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Search results

  1. MadLordOfMilk

    What religious pantheon do you use?

    Though it never really interested me before, I've recently become intrigued by how people handle religion and deities in their D&D games, especially as I'm not sure what to go with for my next campaign. So, ENWorld-goers, I'd like to pick your brains a bit! What religious pantheon, if any, do...
  2. MadLordOfMilk


    Clicking the "Messageboards" drop-down causes it to actually go off of my screen to the right. If it's relevant, my screen resolution is 1280x800, and I'm using Firefox 3.6.8. The navigation at the top says "Gamer Seeking Gamers" rather than "Gamers Seeking Gamers". It's missing an 's' in the...
  3. MadLordOfMilk

    Starting a new campaign, with new players

    In a couple weeks, I'm going to be starting up a new campaign, with a number of players more or less new to the game. While a new campaign is nothing new to me personally, a few circumstances change things up a bit: I'll be running it at a weekly club at my university, so other campaigns will...
  4. MadLordOfMilk

    Dice Roller

    The dice roller is, err, almost exactly the same as the one on the WotC website, images and all. Not to be that guy, but was permission obtained for that? It just seems weird to me that there isn't any sort of link to the source, or even a copyright notice for legal reasons.
  5. MadLordOfMilk

    My sub ran out, but I can still access D&D Insider...

    Well, this is rather odd: my D&D Insider subscription ran out on June 21st, getting the "subscription ran out" confirmation email and everything, but I'm still able to access DDI content. Haven't tried to update the character builder (no update!), but I'm able to get at the compendium and...
  6. MadLordOfMilk

    Using Eberron in Other RPG Systems

    If you were to use Eberron in a system other than D&D 3.5/4e, what would you consider the key/"core" elements of it that should be reflected? What, to you, really gives the setting its feeling? What are some things you'd like to see custom rules made for? I love Eberron and have been...
  7. MadLordOfMilk

    Giving Out Magic Items

    If there's one thing that irks me about D&D 4e, it's that magic items are assumed. I know, I know, it's good for balance, but I hate having to pick out magic items. There are just too damn many of them! :( Not only that, there's all the bookkeeping of who needs what item slots filled, who...
  8. MadLordOfMilk

    Pathfinder 1E Learning Pathfinder - help!

    So, I offered to run some Pathfinder games for friends after grabbing the core rulebooks, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it. Though I've played 3.5 a bit, I'd hardly consider myself an expert, and I've never actually DMed it. My main issue is that I simply cannot absorb a...
  9. MadLordOfMilk

    Running PHB Only

    I have a love-hate relationship with all of the support for 4e. On one hand, yay, lots of new content and fixes! On the other hand, the game keeps changing constantly, and I feel far too out of touch with the "current" 4e. So, I was considering running my games with just the PHB! :D I really...
  10. MadLordOfMilk

    Preparing when you have no idea what the PCs will do

    (Note: For system-specific stuff, I usually run D&D 4e) Sometimes, I haven't the faintest where the PCs will go or what they will do in an upcoming session. Pre-writing encounters almost borders on pointless/incredibly difficult, because I don't know what'll come up. Trying to figure out story...
  11. MadLordOfMilk

    Burning Oil

    How does this sound for ruling burning oil? That is, dousing an area with oil and setting it on fire. Keep in mind, it'll take most characters multiple actions to do anything useful with it. (Yes, I'm aware that, technically, Prestidigitation has a clause about not dealing damage. It costs a...
  12. MadLordOfMilk

    Getting Out of the Dungeon (Or, "Help! I'm a DM who uses nothing but dungeons!")

    After some reflections on my DMing, I realized something: 97% of what I throw my players against takes place in some sort of dungeon or underground location. Sure, it's easy to throw together, and simple enough to define the constraints. But as fun as dungeons are, I need a bit more variety! My...
  13. MadLordOfMilk

    Running Away

    One thing almost never happens in one of my groups, but happened left and right in a group I ran a one-shot with: hauling ass. Sometimes, it's just more expedient to get out of the bad situation; after all, if the only thing at stake in this battle is dying, and running away seems very...
  14. MadLordOfMilk

    So... where can I print out PDFs?

    So, I've come to realize that due to copyright concerns, the Fedex/Kinkos near me is not the place to go to print out a PDF. See, after I asked about it at the counter, they said I need some proof that I have permission to print a copy of the PDF. The problem is, a number of free and...
  15. MadLordOfMilk

    I need an adventure hook, fast!

    I'm planning on running a paragon tier one-shot adventure Wednesday night with my D&D group, but I'm drawing a complete blank for adventure ideas! We've been playing in a heroic tier Eberron campaign, but we decided a paragon one-shot would be a nice break :) There'll be 7 players (not counting...
  16. MadLordOfMilk

    Cheap RPG-themed gifts?

    I'm looking to get something cool for my players for the holiday season, but I'm trying to keep from spending *too* much on it, especially as I have 6 players in my current campaign. Suddenly, a lot of cool ideas turned expensive when I multiplied the price by six :eek: (Seven, if I want a copy...
  17. MadLordOfMilk

    I love DMing, but I like playing too! :(

    OK, I'm exaggerating, but time and time again I've heard the following: someone volunteers to be the GM for an RPG, and every single time they play with their friends in the future, they're "stuck" GMing. Now, certainly, this is painting it grimly; after all, GMing is a blast! However, it seems...
  18. MadLordOfMilk

    Miniature D&D Books!?

    I was at my girlfriend's house running a game, and her father, upon seeing the D&D Basic rulebook I'd brought, pulled out these little miniature D&D books. In the back is a regular D&D Basic Rulebook (Moldvay B/X if anyone's curious), and the mini versions are on top... the Basic Rulebook, a...
  19. MadLordOfMilk

    Creativity vs Imagination: At what point is it no longer "role playing"?

    After having a conversation online with my friend, this question came up: at what point does "your character can do this, this, and this" go from a "useful tool" to no longer being roleplaying? For the context, here's the conversation. It was originally about the complexities of RPG systems in...
  20. MadLordOfMilk

    Improving as a DM?

    One thing I'd really like to do is improve my DMing skills. With D&D 4e, I've really taken to DMing :D I've read the 4e DMG front-to-back, looked through KotS, read Dungeon every month, etc. I now have a couple months of DMing experience under my belt, which has certainly helped to make things...