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Search results

  1. cwhs01

    D&D 4E Another Sorceror class redesign question (not 4e...)

    Take a break from the 4e paranoia and look at this thing for a minute or two ;) I'll probably be tweaking the sorceror class for my next campaign, and want to have it be a little more different in fell from the wizard class. I am thinking about implementing the following changes to the base...
  2. cwhs01

    Shipbased adventure ideas needed

    I have need of a ship based adventure idea. I am starting a Freeport campaign soon, and planning on running the trilogy more or less as is. I'll be ading a few extra adventures between parts 1 and 2. This is taken care of i think. But i'd really like to have a short(ish) introductory adventure...
  3. cwhs01

    Steampunk supplements

    I've gotten hold of Iron kingdoms books I+II, and i like them a lot. But the steampunk rules and mechanicka rules are somewhat complicated. Probably to complex for what i want. Also i don't like the firearms rules (especially the effectiveness, or lack of..). What are the best simple, but...
  4. cwhs01

    Freeport trilogy

    I'm probably going to run the updated freeport trilogy campaign, and while it seems cool and relatively simple (maybe to much so), i wanted to hear other peoples experience with it. Especially any problematic places, pcs missing necessary hints, npc's and troublesome encounters? I've got an...
  5. cwhs01

    angelic choir translator

    I think i saw an add somewhere for some voice software that translated text to an angelic chorus. Has anyone heard of such a thing? I know. very corny, but could be fun messing around with...
  6. cwhs01

    drow wars I - the gathering storm

    Just bought this and enjoy it so far. But has anyone played this thing through? experiences? any campaign notes or stuff theyd like to share? I can't find any erata or webenhancements on mongooses homepage. I'd really would like a printable collection of the maps as they seem to have made...
  7. cwhs01

    anime movies

    I don't know much about anime, what to watch or avoid. I know there are millions of series, in different genres. And i'm not looking to start a large collection or even spending the money to get 50 episodes of a series (even if i kinda liked it). So you tell me. What cool anime movies should i...
  8. cwhs01

    need plot hooks of a pseudo historical "pride before fall" nature.

    Well, what i really need is to brush up on my google-fu or wiki-fu skills. But alas, i am in need of answers fast and turn to the esteemed and knowledgeable members of these boards instead. I need someone to give me a few ideas for ancient "real" world history examples of hubris ("Pride goeth...
  9. cwhs01

    What happened to "Dark Inheritance"

    I just bought Mythic dreams studios "Dark Inheritance" game. But what happened to the company that made it (as either my google-fu is faulty or they truly have disappeared)? is there any additional material published for the game, official or not? I think it's a cool setting and a book filled...
  10. cwhs01

    Witchfire trilogy question

    As the review section of ENworld is still down, i thought i´d ask the boards instead; Is the witchfire trilogy any good? I have both of the main Iron Kingdoms setting books (world+character guides), and though i have lots of ideas for adventures in the setting, i thought i might look at the...
  11. cwhs01

    plot/characterdriven adventures

    Yes i kniow, i'ts been asked about before... But has anyone got suggestions as to adventures i could find, having strong character and plot driven elements. I know DnD is also a monsterbash game, but i find that having a strong plot, the opposition being interesting npc's or pc interaction is...
  12. cwhs01

    Does wizard (or sorc) levels stack with PrC to determine CL?

    Does wizard (or sorc) levels stack with a PrC granting +1casterlevel to determine spells, in determining CL? My thoughts (and how we usually play with it), would be a yes... But then i stumbled upon the Green Star adept in Complete Arcane, that grants an Improved Casterlevel ability. And as i...
  13. cwhs01

    Is the Psion class balanced?

    Probably a question that's been asked before, but anyways... Is the XPH Psion class balanced or is it broken compared to wizard and sorcerors. I haven't had a chance to actually see the Psion in play, but a number of powers seem better than wizard equivalents (eg. all the energysomething...
  14. cwhs01

    new sorc spell list?

    partly due to a question on another thread I've been thinking about the sorceror spell lists. I think it's anoying, wrong and not really necessary flavourwise for wizards and sorcerors to share spell lists. If anyone has considered this question before (i presume so), please point me towards any...
  15. cwhs01

    Druid (and other) spellsheets

    This question may be due to me not really knowing my way around the concept of ogl and SRD etc. and what can legally be compiled into a spreadsheet. Is it possible to find a spreadsheet (excell preferably) containing all the spell info from the SRD and the newest Complete... series of WOTC...
  16. cwhs01

    continental differences in frequency of rollplay vs. roleplay groups/games

    This post could be more eloquently put together, but bear with me, it's just Carlsberg talking... blame it on the "year fest" at my university... Just thought i'd apologize in advance. I am biased.... Admittedly. I believe, without any form for empirical evidence to sustain my belief, that...
  17. cwhs01

    Questions about Dervish Dancing

    I'm tinkering a little with a swashbuckler build (CW), wanting to play a piratey character in the next campaign (whenever it starts). I was thinking about adding a level or two of Dervish, both for flavour, cruchy syncronicity and fun. build would be (reace, class and feats): dex17, int 13...
  18. cwhs01

    plot and npc-driven adventures

    I found a copy of "unhallowed halls" and "shades of grey" a few days ago in a bargainbin. After looking through them, i was rather impressed at how unusually npc and plotdriven those adventures are compared to 99% dnd adventures on the market. Most other products seem to rely heavily on the...
  19. cwhs01

    Feats modifying attacks: are they worth it?

    Has anyone done the math on wether/when feats such as power attack, twf, combat expertise etc. are better than the standard unmodified attack, depending on one owns attack bonus/str/weapon damage vs. opponents AC and HP? My hope was that someone had an excell (or similar) sheet calculating...
  20. cwhs01

    The oldest (druid) question in the book...

    wildshaping... I know it is probably the single most asked about question in the history of DND. In the top 100 list at least. Anyways... What does a Druid gain by wildshaping? What features are replaced, what is modified and what is ignored when adopting the new form. If someone could perhaps...