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Search results

  1. R

    D&D 5E New to 5e, advice re Monk/Bard?

    Our group has been playing D&D 3.5 (among other RPG's) for many years, and our DM will soon be starting up a new D&D campaign using 5th Ed. (We never looked at 4th.) This will be our group's first attempt at 5e. My first idea was to play a Bard, but am considering now cross-classing with Monk...
  2. R

    Is there a Command skill

    Is there a Skill of Command or Leadership (not the Feat) in any of the 3.5 expansions or rulesets? I couldn't find any in the standard SRD and nothing shows up on Google search for a skill description. My current character concept is of a Battle leader that in later levels will be able to...
  3. R

    STAR WARS campaign - story ideas for a Padawan party

    One campaign idea I have been developing is where all the PCs are jedi padawans. They start in finding a Jedi Master who will take them as an apprentice; then over the course of several adventures they will gain the experience necessary to undergo the Trials and graduate to full Jedi knight...
  4. R

    Help explain a civil war

    Am running a Star Wars campaign. At some point soon, the party will be traveling off to retrieve a starship that had been hidden secretly away on some mid-region world. While they are there, I'd like to have them find themselves embroiled in a local war. They might choose to get involved in...
  5. R

    LEGO Star Wars III Clone Wars

    Difficult to believe I only bought this game 3 months ago. The counter says I've spent 65 hours on it. The game is HUGE. Lots of fun, and great gameplay. So I've completed all the missions, finished all the levels, bought all the extras and characters and collected all the gold bricks, and...
  6. R

    Is it poor taste to badmouth another gaming website?

    There doesn't seem to be a generic Rants forum anymore, but is it considered bad form to express my disappointment in what was once-upon-a-time a mainstay of my gaming experience? Even leaving aside the declining activity on the swrpgnetwork.com site over the past few years, I am grossly irked...
  7. R

    Paralyzed, then dropped below 0 hp

    Big battle in progress. I face off against a big baddie, who hacks and slashes me with multiple attacks. Due to some supernatural or magical ability of the monster, I get paralyzed by one of the strikes after a bad saving throw attempt. He then proceeds to rend and tear at me some more, and I...
  8. R

    Stargate RPG

    Are there any good Stargate-RPG sites out there? Or, conversely, are there a lot of Stargate players around ENWorld that chime in regularly? My group is just starting in on a SG campaign and I'd like to see if there are any gamer resources out there in networld.
  9. R

    Grey Region Toronto - Dead?

    A shout out to other Toronto gamers -- what happened to the Grey Region Comics & Gaming shop on Yonge downtown? It's not like I didn't see it coming from way down the Parkway... but there wasn't even any notice on the front window saying that it's moved somewhere. Anybody have any inside scoop...
  10. R

    Star Wars - Prosthetics rules?

    I have a quick question. I am running a SW campaign where one of the characters has had his hand chopped off by a lightsaber. Did any of the rules systems (d6, 3e, or SE) put down guidelines or rules for: 1. How easily accessible is it to find a medical centre sufficently advanced or skilled...
  11. R

    Goodman Games - Christmas Wish List sale

    Yesterday I received my RPGNow newsletter with many sales from everyone for the holidays, including word that Goodman's d20 line is on sale for half-price (and will be on for $2 bucks each for the last 2 weeks of December, prior to its discontinuation). I've just gone and placed virtually every...
  12. R

    Art Gallery resources

    I am about to run my first WtA adventure, as a one-off chapter in my friend's overall chronicle. I'm trying to find some good pictures of a certain kind of Bane the party might face in the story. Anyone have any websites or online image libraries of good demony-looking creatures that I can use...
  13. R

    Scaling Initiative - OUR solution

    After reading the complaint about how "FAST" creatures ought to be able to act more often than slower creatures, I through "why not just use the system that our group uses"? Initiative for multiple attacks: If a character has multiple attacks in a round (whether through high Base Attack...
  14. R

    A lament for the lost Irony Games site.

    As may have been noticed recently, the Irony Games Webtools site has been down (reportedly for at least a couple of weeks by now). I tried sending an email to the webmaster, and it has come back as undeliverable. So allow me a virtual shout-out HEY! to the Irony Games people: COME BACK!
  15. R

    Coolest. Soundtrack. EVAR.

    I think I've just found the greatest gaming soundtrack for D&D: The CD soundtrack to the Zhang Yimou film, "Curse of the Golden Flower". Not to mention the fact that the film itself is simply MASTERFUL, but the music is not to be believed. Whether for battles, mooning around in an elven...
  16. R

    E-Bay rant

    I just needed a space to rant about this loser of an EBay transaction that finally concluded today. Back on Valentines day, Feb 14, I bought a Midnight Syndicate CD soundtrack to D&D. You may have heard of it. Two weeks later I get an email from the seller, apologizing for a delay, and saying...
  17. R

    New Knowledge Arcana from Wizards site?

    So how does one actually get to the new Knowledge Arcana issue 9? Whenever I try to click the "download here" link on the Wizards site, it throws me onto my Gleemax page. Is the link broken, or am I supposed to intuit from Gleemax where the KA article is? Is it just me, or is it near...
  18. R

    Spring Attack with two weaps

    SA feat allows a combatant to move both before and after its attack, up to a total move of its Speed rating. This implies that if the combatant has a high BAB, he can still only make one attack roll since he is moving greater than a 5' step. But if that combatant with SA has 2 weapons in hand...
  19. R

    Breath Weapon AoE: Line

    Is a Line -Area-of-Effect breath weapon only restricted to just affecting those few victims who happen to be in that 5' wide line of squares? Isn't it more likely (or even possible) for a black dragon to "wave" his head around during a breath attack, splashing his acid breath all over the place?
  20. R

    5-foot step and Huge Monsters

    In fully generic terms: A PC with BAB +7/+2 can make two attacks in one round if his only move is a 5' step. If he moves 10' or greater, he can only make one attack. What about a Huge size monster? Is a Huge creature (Space/Reach is 15/10) also limited to a 5' step in order to make a full...