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Recent content by SnowDog

  1. SnowDog

    Great Moments in DM NPC play

    Not one of mine, but since the DM in question hasn't posted, I'll combine a little bump with a story along these lines. The DM had established this little village as this great friendly place, unfortunately not too far from the site of some ancient buried evil (aren't they always?). The PCs...
  2. SnowDog

    Unusual gaming terms and phrases

    Heh heh Some great ones in here. I'm afraid my own contributions aren't nearly as good. A couple: I get there first or, alternatively, I get there 5 minutes before everyone else. In our game, we would often end up splitting up and agreeing to meet at a specific locale at a certain time ...
  3. SnowDog

    [SPOILERS] THE Return of the King Thread

    Last night, immediately after the movie, I really didn't want to think too much about it. I just wanted to let it soak in. Today I can think a bit about it, and offer some thoughts. I loved the movie. It was a fitting conclusion to the series and it was emotionally satisfying with plenty...
  4. SnowDog

    Guilty Pleasures

    Let's see ... man, I have a bunch of these. In addition to ones already mentioned (Starship Troopers, Tommy Boy, Necessary Roughness [hubba hubba Kathy Ireland]): Showdown in Little Tokyo - Dolf and the taken-from-us-too-soon Brandon Lee kick ass all over the place. Gains extra points for...
  5. SnowDog

    Too fast! Too fast!

    No matter what, if you're changing the experience ramp, it's worth discussing with your players. The last game I was a player in (I'm DMing now) we all discussed what power level we enjoyed playing and discovered that we really dug levels 6 through 10 the best. So, levels 1 - 4 sped by, levels...
  6. SnowDog

    Worst movies ever....

    Glad to see Gymkata getting some mentions here. I usually hate to see "worst movie ever" discussions because they usually end up meaning "most overrated movie ever." I mean, who goes into Gymkata thinking it's good? Can you really say Batman and Robin is a worse movie than Gymkata? I mean...
  7. SnowDog

    Convince me to buy BotR

    In my game, all three of us have the BotR. I don't own a lot of 3rd party stuff; heck, I don't own a lot of WotC stuff. But BotR is one of the few items that has changed the way I play D&D. If you want crunch, you've got it. You'll find a well-designed new core class which can wholly replace...
  8. SnowDog

    [GR] Holy/Unholy Warrior 3.5 Update Query

    Background: I run a game for 2 players. All 3 of us own BotR, and the party "tank" is a Holy Warrior. We love BotR :). I think it was a huge selling point that the Holy Warrior could wholly reproduce the Paladin class. Any DM looking to get a group to switch to BotR didn't have to worry...
  9. SnowDog

    Survivor 11/26 SPOILERS!

    I must say, love him or hate him, he's brought some real interest into the game. Up until last night, he was an annoyance I wanted gone. But last night left me grinning ear to ear. With Rupert gone, it's cool to see someone else doing something interesting. I'm surprised nobody suspected...
  10. SnowDog

    What do I do about this player?

    You've gotten a lot of good advice here -- here's a couple more comments. - Do not discuss this with her in front of the group. She'll feel pressured. - When discussing it, be careful not to put the pressure on her at all. - Be open, be honest, and be ready to accept that she just might not...
  11. SnowDog

    Non-Wizards Products

    This one is my favorite.
  12. SnowDog

    What is the best D&D Assistant Software for me?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but RoleplayingMaster only allows 3E rules with the eval edition, not 3.5E (you have to register to use Import and have to Import to use 3.5E, as I understood it). That might factor into your decision; it did for me. I wanted to eval RPM in my quest for a tabletop...
  13. SnowDog

    How would you adjudicate these?(totally writerblocked, please help)

    Sounds like some cool ideas going back and forth here. You'll have to let us know how it comes out, if you go anywhere with it. I think splitting up the hacking into various "schools" will give you a lot of mileage, assuming you can do the up-front work to break them up well. That way your...
  14. SnowDog

    How would you adjudicate these?(totally writerblocked, please help)

    That sounds like an interesting concept! Clearly you want a system that encourages and rewards creativity on your players' parts. If you spell out every cheat as if it were just an alternate magic spell list, I think it's a bit boring. My gut instinct would be to approach it like the magic...
  15. SnowDog

    wanted: king. must be patient, wise and able to speak directly to a god..

    Sorry, someone was bound to say it. I haven't had to explore it much in my current game, but I've always run worlds where the church likes to meddle in such affairs, while large aspects of the secular government want to remain separate. I have yet to run a world where the Good Churches get all...