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  1. Ashrum the Black

    Gen Con So Cal Cancelled

    Don't know if this has been reproted here or not. But since I couldn't find it here and I heard about it on another forum I thought I'd post a link to the Press Release and an open letter from Mr. Adkinson. Link to Letters -Ashrum
  2. Ashrum the Black

    Help a DM engage the players in his campaigns arc.

    Okay folks, I'd love to pick your brains. I've posted this over at the RBDM forum, so Ithought I'd cross post it here and see what kinds of answers I get. I've run into a dilemma of sorts with my players. They're playing in my arcana evolved homebrew and they each have a thirty page brief on the...
  3. Ashrum the Black

    RPG Store Down Apparently

    Just an FYI! The rpg stoe seems to be down, or at least the link form the main page. Also, the message board link from the store when it is up seems to only take you back to the main page instead of the boards. It has been doing that one since the server migration. -Ashrum
  4. Ashrum the Black

    World of Darkness and Fading Suns question

    Howdy all! Thought I'd put this to the group as you are all such well rounded gamers, and see if I could get some recommendations. The new WoD book has been released and has been gathering good reviews and such. I'm looking to start possibly a fading suns campaign, but the system itself is a...
  5. Ashrum the Black

    What to do with a psychpathic character?

    I’m looking for some advice. I have a player that is playing a magister (wizard) in an Arcana Unearthed homebrew. His concept was the second son of a merchant prince in a very Arabian setting. Another player is playing his childhood friend and body guard (warmain), along with an archer concept...
  6. Ashrum the Black

    [Privateer Press] Monsternomicon Reprint Announced!

    Privateer Press has announced that they will be reprinting the Monsternomicon Vol. 1 in a 3.5 compliant version to be released in May of this year. Even owning the original version, this is welcome news to me. I like the release of this RPG material, I just hope it is a continuing trend...
  7. Ashrum the Black

    Can somebody Explain Gurps?

    Gurps, we've all seen it around and it has a huge following from what I can tell. But can somebody explain to me what the system is like? I've playe DnD through three iterations, shadow run, hero system, earth dawn, vampire, etc. etc. I mention that just so folks can use a common reference point...
  8. Ashrum the Black

    Iron Kingdom World Guide Cover is UP!

    Privateer Press has posted a mock up of the cover for their upcoming World Guide. They've also set an anticipated release date of March next year for this monster. Here's the link to the cover: Privatee Press I for one am eagerly awaiting this book. -Ashrum
  9. Ashrum the Black

    What Makes a Great Villian

    What makes a really good villian? I started thinking about this latley and dreged up my answer to this question form the RBDM fourums. I now pose this question to the rest of ENworld. As a DM or as a player, what makes an really good villian? My take is as follows: 1) The villain needs a...
  10. Ashrum the Black

    Release of Next ENArsenal?

    Just as the title says, whens the release of the next pdf file going to be. I thought whip was due in August, and it is now October. Thanks! -Ashrum
  11. Ashrum the Black

    EN World store

    OKay, is it down, or is it just me? I've been trying to get in since the upgrade and all I get is: Bad Gateway The following error occurred: [code=DNS_HOST_NOT_FOUND] The host name was not found during the DNS lookup. Contact your system administrator if the problem is not found by retrying the...
  12. Ashrum the Black

    Need a sci fi game that's non d20

    Okay folks. I have a problem. My players want something other than d20 fantasy to play. So I'm left trying to come up with something new and different to do for a while. I'm looking at doing some sci-fi, but everything I'm looking at is d20. So the question is are there any decent systems...
  13. Ashrum the Black

    Mapping Software

    Morning All, I'm currently attempting to create a new world for my AU campaign and I'm wondering what folks are using to map thier creations. So far I've got four different versions that I've made using MS Paint, and while good enough for the DM (me) I'd love to have something that's prettier...
  14. Ashrum the Black

    A Gen Con Apology From Mr. Adkison

    I don't know if this has been posted before. If so please ignore it. But I found this in my various on line wanderings and thought some might like to see it if they hadn't already. From theminiaturepage.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An...
  15. Ashrum the Black

    (RANT) (longish) A player wishes to drop

    I received a call last week from one of my players. She was calling to tell me that she would no longer be gaming with us. When I asked why she told me that she was tired of being patronized by the group and how nobody respected her abilities as a gamer. (sigh) The thing is, she’s right, up to...
  16. Ashrum the Black

    [Iron Kingdoms] Where to get Lock & Load??

    Alright, none of my FLGS have it. I can't seem to find it at any of the usual places on the net. Does anybody now a place I can try ordering the book from? :confused: Heck i tried ordering it once and my order got kicked back because they couldn't get a copy to ship to me. :eek: Thanks for any...
  17. Ashrum the Black

    Looking for Real World Sewer Maps

    Hey all, I've been poking around the internet and haven't been able to find much that worked for me. I've got a group of folks that are looking at crawling through the sewers of a city looking for the undead body of their NPC friend. :D I thought I'd save myself some time and I'd see if...
  18. Ashrum the Black

    A problem of alignment

    All right folks, I have a problem. I generally DM for my group, but currently we're taking a break and doing a beer and pretzels dungeon run. We're playing Rappan Athuk and we're run into a snag. The DM has run this as a play whatever you'd like style. we've run the gambit of half dragons...