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  1. W

    Jump Checks IRL

    http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/11/sports/othersports/11jump.html?ref=sports Some examples of real-life standing leaps, courtesy of the Czech Republic (yes, armor would definitely impose a penalty!) How have folks found the new standing/running jump rules in 4e?
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    Adventures in Antarctica

    In response to the requests in CarlZog's RI gameday thread, here is, at long last, a thread dedicated to my research in Antarctica (for which I'll be heading south again to continue from October 20 through January). A little background about me-- I am a third year PhD student at Brown...
  3. W

    RL Dimensional Portal

    Or just nifty ground-to-ground lightning. Still, makes me wonder who was Gate-ing in what in France. :) http://epod.usra.edu/ Right you are....now for a cup of coffee....
  4. W

    Mounted Warrior Builds

    Given the importance of mounted warriors in historical and fantasy settings alike, I've been thinking about making a mounted warrior for my next PC. Having looked over the mounted combat rules, it seems like the choices are to make a charger (who gets one attack with a lance at the end of a...
  5. W

    Half-levels of Speak Language

    From Ye Olde SRD: The Speak Language skill doesn’t work like other skills. Languages work as follows. You start at 1st level knowing one or two languages (based on your race), plus an additional number of languages equal to your starting Intelligence bonus. You can purchase Speak Language...
  6. W

    Becoming a Justicar

    So I was thinking today about playing a character who would eventually grow into a Justicar PrC--probably from a cleric background (as that's what I promised the group I would play next campaign). The character concept is something like a wandering lawman, a la Kane from Kung Fu. Now, the...
  7. W

    The scent of blood

    Is anyone aware of a critter out there that has a "bloodlust" type of ability? I am thinking of critters which go berserk, "rage" or get other combat bonuses when they are in the presence of fresh blood (I'm thinking something like sharks going into a frenzy, or the feeding behavior of...
  8. W

    Pop can + chocolate = Fire (?)

    http://www.bulletinboardforum.com/m/fire.htm Has anyone ever tried something like this? I spend part of my lunch polishing a coke can with a peppermint patty, but I can't seem to get the degree of pollish these folks show. Still, seems like a good camping alternative to matches....unless the...
  9. W

    Construct (or warforged) livestock

    Has anyone given any thought to what happens when your party rides off on horseback in a race to defeat the BBEG to his nefarious goals...and one of your party is a warforged? Looking at the warforged racial weights, it seems like a 'forged with any kind of gear on him/with him would begin to...
  10. W

    When your spellslinger wants some armor...

    So my Wiz 5 just took a level of Fighter, heading on his way to picking up the EK PrC. In addition to wanting to pick up some new weapons (he's been watching the dwarf barbarian kick butt and take names), I've been thinking about outfitting him with some armor. Afterall, if the man's going to...
  11. W

    German Starwars Fans

    Having just watched Episode III, and listened to Frank Oz make a fool of himself with over-the-top Yoda-isms, it got me wondering: If Yoda speaks with an inverted, German-like syntax (at least in the original trilogy), does the dub/sub of his speech come out as "normal" in German versions of...
  12. W

    About Ars Magica editions...

    Glassjaw's thread about non-HP, non-level systems piqued my already extant interest about Ars Magica. It seems Atlas Games just released a 5th edition of Ars Magica. There was no big stink (ahem, SR4), no lamenting the breaking of the bank (ahem, 3.5e). In fact, I didn't even know there was an...
  13. W

    Ideas for crafting magical items

    So my character is going to shortly be crawling out of a dungeon as a 4th level wizard. At 3rd level, I picked up the craft wonderous item feat, and I'm thinking it's about time he went about crafting some magical items. Background: He has good ranks and bonuses to craft(blacksmithing) and...
  14. W

    Tumbling with a 2-handed weapon

    Maybe this is a real noob question, but are there any rules for tumbling while holding a two-handed weapon. I can't find anything in any of the books I own regarding tumble checks with full hands. Now common sense would dictate that you just can't tumble that well with a long spear in your mitts...