• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. wighair

    Starting Magic Items for high level characters

    Are there any guidelines for this anywhere? Cheers.
  2. wighair

    Feywild - any details?

    Are there any details available anywhere re. Feywild? I can't seem to find anything except a few vague references to "mirroring the real world" and "all creatures embued with a measure of fantastic power" (p161 dmg). Am i missing it or is it not out yet? Unless i find something to the contrary...
  3. wighair

    wizard in plate armor?

    Hi, am i right to think if a wizard wears plate armour the only negative effect will be a -2 penalty on attack/reflex rolls? And to avoid this he would have to take the 5 armour prof feats to get up to plate?
  4. wighair

    How many of your English pounds for Giants of Legend?

    I went to my FLGS to get GoL miniatures, but was somewhat gobsmacked by the price of £15. This compares to £7.50 for the previous sets. This seems way over the top to me. I've checked some US prices and they seem to be $13 for previous sets and $20 for the GoL. whatever the rate of exchange...
  5. wighair

    Why no Quickened spontanious spells?

    Just been browsing the SRD... It seems that it is not possible to quicken a spontanious spell because employing this feat causes it to require a full round to cast. However, the feat only forbibs usage when the casting time is GREATER than one round. I don't see why this forbids it: Equal to is...
  6. wighair

    RPG Shops in Manhatten

    I'm off to NY in February.... Hopefully I can take advantage of the UK to Dollar rate at the moment. Anyone know of decent stores? Cheers.
  7. wighair

    Magic Items that grant feats

    Are there any items that grant characters access to a feat, or perhaps use of a feat a number of times per day? I thinking along the lines of training books such as Manual of Quickness of Action, but instead "Bilbo's book of Mighty Cleaving" etc. Alternatively items with feats built in - The...
  8. wighair

    monster spreadsheet?

    I once had a spreadsheet where you could search the monsters by environment (amongst other things) e.g. Show me all the stuff that hangs about in deserts etc. Sadly it has gone to the big reformatted drive in the sky. Anyone know what/where this is?
  9. wighair

    Jamis Buck's generators - where?

    Anyone know where these hang out these days? I can't find a link in the electronic tools area. Cheers.
  10. wighair

    [ot] star wars kid

    link deleted.
  11. wighair

    d20 SRD monsters gone?

    I just tried to download some of the monsters from http://www.wizards.com/D20/article.asp?x=srd and the monster files seem to have gone. the other files seem ok. Anyone else get this problem? Are wizards planning to removed the v3 SRD when v3.5 is available?
  12. wighair

    Sigs without Images

    Is this possible? I've tried switching off images to avoid seeing some peoples enormous sig images, but they still appear. i don't want to turn off sigs, as some ARE amusing and/or intersting. So, how do i get sig text, without sig images? Ta muchly.
  13. wighair

    D20 cyberpunk

    Mongoose are at it again! Funky. http://www.gamingreport.com/article.php?sid=8857 I just hope it meshes with Spycraft then I'll be sorted!
  14. wighair

    Character gen for Star Wars d20 revised?

    Any one know if there is one anywhere? Edit: I just found one here... http://tomshut.shadowfire.de/index.html For anyone else who might be looking. Any others?
  15. wighair

    Looking for 1920's CoC Character Portraits

    I used to have a link (which is sadly now lost) to an online database of classic 20s-40s movie stars. Each had their own portrait and the DB included many unknown actors and actresses. There were many hundreds, maybe even thousands. This was great for using the photos in Byakhee, the CoC...
  16. wighair

    Any Humans in Races of Faerun

    I've just had a look at the art samples from this and its very nice too! http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ag/20030309a However, all the races shown seem to be non-human. Is there any info in this book on the different human races? I was hoping there would be more (some?)...
  17. wighair

    [ot] historical Old Bailey trials resource

    This might be of interest to some people.... The Proceedings of the Old Bailey London 1674 to 1834 A fully searchable online edition of the largest body of texts detailing the lives of non-elite people ever published, containing accounts of over 100,000 criminal trials held at London's central...
  18. wighair

    [ot] games workshop TV advert

    Anyone else (in the UK) notice the Games Workshop TV ad yesterday? It was for a middle earth based magazine/rules featuring free plastic minatures, paint and dice. Twelve Orcs for 1.99 - Normal issue price 3.99. I've no idea what the content is like, but I checked out the minatures at my...
  19. wighair

    [OT] Spontaneous human combustion

    A link for people's conspiracy games... http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_747482.html?menu= Sounds a bit grim - "his head was burnt to the size of an orange" Edit: I just fixed the title. Mostly because I can't sleep and need to do something that I can consider productive.
  20. wighair

    [ot] blood in space

    i saw some film in which blood was floating round in zero g in big red squishy spheres. fair enough, nice effect. However, this got me thinking about blood in space and the different colours blood goes depending on the amount of oxygen in it (ie. red arteries, blue veins). So, as there is no...