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    Ashes to Ashes...

    OK. Here's another one. Memorable character deaths. The most memorable character death that involved my character was probably the time my fighter/thief (2nd ed) died because she refused to go along with a geas spell to kidnap her friend. She didn't know it was a geas at first, but even after...

    Adamantine weapons

    The DMG says you can only make adamantine weapons out of weapons ordinarily made of metal. To me, this makes no sense. Why couldn't you have an adamantine quarterstaff? A quarterstaff is basically just a stick. You get the adamantine, hammer it into a six-foot long, two-inch wide cylinder, and...

    Hand in a Bag

    I had to tell someone this story. We're playing a Lone Wolf campaign. There were four of us - a Sage of Lyris (me), a Summerland Knight, a Herbalish and a Kai Lord. At the end of the last adventure, we were stripped of most of our gear, including all weapons, and thrown into a 'maze' in which...

    Gay PCs or NPCs

    I'm just curious here; this was sparked by a conversation I had just recently. Without editorialising homosexuality itself, has anybody here had a gay or bisexual PC in their game, or a gay or bi NPC? I'm just curious to see how common it is. It's never actually happened in my game - not for any...

    The "Growing Up" rule

    This is a rule I use in my campaigns. I like it and I think it not only works, but is logical. The way I see it, you don't start life as a Fighter or a Wizard. Everybody has a class, but when you're old enough to count as a classed individual, you don't just walk into one. There has to be a...

    Attack of the Clones (a cloned thread)

    I'm doing what American TV does when it sees a popular British show - ripping it off and making it less good. To whit, this thread: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=157447 becomes this thread. And this thread is actually about clones. How do you use clones in your game? Do you even allow...

    Random or assigned magic?

    OK. Here's one. When you're assigning magic items to your players, do you roll randomly on the table or assign them whatever you want? Or are you one of those trusting types who actually let their players pick them?

    A family of heroes?

    Hi folks. Yeah, I'm back. Nobody noticed I was gone, did they? (Sniff etc.) Anyway, an interesting dynamic has developed in my current campaign. The PCs are trying to restore the heir to the throne (that old chestnut). One PC, the ranger, is an elf who basically was hanging around the castle...

    Why are Dwarves Scottish?

    I was wondering about this last night. From Jackson's version of LOTR to the Order of the Stick and everything in between, Dwarves are Scottish. The stereotypical Dwarf speaks with a Glaswegian accent. He drinks, a lot, and headbutts people. Sometimes Dwarves are portrayed as sort of Nordic or...

    ENWorld Time

    The times on the most recent posts are showing me 4AM. Where I am it is 2PM. I am curious as to where the server is located. As far as I can work out, the only places in the world where it is 4AM right now are on the axis between Iceland through Morocco to the Gulf of Guinea. Surely the ENWorld...

    Manyshot & Rapid Shot

    So let's say I have a 16th-level Fighter. This fighter is an elf, and she has through magic and experience got a Dex score of 24, which gives her a +7. We'll say she's using a +5 bow, and has Greater Weapon Specialisation. This makes her attack bonus +30/+25/+20/+15 with her bow. With me so far...

    PC on PC action!

    One of my ambitions as a DM is to have two player characters 'get it on', either via a snog or preferably something a bit more intense. I've had romances between PCs and NPCs before, several times, and I had one PC become pregnant, but I've never managed to achieve it between two PCs. The DM...

    Can you target a magic missile at an object?

    In the book it either says or implies you can't, but my question is, if not, why not? Based on the spell description, and in particular the description of the spell effect, isn't it only logical that you be able to target a magic missile spell at an inanimate object and cause damage to it like...

    Sir or Madam

    Anybody on this forum who is a fellow Aussie may have heard about the happenings at Parliament, where security guards were asked to stop calling people 'mate'. This isn't a political thread but that point leads on to my question, which is: do you mind if people call you a familial name...

    Give me ideas

    My present campaign is more of a minicampaign, involving the PCs' quest to restore the rightful king of a small nation. You know - that old chestnut. They're quite enjoying it so far because I'm giving them carte blanche over what they do - letting them decide how to proceed rather than giving...

    Back in my day (ooh me back etc)...

    Does anyone, like I do, hanker for the old 2E days when "Human" was in the monster book? How many times have you, the stalwart DM, had a random encounter with bandits or something similar and not had the stats close at hand? I know I have. Sure, there's the so-called "Quick NPC" in the DMG, but...

    Why no politics or religion?

    I'm just curious as to why politics and religion are taboo or banned subjects on this forum, and the other EN World forums too? Did something happen before I got here than warranted the ban? I can believe it has something to do with tempers running hot and emotions flaring and so on, but surely...

    D&D on less than all cylinders...

    I'm just curious if anybody here has played D&D, or some other RPG, while either drunk, stoned or otherwise impaired. If so, what humourous stories lie in your experience? I don't drink or do drugs (GEEK!) but I know folks who do, some of whom are gamers too. One friend of mine gathered...

    Your favourite PC

    Best PC you've ever played. For me, choice of three: Raven, aka Raven the Bold (but only used by him). Raven was an Errol Flynn-like swashbuckler with more than a keen eye for the ladies - he used both eyes. He was never serious, always happy-go-lucky and always flashy - even when he didn't...

    Your Best Villain

    What's the best villain or bad guy you've ever had, either as a DM running it or a player experiencing it? Mine is either the aforementioned Temptresses, Lara and Sheena, two pretty young things who totally put one over on the PCs - one of the few times I've ever managed to get the better of...