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  1. Uber Dungeon

    Kickstarter TRAP DICE by Uber Dungeon on Kickstarter

    Hello everyone, I'd like to introduce you to the Trap Die and corresponding Damage Type Dice. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/674224459/d12-trap-dice?ref=18t7f0
  2. Uber Dungeon

    Dice Bags: By Uber Dungeon

    Hello everyone, I would like to invite you to check out our Dice bag Kickstarter. These self standing dice bags are made with high quality upholstery suede. While most bags are lined with cotton or silky material we use black Twill Fabric because over time it wont give out on you. We use metal...
  3. Uber Dungeon

    OGL core rulebook Images

    This might be a silly question and the answer is probably no because I think the images are probably copyright of the artist... So in my project under the Open Gaming Licence can I use say the Image of the fighter in the class chapter? -Thank you in advance.
  4. Uber Dungeon

    Specialized damage type dice

    Hey everyone, In case you are interested in specialized damage dice for your different damage types, I'm planning to launch a kickstarter for them in early to mid June 2016. You can like and share the facebook page to keep updated on it's launch. https://www.facebook.com/UberDungeon/
  5. Uber Dungeon

    Getting a Pathfinder Roleplaying game Compatible Logo +OGL licence

    I've been working with my group for a very long time on custom classes and other custom rules. We are looking to put it all together and publish it but we don't want to hit any road bumps like Issues with and OGl Licence. I have done research and I think I understand most of it. I understand...
  6. Uber Dungeon

    Custom Made Dice Bags

    Hello, If you are in need of a dice bag or a gift, My dice bags are master work so check them out on Etsy "Uber Dungeon" . The Image included shows just a few of my pre-designed bags for sell. I make them with high quality suede and they are self standing. I Make all my embroidery from scratch...
  7. Uber Dungeon

    Professional Dungeon Master/ story tellers getting paid!!

    So I've been reading around the internet and I've come across a few blogs about professional DM stories and discussion about getting paid for your DMing skills. Has anyone else hird of this? Anyone know how or where to start for entering such a profession?
  8. Uber Dungeon

    Input wanted: what would a good or Evil outsider geas/quest someone to do?

    I have given a player a Flute the summons a random outsider Good or Evil... Neutral will be randomly one or the other. I need to create a random roller of about 20+ Good Acts and/or Evil Acts. Here is what I got so far. Evil Deeds/Acts (As deemed by the book of vile darkness and book of...
  9. Uber Dungeon

    Pathfinder 1E two bards in a party... yeah (advice) how would you deal with it.

    here is the situation two of my players R playing bards. originally the two characters they created are from a game that we started several years ago, the ruling that was made for the game is that their music would stack regardless of that the actual rule is that they do not. since then we have...
  10. Uber Dungeon

    Photoshop template For World Maps help :D

    So I have been using CC3 for making my world maps and in my last nearly 2 years of experience with it, it's like basking my head into a brick wall... again and again... Anyways, I was scrolling through the forum looking for best map making software and someone suggested Photoshop and posted a...
  11. Uber Dungeon

    Homebrew class Feed back. Pact Mage (Onmyouji)

    My group and I have been watching Fairy tail, a character in it can summon Celestial creatures (outsiders) but doesn't have any magic of her own, witch was the origin of the concept that started this class. Discussing it with my group I have evolved the concept into this, the name is not...
  12. Uber Dungeon

    Giantbane Feat, does Death from Below function on any size creature.

    As the title states I had this brought to my attention "Death from Below" in the Giantbane tactical feat from CW. It gives 3 different ability's, one being Death from Below, witch does not state that there is a size requirement like the other two ability's do. Does this meant that a medium...
  13. Uber Dungeon

    Dragonborn optimization help.

    I am starting a new 3e game soon, Starting at the 6th level. I have decided that I will be dragonborn. My initial race however is undecided. I was thinking maybe lesser Aasimar. Preferably no level adjustment. As for class, it has to be melee, I considered duskblade but currently i'm looking...
  14. Uber Dungeon

    Pathfinder 1E porcupine, dire. quills. do they stack?

    So that's the question. When a porcupine hits with it's tail it lodges 1d6 quills in the flesh of said target. Then the description continues to state that A lodged quill imposes a –1 circumstance penalty to attacks, saves, and checks. Does this mean that if I rolled that there are 6 quills...
  15. Uber Dungeon

    Skill Based spell casting, Balancing

    I just recently read a few threads about skill based spell casting, Including a few Anime based rpgs with that sort of spell casting. I discussed it with my group and we are going to use a skill based spell casting, I wanted to keep it simple. What we discussed. -All Spell levels (1st-9th)...
  16. Uber Dungeon

    most powerful non wizard sorcerer spells?

    I'm building a sorcerer character, I am planning to take "arcane disciple" as my first feet. so I'm wondering, what is the most powerful I can get from the full list of 3.0 and 3.5 cleric domains? I'm allowed to use any material from 3.0 3.5 and Pathfinder
  17. Uber Dungeon

    Campaign Cartographer 3, whats better?

    I used Campaign Cartographer 3 about a year ago to make my campaign map. My friend has a copy he got so his DM would make maps. It crashes allot... I like what I've been able to make with it and I may be buying it for Christmas. :D I was reading around and what I really REALLY want is the...
  18. Uber Dungeon

    Changeling Cantrip Cards, are they worth having?

    I just recently found a sealed box of changeling cantrip cards on ebay. I remember buying these as a kid and being angry that they wore big and not x-man cards... Anyways I have been wanting these for my WOD games and even D&D. The last time I saw then for sell on the internet it was $20.00 a...
  19. Uber Dungeon

    Need an open gaming licance

    Ad stated,l need an 3.5 ogl, My frirnds and I are looking at writing adventures and publishing and selling them. can anyone point me to a link with the information i'd need to publisj d20 meterial such as campaign settings, GAME supplemens, basically like swords and sorcory did back in the day.
  20. Uber Dungeon

    Pathfinder 1E Ultimate Campaign (Mass Combat Questions)

    So I just got the Ultimate Campaign book and read over the mass combat rules. Not sure if I got it or not, I decided to print out the army sheet and go back through the book and fill it out as I go. So before I even get that far, I'm filling out the top witch wants my Cha mod, proe. soldier...