a worker. I do believe that it was...
  3. EvilMountainDew

    Can you solve this mystery? (My players stay out!)

  4. EvilMountainDew

    Halflings and Thrown Weapons

    I think it's pretty cut and dry. If you are throwing something, and you're making an attack roll with it, you get a +1. If it's improvised you get a -4 by default, but the halfling gets a +1 making it -3. Halflings are used to throwing things, so they suck marginally less at throwing things...
  5. EvilMountainDew


    Well, you could buy a large nation. You could pick whatever has the highest LA. Or you could just go Wiz60 and win.
  6. EvilMountainDew

    Tower shopping! For the wizard who has everything...

    Similar to Tewligan's suggestion, you could build it inside somewhere with no doors, and if you're expecting company you can float their ships over the reef and stoneshape a hole for them to come in, close it up behind them and they won't try anything fishy. I'd cast permanent Daylight inside...
  7. EvilMountainDew

    MindBender PrC (Complete Arcane)

    But one level in you get nothing but telepathy. What's the point in that? I was thinking more of the route of Permanent Dominate...
  8. EvilMountainDew

    MindBender PrC (Complete Arcane)

    Has anyone played this PrC? How did you accomplish it? What sort of character was it? Good vs Evil? I just ran across this again the other day, and I absolutely love the idea behind it. I'm statting one up this weekend, I'll share mine then.
  9. EvilMountainDew

    Tower shopping! For the wizard who has everything...

    As far as labor is concerned, you had best summon some earth elementals to build it for you. You don't bricks when the whole thing is etched from a single block of granite from the elemental plane of ... granite. A tower is definitely the way to go. It's the obvious choice for a lot of...
  10. EvilMountainDew

    Whiney players....

    I agree with the OP. I'd consider telling wrong CRs to the player, hiding the true numbers, just to mess with him. It'd be entertaining to say in passing, "I just wrote up a sweet super-beefy Barbarian, CR 21." And then throw them up against a couple barbarians. See if he starts bitching...
  11. EvilMountainDew

    Energy Draining and Negitive Levels... how to after a failed save?

    It's much easier just to say that after 24 hours, if you fail the save the effects of the prior 24hrs stick around until Restored. It's a half-way point between just saying you pass and actually going with RAW.
  12. EvilMountainDew

    Nonhuman noncombatants?

    Personally, I almost never deal with alignment. I don't like objective/discrete morality. I've considered doing a Token-Alignment tracking system, but haven't DMed a game since I became aware of a good system. I'd like to say that it seems to me that if you kill a bunch of children and...
  13. EvilMountainDew

    New Character Sheet: Clean & Powerful

    Someone should make some sort of modular web-app. Similar to PocketMod.com, but for character sheets where you'd drag/drop elements on to a sheet for printing. It'd be neat.
  14. EvilMountainDew

    Looking for Campaign Starter ideas

    Recently I was in a game where we had to provide backstories, with the stipulation that it had to end with you taking a caravan to a particular city... From there, you can take your campaign however you want.
  15. EvilMountainDew

    Hands of the Bright One (Guild of Assassins)

    Now it's more conceivable that a father could take him on, though it would definitely take some planning. It all seems pretty solid to me. /applause