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  1. C

    Devil's Workshop and Paragon - Cool new d20 product line !

    My good friend Richard Farrese (Worlds' Largest Dungeon, Legend of the Five Rings books, World of Warcraft RPG books, Dragon magazine articles, etc.) and I have created our own little company, Paragon Publishing, and have just published our first 12 products. Please check it out! Devil's...
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    Proficiency with unarmed strike

    I assume that every class is proficient with unarmed strikes (it makes sense that a creature is proficient with its own body), but I just cannot find that rule. The closest thing I find is that not all classes are proficient with simple weapons. Can somebody help? If this rule did not exist, we...
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    play-testing classes

    For those of you who have experience in play-testing classes (not just evaluating on paper, but actual play-testing), can you give me some tips on how you go about it? Assuming you are play-testing combat-oriented base classes and prestige classes: What is your general procedure for...
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    natural armor bonus

    I am confused about the terminology pertaining to natural armor bonuses. Some spells, such as barkskin, provide an enhancement bonus to natural armor. The type of this bonus is "enhancement". Other spells, such as tree shape, provide a "natural armor bonus to AC". Is this an "unnamed" bonus to...
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    I need high level PC stats

    Where can I find fully stated and equiped examples of relatively generic D&D 3.5 characters? I am trying to balance some PrCs and I need a reference for high level PCs (mostly 15th fighters or barbarians). I am sure there must be web sites with that sort of info, but I can't find them ...
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    enchanting natural weapons

    Are there ways to "permanently" enhance the natural weapons of a monstrous PC or an animal companion, either with an enhancement bonus (i.e., +1, +2, etc.), with a special ability (e.g., flaming), or by any other means? From the SRD, I know: - magic fang (or greater) + permanency - amulet of...
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    old TSR module price guide

    Does anyone know of a good online price guide for out-of-print TSR modules? In particular, I would like to know how much H4 - The Throne of Bloodstone is worth. Thanks.
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    Greater blink

    The 5th level spell greater blink from the Spell Compendium is pretty powerful; it works like blink, except that the caster controls perfectly its travel from one plane to the other and can freely appear in the material plane just long enough to attack and then retreat back to the ethereal...
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    damage reduction, useful?

    Do you feel that having DR 1 / -, DR 2 / -, or DR 3 / -, such as provided by an adamantine armor or the class ability of a barbarian, is a powerful ability? In other words, do you feel it really makes a difference in the average combat, compare to, say, a better AC or some defensive magic? If...
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    The "combat maneuver" option of the telekinesis spell allows to perform a grapple. - If the caster has the feat improved grapple, does he get the +4 bonus on the telekinetic grapple check? - What is the damage dealt by the telekinetic grapple? In the "violent thrust" option, the caster can hurl...
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    help me balance this feat

    A player of mine would like to create a feat that allows him to add its dex bonus to weapon damage, in addition to its str bonus, when using weapons allowed with weapon finesse (just like the ability elegant strike form the Champion of Corellon Larethian PrC in Races of the Wild). I am not sure...
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    I need beholder tactics

    What's the best way to use a beholder's antimagic cone? If a beholder keeps its central eye open against a group of PCs, it seems to me that it hinders it more than the PCs because it cannot target the PCs with its eye rays, whereas they can just take a move action in their turn to get out of...
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    demon hunter

    I am looking for a demon hunter / demon slayer type of Prestige class. I am especially interested in one that would be useful to a high level wizard. Any suggestions?
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    Robe of the archmagi

    I was trying to derive the cost of this wondrous item, but I don't even come close. Can someone help? Here's what I have: +5 armor bonus AC: 25 000gp Spell resistance 18: 60 000gp +4 resistance bonus to saving throws: 16 000gp +2 enhancement bonus to CL checks against SR: 5000gp (really not...
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    Training monsters

    A player of mine managed to buy an adult pseudonatural hippogriff (Complete Arcane template, gives int 3 to the base creature). He would like to domesticate and train it to use it as a flying mount. Are there rules about training adult (not trained from infancy) wild monsters that have an...
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    Spell casting prestige classes

    A wizard takes a level in a prestige class that has the "+ 1 level of existing class" ability. Does he get two new "free" spells in his spellbook, just like when he gains a wizard level? Or is this a wizard only ability?
  17. C

    aquatic combat

    Sorry for the many and long questions, but I am quite confused by the topic of underwater combat, as presented in the DMG p.93. 1) Do monsters suffer the penalties for underwater combat (i.e. -2 to attack rolls and half damage for slashing or bludgeoning weapons)? In particular, do aquatic...
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    precise shot and grapple

    What about allowing a range attacker with the feat precise shot (which removes the -4 penalty for shooting into melee) to also bypass the "pick the target at random" effect of shooting into a grapple. It seems to me that both situations are very similar (although the grapple penalty is steeper)...