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  1. S

    Intrinsic Nature (RAW v RAI)

    So I'm making up a Wizard and I've noticed the Intrinsic Nature feature that many Summoning spells have that says if I don't give the creature a command then something bad happens. Also, by the general Summoning Rules I can take a minor action to give the summoned creature a move action and...
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    Bladesinger and Duel Implement

    I feel I should know this but I never play these type of classes. Does the Duel Implement Spellcaster feat work with the Bladesinger's Bladespells?
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    Essentials Cavalier any good?

    Has anybody played the Cavalier yet? They seem kind of lame but it's hard to tell, also, I don't see much in the way of healing powers.
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    Confounding Arrows

    I'm hoping someone can help me with the Confounding Arrows and other similar powers. With the power, when you hit a target 3 times it takes + 2(W) damage. My question is if this damage is applied to the last damage roll, all 3 damage rolls, or is it applied like quarry damage (whichever damage...
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    Loading Crossbows

    When using an attack power with a crossbow do I need to use a minor action to load ammunition? Suppose I'm using Blinding Barrage, is it possiable to use a crossbow for this attack?
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    Ranger Quarry Question

    According to the Players Handbook, once per round my ranger can do extra damage to his quarry. At higher levels I can have more than one quarry, if I damage more than one quarry in a round can I apply quarry damage to each? (This is implied by the wording but not stated explicitly).
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    D&D Insider Account question

    I was hoping that someone with an Insider paid subscription could give me advice; I want to purchase an yearly subscription for my gaming group as a gift and my question is if it would be practical to do so? Maybe some of you share an account now; are there problems with this?
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    Where are the Dire Lions?

    Is there an official or unofficial Dire Lion published somewhere? I assume Wizards published them but I can't seem to find them anywhere.
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    Paladin Build

    I was wondering if it's possible to create a good Dragonborn Paladin using Strength and Charisma or is it better to ignore one stat and maximize the other. I've seen the Charisma builds and wonder how well they work as defenders; it seems that they make good leaders but poor Defenders. Any...
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    Kensei weapon question

    I'm a little confused about the Kensei features. Say I am a Kensei and choose Long Sword as my weapon; does Kensei Focus give me +1 hit with all Long Swords or just my Long Sword? Kensei mastery is a little strange also. At 16th level, if I pick up a javelin and toss it, I now lose my Kensei...
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    Barbarian Class

    I'm nearly finished with a Barbarian class for my players to use but wanted to compare it to ones already created. So where are they? I'm sure they have been done but I haven't been able to find any. Can somebody help me with this?
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    I've attached my version of the Half-orc; my group couldn't wait a year. A friend sent me a version he found somewhere on the net and workd from there so I don't take full credit, but please comment. Is there any 'inside' info on the half-orcs in PH2?
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    Generic mark rules

    Are there general rules fro marking creatures or are they class/feature specific? The fighter's mark will supersede other marks on a creature so it can only have one on it; it this true for other marks? Can two paladins mark the same creature with a divine challenge?
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    D&D 4E Two Handed Weapons in 4e

    I see where versatile weapons do +1 damage when held in two hands; what about two handed weapons? Do you do more damage with two handed weapons like 1.5 your strength modifier? I couldn't find any rules for this - can somebody help me?
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    UA Rogue and other variants

    My group decided to use the UA Variant classes in our game (they are in the SRD); we occasionally run across problems with rules related to these classes. Currently, we are not sure if the Variant Rogue should be able to take the Weapon Specialization feats without fighter levels. Are there...
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    Chill Touch with Arcane Channeling

    Sorry, in advance as I'm sure this as been asked before. If a Duskblade Arcane Channels a Chill Touch spell would he get additional Chill Touch attacks in later rounds without using up additional spells?
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    Scout confusion

    I'm sure that I am missing something. The Scout class class has no Survival skill and no Tracking feat; is this an oversight or was it designed this way. Maybe they thought it would replace the Ranger?
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    UA Rogue Variant

    The rules in the UA SRD for many of the Variant Classes are written very simply. The UA Rogue gets the fighter bonus feats: Should I infer that a 4th level UA Rogue can take Weapon Specialization (without the Fighter requirements) or is that too much to assume.
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    Melee Weapon Mastery

    I just saw the Weapon Mastery feats and wondered if they stacked with weapon specialization feats. I'm sure this was previously discussed but my group doesn't usually use anything but the Core rules. Also, I downloaded many alternate rules from www.crystalkeep.com and was wondering if they are...
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    Repairing Broken Magic Items

    Is there a way to repair broken magic items by the core rules? The SRD seems to indicate that they are destroyed once broken, however, I had the imporession that they could be repaired by paying 50% of the book price. Can they be repaired or is the magic lost when they are broken? Is there an...