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  1. B

    3.5 players guide?

    I subscribed and dowloaded the 4th Ed version and after reading suggested to my group that we play this next. After some (heated) discussion we decided that we are gonna start this as a pathfinder game. I downloaded the 3.5 version but I cannot find a corresponding 3.5 players or DM's guide...
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    Dungeon mapping software

    Hey guys, What dungeon mapping software do people recommmend? I dont mind whether it is free or purchasable as long as it is highly recommended. Cheers
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    NPC Swordmage

    Im trying to create a swordmage NPC following the rules for NPC creation in the DMG p.186-188. Now I wanted to create this swordmage using a fullblade from the adventurer's vault but this is a superior weapon which the swordmage is not proficient with. Given that the rules of NPC creation ignore...
  4. B

    Slight change to combat round.

    Apologies if this has been dealt with by another thread. I am always tampering with the rules and am currently experimenting with making the D&D combat rules slightly more realistic by splitting the combat round into 2 turns. What negative affects can anybody see this having? It would be...
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    Character Generator

    Does anybody know if they are gonna include 3.5 character generator software like they did with 3rd Edition?
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    Multiclass query!

    Is anybody aware if the new 3.5 edition changes include changes to the apprentice level multi-classing option. I refer specifically to the sorcerer/Barbarian option which, in my opinion at least, is easily the best 1st Level choice for the crunch addicted, powergamer contingent in my campaign...
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    The worst Roleplaying game ever!!!

    Does anybody have any suggestions for the worst roleplaying game ever?
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    New stuff

    I for one am really looking forward to the revised editions release here in the UK. Does anyone know when they are due out?
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    [OT] Post them World War 3 Propaganda posters here

    What is this rubbish
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    If anybody needed to know just how crazy you would have to be to live in North Korea then just look at this on the official North Korean Governments website. http://www.korea-dpr.com/newyear.htm
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    Working New Year (OT)

    Anyone else working new years night. I am all alone in work for 13 hours so is anybody else gonna be in work that I can chat to.
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    Greatest book ever

    I am just reading through the Manual of The Planes in work and I have come to the conclusion it is one of the best books available for D&D 3rd edition. Anyone agree?
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    Smite good!

    I was looking through the fiendish template in the MM and I came to wonder how a creature would use its smite good ability if it has no ability to determine if the attacker is good. How do you lot deal with this?
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    Thank god for the 1st ammendment

    Link removed. Thank god for the 1st ammendment!! :D
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    (OT) Lol

    http://people.freenet.de/freeek/SajjadAli.swf Man this is funny. Watch it all the way through with speakers up. This will test your mettle.
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    Gay men or women who play D&D

    HI, Do any of you know any gay men or women playing D&D? The reason I ask is I am doing a project for School about people in minorities with passtimes considered "out there" , Like Black Mothers who are Hypnotists or Disabled Chinese kids who are trainspotters. It is an interesting subject...
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    Gencon Uk

    Anybody going to GENCON UK? I wanna get there and be able to speak to somebody as this will be the first time I have been.
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    How gutted am I. I have just put the finishing touches to the start of a campaign in the Silver Marches only to find out that a campaign book "Silver Marches" is to be released in the next week or so. "Why dont you wait until the book comes out?" I hear you all holler. I have had the players...
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    Exposure to elements

    Does anybody think that any form of Exposure to the elements i.e heat or cold should do the same proportional damage to a 1st level character as to a 20th level character. I mean its not like combat damage where you can argue that the ability to avoid or soak up damage is earned through...
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    DM techniques

    When running D&D how do you DMs manage low level adventures. When starting an adventure do you give the players choices or do you say here is the adventure, just do it, and if the adventurers dont pick that path say goodnight and go home early?