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  1. F

    Pathfinder 1E How to deal with high AC PCs

    Hello folks. I'm an experienced DM in D&D, and now also Pathfinder. However, I've noticed that in the latter, it's even easier to boost AC even at the lower levels than before. Armor, especially medium (as well as full-plate) has become better, and Fighters are better at using it increasing...
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    Flat-footed, surprise and initative.

    Hey These issues have come up repeatedly in my and others' games: When is someone flat-footed, and why? By RAW everyone is flat-footed until they act in a round. This does not correlate with the common definition of flat-footed (not to be confused with flat feet), which is to be surprised...
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    Sorry if this has been discussed to death, but I don't have the "privilege" to search these forums so here it is anyway: How does tumble work? DCs are ok, erhm I mean understandable, but it is not described how they work if you fail. 1. What happens if you try and fail to tumble out of a...
  4. F

    Magus, touch attacks and Elemental Touch

    Hey I was looking at the spell Elemental Touch, and then at the Spellstrike ability of the Magus class. It says "At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list,(...)" Elemental Touch has ironically range "personal." Does it mean it cannot be...
  5. F

    Weak fighters and armor

    Hello While considering dex-based fighter builds I was suddenly struck by a notion: What happens if you are encumbered by weight but ignore the encumbrance of armor? I'm talking of the fighter's Armor Training ability of course. It allows you to move at full speed while wearing medium and...
  6. F

    Pathfinder 1E Hatred Domain in Pathfinder?

    Hey I am DMing a PF game set in Kalamar, that uses a bunch of 3.0 Domains. So far I've been able to use the PF domains just fine, even the subdomains (Trade, Rune etc.) but I have found no equivalent of Hatred Domain. Does anyone have this or can think of what powers to use? The spell list is...
  7. F

    Domain spells, arcane spells?

    Hey This question is really regarding 3.5 but I think it would be the same for pathfinder. Now as you know quite a few Prestige Classes requires "able to cast x level arcane/divine spells. The question is what qualifies as an arcane spell? Domains: Some domains grant spells which are from...
  8. F

    Redundant Rogue Talents? And Major Magic.

    Hello I was reading up on the Rogue class, amazed at the potential of their Arcana abilities. Sure it takes 4th level to get there but is anyone else impressed by the fact that Rogues can now get say Shield 2/day? And this for a class that often gets two-weapon fighting and sneak attacks...
  9. F

    Simultaneous actions?

    Hey eveyone. I was thinking a bit about actions in 3.5 and Pathfinder. Normal combat is seperated by initative scores. A does his actions, then B, then C etc. The only exception is Ready actions, interrupts, and AoOs. And the occasional DM that likes to have his minions act at the same time to...
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    Hello I'm starting a game in the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. Here Hobgoblins and even half-Hobgoblins are playable races. Now their attributes have been balanced to 3.0 D&D, but I would like to make them ok for Pathfinder as well. Hobgoblins I think I will keep as MM except apply a -2...
  11. F

    Too bad they didn't have glasses back then...

    Hey despite the steamlining of the D&D system, there are still some quirks that have not been fixed. One of them is the fact that creatures in this game has a hard time seeing anything past 100 feet. Actually spotting something kilometers away is simply impossible using the Perception rules...