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  1. E

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG

    Looks like Goodman Games is producing their own RPG based on their Dungeon Crawl Classics brand according to ICv2. Old School Meets OGL Goodman Games has announced plans to publish a roleplaying game designed to have the feel and style of the earliest fantasy roleplaying games. The game will...
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    Nearing 100000 members - How did you find En World?

    At the time of writing this thread, I see the En World community counter is at 99998. Since we're about to cross the 100000 number, I was wondering. How did you first hear about En World? What was the RPG market like when you joined and what were the hot topics? I joined in June 2004. 3.5 was a...
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    How to Handle a Chase

    I'm running Pathfinder with my current group but a system to run a chase (I'm talking about a good old fashion foot chase here) could be system neutral. How do you handle chase scenes? Do you go round by round? Do you just narrate the actions with little to no rolling, or do you simply do a...
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    Driving to Orlando Florida

    Okay, so the wife and I have been planning to take our three kids to Disney World for the past year. We have saved and scrimped and finally it's all coming together. We are driving to Orlando from Stonewall Manitoba (which will take 4-5 days) As a result we will be stopping in some major cities...
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    Pathfinder 1E Paizo selling WoTC books

    Is it just me or does anyone else find it a bit odd that WoTC books are sold on Paizo's website? I mean, I know that it's a store (which came first before Pathfinder and the creation of their own RPG), and that they started out by selling their product in the first place but isn't it just a...
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    World in Flames

    I'm just starting to get into this mother of all WWII boardgames. A friend of mine invited me over to try the game which he had set up and I could not believe the extent that this game goes to simulate world war II. Any players of this game on these boards? I'm new to the game and would like...
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    If Great Figures in History were Gamers

    When I have spare time and I'm not preparing for my Pathfinder group or playing a game of World in Flames with a friend of mine, my mind drifts and I wonder about odd things. For example.. If people in history (and I talking about influential people like Einstein, Hitler, Johanne Gutenberg...
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    Hilarious webcomic on The Escapist

    Not sure if any one here has ever heard of this. It's a series of short animated episodes following the laugh-out-loud antics of this small group of adventurers called Doraleous and Associates as they set out to make a name for themselves. I gotta say, these animated shorts are too funny. Enjoy...
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    Desert Island RPG

    Okay, I'm assuming most people know how this works. You and another EnWorlder find yourselves on a desert island. You only have 5 RPG Books. Which books would they be? Also, as a bonus if you want to name the EnWorlder you would be stuck playing these games with who would that be? I'll start...
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    Pathfinder 1E You're the CEO of PAIZO. Now What?

    Okay, similar to the thread You're the head of WOTC. Now What? Let's try it with PAIZO. So what would you do? What changes would you make, what would you keep, and what new directions would you take the company in?
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    New Player out of Nowhere!

    Okay, I have two players in my game with room for two more. Suddenly out of the blue, one of my players fires me an e-mail saying "hey one of my buddies wants to join the group, here's his character he'll be there the next game" (which is this coming Saturday). Great, I have a new player. What...
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    Last Names in your Campaign

    Being such a detail freak (seriously, I have issues) I find myself thinking about names in my homebrew and of course of the names used in any adventure and campaign setting. Allow me to explain... When a published adventure or campaign setting has a name for a particular NPC they always have...
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    Wiki for my Campaign

    I am thinking of committing my campaign world of Morvia in a Wiki format. The thing is so big and unwieldy that no binder or filing system is going to fit everything. On a wiki site, I can easily control the information including all of the maps (I have 3 4" binders filled with maps of towns...
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    You're the Head of WOTC. Now What?

    Just a bit of a thought experiment here. Imagine if you have just been handed the position of CEO of WOTC. In it's current state what would you change? What would you keep? Is there anything you would abandon and what new direction would you take?
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    Campaign Chronology

    I have been running my homebrew, Morvia since 1987 (way back in 1E days) and it has gone through all of the iterations of D&D except 4E. It even went under the ruleset of Warhammer FRP. It is now operating under the Pathfinder rules. In that time I have amassed a huge amount of information...
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    The Next Innovation in Gaming

    As we all know, the gaming industry from time to time goes through a tremendous revolution or innovation that turns the industry on it's ear. For example, Magic: The Gathering. With a new approach to playing card games with it's own unique background, and style of play it nearly single-handedly...
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    2009 in Review

    So now that 2009 is coming to a close we have had another eventful year in the RPing industry. With that in mind, what were the highlights for you in 2009? What were some of the low points and what do you look forward to in 2010? I'll start, Highlights: Pathfinder RPG Actually getting a group...
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    Who hasn't RPG'd in a while?

    I thought I would start this thread for all of us who love to role play, and have done so vehemently in days gone by, but now find themselves in a place or situation in their life where its just not feasible. For me, my situation is thus: My work had transferred me to another province and...
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    Sign of Things to Come?

    Last October I was running a session of D&D at my local Con. I was running the second game of the day and the players consisted of all friends in the 15-17 year old range. When I handed them the pregenerated characters for them to choose from they excitedly talked about the weapons that some...
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    What's up with RPG Sheets?

    Posted by rpgsheets, on Oct 09, 2008 We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the archive. Sheets should be available again soon This is the latest news item at RPG Sheets. You can't download anything at all. I tried e-mailing them but their e-mail address won't automatically...