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Search results

  1. paqman

    Best recent campaign setting?

    Hello all, I have been away from DnD for more than a year, thanks to Vampire the requiem, and would like to start a new DnD campaign soon but I was wondering if some nice settings came out recently (like in the last 2 years) that would be worth a look. What I played in up to now is mainly...
  2. paqman

    WotC contest world post thread

    Hi all, I'm looking for the Thread that was started last year listing all the one page world description for the WotC setting contest last year. I am in dire need of inspiration to revitalize my own campaing setting and I am sure that this thread would be extremelly helpfull. Anyone knows...
  3. paqman

    Rebuking Lower planar creatures

    Greetings all! One of my fellow player has a character that can rebuke demons, devils and deamons similarly to a cleric of same level equivalent to the PC. Ill's spare you de details of how ho got hold of that power but I would like to ask your opinions on something related to that. We are...
  4. paqman

    [ECL Evaluation] Elder Drow

    Greetings all, I have created a creature recently, the Elder Drow, but I don't have the Savage Secies and was wondering if anyone could evaluate the ECL of this creatures. I have been thinking and I gave it a +5 ECL, but after re reading again I feel that It should have possibly more than that...
  5. paqman

    Vampire Lord ECL?

    Check this creature: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20021018a And tell me if you know what ECL this creature has. I play in an Epic Campaing and have a Vampire Character that is ECL +5 (As per the Dragon Magazine that listed monster manula creature with ECL ) I would like...
  6. paqman

    [Ghelspad] nation population, low or high?

    Hi all, Small Ghelspad question. I noticed that the largest nation has 2 millions people in population. I was wondering if some of you are historically proficient on medieval European nations. Can someone tell me how many poeple were part of France, England, Germany or Italy in the middle...
  7. paqman

    Armor with no arcane spell casting penality

    Hi all, Anyone knows of a magic item or a possible enhancement that can be enchanted in an armor to have no spell castng penality What I would like to enchant with my character is a ThanksMithril shirt +3, Shadow, Silent with no Arcane spell failure. Any thoughts on the amount of bonus it...
  8. paqman

    Yeah I need them

    I would be gratefull if you could make them available for me. Unfortunatelly, my e-mail associated with this forum is on hotmail and it seems that the mail that Jeph sent me did not reach it's final destination.
  9. paqman

    Sleeping Imperium

    Hi all, anyone knows where the sleeping imperium has gone to? I re-installed my PC and noticed that I lost those pdfs and, damn!, no more sleeping imperium site. Help me find this treasure trove of free stuff!!!!
  10. paqman

    Is Star*Drive coming back as d20 modern??

    Please, look at these characters : http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/pc/pc20021217a Could anyone in the know tell me if there are plans to release a Star*Drive supplement for d20 Modern (Please tell me yes, please please) ;)
  11. paqman

    Oathbound and High level play?

    *I know it is bad form to dual post, but I am conscious of it and ask for your forgivness. I posted this on mortality.net but feel it would have a better chance of visibility here. Sorry* Greetings all, I am in the proccess of resisting the dark forces of the impulsive buyer in me and not buy...
  12. paqman

    RPG purchases you use(ed) regularly

    As a counter part of the Thread started By Crothian (RPG purchases you know you'll never use) lets list all the games that you played regularly in your life and comment on them if you want. I Will start with what I remember: DnD in all it's forms (DnD basic(all boxed sets), Adnd(1 and 2), DnD...
  13. paqman

    Epic spell project

    Hi all, I thought that some of you might be interested in creating new epic spells with the new rules in the epic hand book. There is a project for Hero system called that 250 point project that compiled Characters built on 250 character points, I thought that it might be interesting to do...
  14. paqman

    Brain dead, need Campaign Idea.

    At 29 years old, I finally have to acknoledge that my imagination is slowly lacking. Not completely, I still can make new monsters, I can make starships stats or draw new dungeons with no problem, BUT... I can't find a good story synopsis for my new Dragonstar campaign. I mean, I would like to...
  15. paqman

    Alternate Magic System

    Greetings all. I am looking for an alternate magic system for my Dragonstar campaing and was wondering if any of you found new ones, beside the Sovereign stone system?
  16. paqman

    Longest fight against a CR2 Creature ever

    Greetings all, I needed to share this little fight we did at the end of the game this evening. It is in gamma world, one of my friend's character has a tommy gun, another a long sword and me a pair of wolverine like claws comming out of my knuckles. We were in the ruins of an old subway...
  17. paqman

    Whole discussion lists back on single page

    Would it be possible to return all the discussions that are now hiden behind thems and have them back in the main discussion selection page?